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American History Scrapbook
Description: This is a research-based course that requires you to identify critical events in American History, summarize those events and create a time-line to illustrate your findings. One of your responsibilities is to cite the resources you use in creating your timeline. If you have questions please contact us at

Understand how contemporary American society depends on the contributions of past societies and cultures
Compare major individuals, events, and characteristics of periods in American history
Understand current and historic events from the perspective of diverse cultural and ethnic groups
Compare the American ethnic cultures, past and present, including their political and economic systems
Identify causes and effects of various changes in American historical development
Explain the uniqueness of the American people as a synthesis of various cultures

Task: Create a time-line of American History events from the Westward Expansion Era to the present. Create this timeline is a Word document.
For your scrapbook you must include the following:

Identify the 3 most important events for each of the eras listed below.
Create a bullet list with the year(s) and a one-three sentence summary of each event you identified that includes the impact and implications of that specific event on American history.

a. Simply stated, what may or may not have happened because of this event?
b. How did this event influence the course of American History?

Include your works cited

and so forth for each era listed below.
Follow this format:
1. Era title
a. event #1, with impact and implications
b. event #2, with impact and implications
c. event #3, with impact and implications
d. works cited
The Frontier West–Indians, miners, cowboys, and farmers and how their interactions opened up the western half of the continent
Federal Government Land Policy 1850-1900— Railroads, cattle companies, agricultural students, and homesteaders all benefited from a series of laws that distributed federal lands in the last half of the 19th century. Biggest losers: American Indians, who saw over half of their lands (usually the best half) taken by whites
American Industrialization–The owners, workers, machines, and ideas that helped form the American industrial empire
Gilded Age Politics–In a dreary time of party politics and economic disaster, the Populists energized America and helped promote William Jennings Bryan, an orator of prodigious power
American Imperialism 1877-1914–As American industrial might grew, the desire to expand to international markets and the emergence of a new manifest destiny led to adventures and misadventures close to home (Mexico) and far away (China)
Spanish-American War–A summary of the important background, major events, and results of the Spanish-American War (1898)
The Progressive Era–Seeking to create a just society through governmental action, direct democracy, and volunteerism, Progressives challenge traditional American ways of thinking and governing
U.S. Involvement in World War I–Events that helped move the U.S. from a neutral to a belligerent stand in a horrible and costly war
World War I’s Aftermath: Attack on Civil Liberties and Betrayal at Versailles 1918-1920— Wilson’s idealistic quest for a “war to end all wars” ends disastrously in France while civil liberties are squelched in America
The Roaring Twenties–The decade of the 1920s was marked with disillusionment, conservative Republican presidents, and major social and technological changes
The Great Depression— America’s most serious economic downturn had many causes and brought a decade of personal and national hardships
New Deal Programs–The series of controversial programs instituted by Franklin Roosevelt’s administrations to counteract the effects of the Great Depression
American Foreign Policy Between the World Wars–A growing isolationism marked America’s response to totalitarian advances in Europe and Asia
American Involvement in World War II–A quick look at the key events and battles of World War II
The Home Front During World War II–The industrial might of the U.S. was a major factor in turning the tide for the Allies. In addition, the U.S. faced issues of propaganda, racism, and women’s roles
World War II Conferences & Treaties–From the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact which sacrificed Poland to the Potsdam Conference which brought the nuclear age to reality, World War II witnessed several significant conferences and treaties
Origins of the Cold War–The early years of the competition between the U.S. and the Soviet Union and the fears it raised at home
The Second Red Scare–Pursuing Hollywood stars, State Department staffers, and one Army dentist, the communist-hunting groups of the late ’40s and early ’50s put a chill on American politics
Key Events in the Korean War–The “temporary” division of Korea between Americans and Soviets becomes permanent as a result of Cold War tensions that result in war
Key Events in the American Civil Rights Movement –A brief overview of some major events in the civil rights struggle in the United States
1960s: The Tumultuous Decade–From Camelot to cynicism, the 1960s witnessed American society pull apart due to a number of forces, including racial tension, the Vietnam War, and student protest
The Vietnam War –Trace America’s involvement from World War II to defeat in 1975
A Chronology of the Watergate Crisis–President Nixon won 49 out of 50 states in the 1972 election, yet resigned in disgrace in August 1974 because of the cover up of the series of crimes, errors, and actions that came to be known as “Watergate”
Recent American History –A brief summary of the major domestic and foreign events that have helped shape America since Watergate