Please write two paragraphs Persuasive Speech – Brainstorm using Rhetorical situations (See the attached file as a guide), take part in this conversation as follows.
Identify a rhetorical situation from the resources available in Rhetorical situations. Please feel free to be impulsive or deliberative in your choice. Perhaps a knee-jerk reaction to a news story would be useful. Perhaps it requires thought and reflection- choose whatever method works for you.
Consider: what persuasive speech topics does the rhetorical situation generate? Do they suggest a claim that you can articulate now? Is it a topic for debate. Write it down.
Follow-up conversation is expected!

Your post should include the rhetorical situation, the source, and your thoughts on a topic. A good length for this is two paragraphs.

Below are some Students Brainstorm Examples for your reference.
You need to do as same as any one of the below example:
Topic: College cheating scandal
Source: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
A group of wealthy parents allegedly paid a college prep organization to take the SAT/ACT in place of their children or to change their answers. Another part of this scandal was bribing college coaches to take in their children as recruits. I think this whole situation is very sad because there are people out there that work very hard and cannot afford college. These parents are not setting a good example for their children. What are they teaching their kids by buying their way through life? The parents should have used their money to get them a good education so that they had the actual abilities to get accepted into these colleges. I would argue that the children should not be punished for such fraudulent behaviors from their parents. Olivia Jade who is Lori Loughlin’s daughter was stripped away from her many sponsorships because of this scandal. Yes, the children were probably aware of what their parents were doing, but I just feel as if the children should not be as punished. Now Olivia’s life is ruined forever because of this scandal. The parents need to be held 100 percent responsible for these scandals.

Topic: Vaping
Claim: Many think vaping is better than smoking, however, it is just as or more dangerous.
Source: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Vaping came to be in 2006 and has only gotten more and more popular. The JUUL, which came out in 2015, is a product that goes along with vaping. When these forms of E-Cigarettes began to be sold, they advertised themselves as a way to help people quit smoking and a way to decrease death and diseases caused by traditional cigarettes, however, it is been proved that vaping has started to affect a large number of teens, getting a new generation addicted to nicotine and smoking. So, vaping has solved the problem for the adults smoking but has made it fun and easy for teens.
It is true that vaping involves a safer way to ingest tobacco, but it comes with serious health concerns. E-cigarettes drastically increase the risk for inhalation of terrible chemicals, a stroke, or a heart attack. These objects also come with the risk of exploding, which could lead to the loss of body parts such as eyes, tongues, or teeth, third-degree burns, holes in the roof of the mouth, and even death.
Even though vaping is newer, and Americans tend to think newer means better, does not mean that it is safer than smoking cigarettes.

THIRD STUDENTS (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
This is the rhetorical situation that I came across. So, basically, this woman killed her 9-year-old daughter, and now she is a convicted felon. I’m not too sure how this could be a persuasive speech, but I do think that it is sick how people can give birth to people and then turn around and kill them. This also reminds me of the time that a guy that went to Plainfield Central killed both of his parents when they were coming to pick him up for spring/winter break (I can’t remember which one). I also don’t know how that could be a persuasive speech, but I also think that it is sort of a mental health thing and that we should really pay more attention to mental health issues because there are people struggling with it, and very few people address it.

Topic: 2nd Amendment
Source: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Ever since the rise of school shootings, the question of whether or not the 2nd amendment should be changed. I feel as if the 2nd amendment should always stand as a right to United States citizens, although there should be drastic change, such as stronger background checks, shorter ammo clips and not be able to buy assault rifles. Why must we have individuals suffering far more than they should? I agree with the fact when the author states that the purchase of firearms should be regulated. Yes, every individual has the right to their own arms, but I also feel as if a mentally ill person or any individual should not be able to purchase a gun like an AR-15 what is meant for killing.

You need to do as same as any one of the above example in 2 paragraphs
Due date March 21 before 6pm