Develop a 7-page process improvement plan for a provided scenario or a business and process of your choice, using data to support your recommendations.
This portfolio work project, a process improvement plan, will help you demonstrate competencies in process documentation, process analysis, and process improvement.
For this assessment, choose either Option 1 or Option 2. You do not need to do both. You will apply one of these scenarios in the Requirements below. Both options will be graded using the same scoring guide.
Option 1
Wild Dog Coffee Company, a locally owned company with a single coffee shop location, serves a wide selection of espresso products, small breakfast and lunch menu items, and a limited evening menu. The company is planning to expand the business by adding an additional location. While different menu items may be tested at the new location, the espresso beverage preparation process will remain exactly the same. The company wants to ensure that the espresso beverage preparation process is documented and refined before the move.
Option 2
Select a business and process of your choosing. Note: It is recommended that you use the same business for each assessment in this course. Before choosing a company, read all three of the assessments thoroughly to ensure the following:

The company fits the assessment requirements and you have access to the information needed to complete the assessment.
The business information is disclosed in the assessment for faculty’s reference.
You can distribute the business data without disclosing confidential information.

Contact faculty with questions.
Your Role
Option 1
You are one of three owners of Wild Dog Coffee Company. Your background is primarily in operations. Your business partners’ backgrounds are in marketing and sales. While they are working on the external aspects of the business that will bring customers in, you are focused on making the internal customer-facing processes as efficient as possible. You are preparing an analysis and recommendations that will help manage a core process improvement for the successful opening of a second location.
Option 2
Your boss, a director, has tasked you with a process improvement project. She is relying on you to prepare an analysis and recommendations that can be presented to the executive team of the company.
Include the following in your process improvement plan:

Assess the steps for a selected process.

Develop a flowchart showing the process’ steps. You may include as many steps as are relevant for your selected scenario.
If using Wild Dog Coffee Company, show the steps for preparing an espresso beverage (for example, latté, cappuccino); there are two steps that must be included: (1) order is submitted and (2) beverage is handed to the customer. Hint: You may want to visit a local coffee shop to observe the beverage preparation process.

Prepare a procedure documenting the selected process. At a minimum, the procedure must document the following for your selected process:

Metrics. Identify at least two metrics that will be useful in determining how well the new process is performing. Be sure to identify the target value of the metric and how you will measure it.

For Wild Dog Coffee Company, it could be how well the beverage preparation process is performing. A third metric is already identified for you: order delivery time. (This is the time between when the order is submitted and the time the beverage is handed to the customer.)

Procedure. This section describes each step of the process.

For Wild Dog Coffee Company, your procedure should be titled, “Espresso Beverage Preparation Process.” Be sure to include order submittal and handing the beverage to the customer as part of the procedure.

Purpose (of the procedure). This section describes what the procedure is intended to do.

Analyze data for process changes for a selected process. Respond to the following questions:

Is the process centered? Provide the results of your calculations and the rationale for your decision by thinking about the process capability.
Is the process capable at 3-sigma? Provide the results of your calculations and the rationale for your decision by thinking about the process capability index.
Is the process in statistical control? Provide the appropriate numbers and the rationale for your decision using a control chart for individuals.
For Wild Dog Coffee Company, analyze the Beverage Service Times [XLSX] data. This data is for 50 beverage preparation events and was collected using their order processing system. Each individual order gets a time-stamp when it is placed and again when the beverage is handed to the customer. The senior barista thinks the beverage delivery times should range between 2 and 3 minutes. The known process standard deviation, which has been calculated on an on-going basis, is 0.5903 minutes.

Analyze the cause and effect of process variances.

Brainstorm possible sources of variation to create a cause-and-effect diagram to help analyze potential sources of variation in the espresso beverage preparation process at Wild Dog Coffee Company or for your selected business’ process. Your diagram must include at least four of the “6 Ms” (that is, management, manpower, method, measurement, machine, materials).

Recommend quality and customer service improvements for a selected process.

Detail the results of your analysis for Wild Dog Coffee Company or your selected business’ process to substantiate your recommendations.

Deliverable Format

The process improvement plan is to be a minimum of 7 pages, not including the title, reference, and appendix pages.
Use a process improvement plan template of your choice.

Related company standards:

The process improvement plan is a professional document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines (available in the MBA Program Resources), including single-spaced paragraphs.
In addition to the title and reference pages, include the following in the appendix:

Detailed results of order delivery time analysis.
Cause-and-effect diagram.

Use American Society for Quality (ASQ) data analysis tools and 2–3 additional scholarly or academic sources where applicable.
Use APA formatting for citations and references.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze how operations management theories and models effect the development and delivery of products or services to the marketplace.

Assess the steps for a selected process.

Competency 2: Use logistics and supply chain management tools to manage the distribution of products and services.

Prepare a procedure documenting a selected process.

Competency 3: Use data to evaluate the effect of operations management decisions on organizational goals.

Analyze data for process changes for a selected process.
Analyze the cause and effect of process variances.

Competency 4: Evaluate the effectiveness of operations management strategies to achieve quality and customer service goals.

Recommend quality and customer service improvements for a selected process.

Competency 5: Communicate business needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders.

Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional.


Assess the steps for a selected process.
Does not identify the steps for a selected process.
Identifies but does not assess the steps for a selected process.
Assesses the steps for a selected process.
Assesses the steps for a selected process and identifies key steps relevant for the scenario within the process flowchart.

Prepare a procedure documenting a selected process.
Does not explain a procedure documenting a selected process.
Explains but does not prepare a procedure documenting the selected process.
Prepares a procedure documenting a selected process.
Prepares a procedure documenting a selected process and summarizes its purpose, the steps, and metrics measuring performance.

Analyze data for process changes for a selected process.
Does not describe data for process changes for a selected process.
Describes but does not analyze data for process changes for a selected process.
Analyzes data for process changes for a selected process.
Evaluates data for process changes for a selected process, including sources to support rationale.

Analyze the cause and effect of process variances.
Does not describe the cause and effect of process variances.
Describes but does not analyze the cause and effect of process variances.
Analyzes the cause and effect of process variances.
Evaluates the cause and effect of process variances, including management, manpower, method, measurement, machine, and materials.

Recommend quality and customer service improvements for a selected process.
Does not identify quality and customer service improvements for a selected process.
Identifies but does not recommend quality and customer service improvements for a selected process.
Recommends quality and customer service improvements for a selected process.
Recommends quality and customer service improvements for a selected process and summarizes key points to support recommendations that meet the business’ goals.

Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional.
Writing does not support a central idea. Does not use correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional.
Writing supports an idea but is inconsistent and contains major errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics.
Writes coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional.
Writing is coherent and consistently appropriate, using evidence to support a central idea and with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional.