minimum 750 words; no maximum)
Technology is often the product of people and their circumstances, yet its influence also far surpasses its immediate environment. This understanding of technology helps to explain the resulting changes

human behavior that occur over time, especially when one considers the historical periods involved in the development and distributions of specific technologies.
In keeping with the idea that some technologies may possess inherent value-laden qualities, consider how the invention of mechanized timekeeping devices (such as the mechanical clock)

have radically changed
human behavior over the last 1000 years.
For this assignment, explain the historical context and cultural traditions which led to the development of the mechanical clock. Do research on how the development and adoption of the mechanical clock in Europe later affected the United States. Be sure to give examples. Then, consider your own experience with a form of

timekeeping. Consider the influence that precision in accurate

has had upon your own behavior, both in your everyday life and especially as an engineer.
In your write up, be sure to:
1. Describe the history of the mechanical clock, including at least one influence that led to its development (e.g., historical, cultural, religious, social, economic, political).
2. Explain how the mechanical clock gave rise to the concept of

3. Explain how precision in accurate timekeeping affected human behavior in both Europe and the United States. Give examples.
4. Think about how

timekeeping has affected your own behavior, both in your everyday life and especially as an engineer. That is, consider the importance of measuring time with accuracy and precision that makes possible your training as an engineer.
Write an essay that addresses the questions above. When you respond to these questions, you should be specific and cite specific details from the readings, class lectures, and your own research. You may provide references

your own research, but only in addition to material provided by the course. Also, you should make sure to cite your sources in your response and include a reference list at the end of your essay. Citations must be from reputable sources. Sites like Wikipedia, about.com, etc.

NOT considered acceptable sources.
Higher credit will be given for responses that show evidence of a systematic and comprehensive understanding of the topics involved.
You are encouraged to review the rubric for this assignment and make sure that you answer each question in detail and with specifics.
Correct use of English is a fundamental requirement for your papers to be graded. If errors in English make it difficult for a grader to understand your sentences, or excessively slow down the grader to mark your technical errors, your paper will be returned to you for further work on its English, and your grade for the paper will be deferred until it is resubmitted with corrected English. If your assignment is returned for an excessive number of grammatical errors, you will be allowed to rewrite and resubmit it within two weeks of the original return date. If not resubmitted by the date set by your instructor, you will receive a zero (0) for the writing assignment.
Standard font, preferably Arial in either 11pt or 12pt.
MLA, APA, or any other format is acceptable provided that it is consistent through the entire paper. Please, no cover sheets.


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis

20.0 pts

is clear and coherent throughout the entire paper.

17.0 pts

is clear and coherent throughout most of the paper.

14.0 pts

is intelligible, but needs work.

10.0 pts

is unclear or incoherent.

6.0 pts

is missing.

0.0 pts
No observable effort in writing a thesis.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHistory of the Mechanical Clock

20.0 pts
History of the mechanical clock and influences upon its development

clear and relevant.

17.0 pts
History of the mechanical clock and influences upon its development

sufficiently clear and relevant.

14.0 pts
History of the mechanical clock and influences upon its development

intelligible, but need work.

10.0 pts
History of the mechanical clock and influences upon its development

unclear or irrelevant.

6.0 pts
History and influences are missing.

0.0 pts
No observable effort in telling history.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe Clock, Europe, and the USA.

20.0 pts
Explanation of the clock’s influence

Europe and the USA is clear and detailed.

17.0 pts
Explanation of the clock’s influence

Europe and the USA is sufficiently clear and detailed.

14.0 pts
Explanation of the clock’s influence

Europe and the USA is intelligible, but needs work.

10.0 pts
Explanation of the clock’s influence

Europe and the USA is unclear and irrelevant.

6.0 pts

is missing.

0.0 pts
No observable effort in explaining.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonal Reflection

20.0 pts
Reflection upon the influence of

timekeeping, in both one’s personal life and as an engineer, is clear and detailed.

17.0 pts
Reflection upon the influence of

timekeeping, in both one’s personal life and as an engineer, is sufficiently clear and detailed.

14.0 pts
Reflection upon the influence of

timekeeping is intelligible, but needs work.

10.0 pts
Reflection upon the influence of

timekeeping is unclear and lacks detail.

6.0 pts
Reflection is missing.

0.0 pts
No observable effort in reflecting.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEssay


20.0 pts
Executes on spelling, grammar, and paragraph structure perfectly.

17.0 pts
Executes on spelling, grammar, and paragraph structure nearly perfectly.

14.0 pts
Executes on spelling, grammar, and paragraph structure intelligibly.

10.0 pts
Pervasive problems in spelling, grammar, sentence and/or paragraph structure.

6.0 pts
Enough pervasive problems in spelling, grammar, sentence and/or paragraph structure to make overall essay very difficult to understand.

0.0 pts
No observable effort in essay mechanics.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSLO 2: Influences on U.S. culture
threshold: 3.0 pts

5.0 ptsExceeds Expectations

3.0 ptsMeets Expectations

0.0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations


Total Points: 100.0