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Frederick Wheeler
Public Speaking
Mr. Ismael Mario Perez
Informative Speech Outline
Nietzsche’s Will to Power
Why do you do what you do? What are you specifically asking for, or believe will happen when you make a decision? Everything is driven by reason or identifying what the ego can be enslaved to. Ego pushes the creativity centers of one’s will to power. We will dive into the manifestation of how our will can lead us to feel any emotion , which will enable us to grow into the true beings we are meant to become.
I: Background and History

Frederich Nietzsche

Born October 15th 1844, in a small town of Rocken, Germany.
His father was a Lutheran Minister, he passed when Frederich was five years old from a brain hemorrhage.
Attended the University of Lepzig.
Established a society devoted to the study of ancient texts, and wrote an essay on the Greek poet Theognis, which ended up being published in his academic journal, Rheinisches Museum.
Received the position of Professor of Greek Language and Literature at the University of Basel in Switzerland, at the age of 24.
He was a German philosopher of the late 19th Century.
His sister gathered his notes to create the book The Will to Power.

II: The Process

Nietzsche challenged the foundations of Christianity and traditional morality.

Interested in the enhancement of individual and cultural health.
Believed in life, creativity, power and down to earth realities.
Central philosophy is the idea of “life affirmation” the honest questioning of all doctrines.
Referred to as one of the first existentialist.

We predominantly do things because it makes us happy.
Dealing with survival methods on how to handle guilt, shame, love, and grief are psychological.
Survival doesn’t explain why we do things.
It’s not a will to happiness, life, it’s a will to power.
Power is becoming who you truly are, expressing yourself completely.
We are part of the animal kingdom, ecosystem, we aim to improve the quality of our lives.
Our brains allow us to consider many different options, these are ways of a will to power.
Looking closely at our own personal experience allows us to have access to the secrets of the universe.
Self overcoming various things in the external world like environmental conditions, or creative ideas that enslave human beings.
All of our wills to power do not always align with other persons will to power.
We don’t have control over outside worldly issues or people.
Responding and adapting to our internal world by using mindfulness mediation.
We can arrive at a stage of enlightenment, remove all the meaningless nonsense that can control us.
Work tirelessly to exceed any and all expectations by giving 100% effort regardless of outside issues.
We are always wanting more power, embrace the active risk taking path.
Vast majority don’t try because of fear or laziness.
Pain and hardship is a certainty in our existence.
Don’t let fear of failure destroy your happiness.
People run from the pain, instead, ask what purpose does this pain serve?
Going through intense hardship, struggles, can be the foundation blocks that lead to accomplishments.

It’s easy to manufacture a comfortable life which leads to the herd mentality.

No challenges in life.
Everything is given to you.
Nothing is earned.
Easily lead by creative ideas that can enslave your mind.

Living an uncomfortable life can lead to the master mentality.

You will not be satisfied with your current circumstances.
Make every effort to change what’s necessary.
Earn respect for yourself.
Embrace struggles.

It’s useful to look for eternity, analyzing our current lives and being who we are meant to be.

Loving someone and expecting nothing in return, is the true meaning of love.
Dealing with stress with dignity and grace to be an example to the people around you.
Analyzing religious beliefs and honestly asking yourself what it means to you.

The Will to Power contains host of fascinating views, connecting the process.
My historical example reference using a will to power is Bruce Lee.

Who said,”It’s like a sculptor who doesn’t keep adding clay to a statue, but strips away the inessentials until the truth is revealed.”
“Being able to express yourself completely without anything holding you back is very difficult to do.”
His martial arts style, Jeet Kune Do,(The way of the intercepting fist),was created by removing the fancy movements in the classical styles and using what is practical, or what would work in a real combat situation.
His interpretation of martial arts was frowned upon by many teachers of the classical styles.
Nietzsche’s interpretation of religious doctrines was frowned upon by many teachers of religion.

Metaphysics is considered one of the main branches of philosophy, and deals with questions concerning the nature of reality.
We must analyze our own desires, impulses, passions, which helps us learn more about reality.
Nietzsche provides a naturalistic explanation for the emergence of life.
The structure of will to power penetrates all models of existence.
Nietzsche’s spoke of “the death of God” and foresaw the dissolution of traditional religion and metaphysics.
He promoted a literary exploration of the human condition, calling for the rethinking of human existence, knowledge, and morality.”Becoming what one is”

III: Benefits

We can learn how to adapt to any present circumstance no matter what the emotion that comes with it, and honestly ask ourselves what it means to us.
We can develop a new level of creativity through an internal examination of our own lives.

I’ve discovered why I do what I do and it’s up to me to decide what’s important to me. My will to power depends my interpretation of what anything means to me.

Works Cited
Cavalier, Robert. Understanding Nietzsche’s “Will to Power.” Carnegie Mellon U, Accessed 1 October 2017.
“Episode 91, Nietzsche Part 2, The Will to Power.” Youtube, uploaded by Philosophize This!, 20 September 2017,
“Nietzsche and the Will to Power.” Youtube, uploaded by Academy of Ideas, 4 March, 2013,
Perez, Ismael. “Will to Power.” Youtube, uploaded by mariothesophist, 9 April 2012,
Roderick, Rick. “Nietzsche and the Will to Power.” Youtube, uploaded by The Partially Examined Life, 27 January 2012,
Wilkerson, Dale. “Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900).”
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Accessed 1 October 2017.