Measure how change has impacted your organization (or select one if you are not currently engaged in the security profession). The change can be technological, cross-cultural, or both. At a minimum, discuss three changes and judge the success of attempts to manage the change effectively. (750 words)
answer discussion thread (250 words per post)
post 1

The change management process is important for any organization. Organizations must be able to adapt to certain factors so they can continue to be successful in their industry. The goal of change management is to implement a new vision or strategy. Thus, the change management approach relies on transitioning the organization, team, or individuals from the current state to a different, desired future state (Levy,2011). Change no matter what will be a difficult process, but the change management organizational process will be aimed at making sure the employees embrace and accept the changes. By having employees embrace and accept the changes, organizations will be able to have the employees themselves change their work environments culture regarding the change (Levy,2011).
When an organization decides to change something within the organization it will not happen overnight. Additionally, if the organization has negative experiences regarding change they will not have a successful change management process. Thus, it is crucial that the organization has a past history of positive experiences regarding change (Nastase, Giuclea, & Bold, 2012). If the organization’s history has positive experiences regarding change with the employees they will have a strong attitude towards the change. Therefore, they will be able give up past habits, procedures, or mentalities and be confident that new transformation will be beneficial not only for the organization but themselves, as well. Even a small change in the organization that needs to be implemented on the same day will be easier if the organization has a history of positive change experiences: if not a quick solution change will not be able to get accomplished (Nastase et al., 2012).
I have experienced in the contracting world how workplace culture can play a huge factor in the change management process. One company, I was working with was starting to employee more third-country nationals on the contract. Some United States Nationals (USNs) were not happy about the decision. However, I believe the previous negative experiences regarding this change affected how the USNs were able to adjust to this cross-cultural work environment. The company implemented many changes that created a negative history regarding changes. Most of the USNs had experience working overseas but most of them were on previous contracts that would only allow USNs to be on contract. If the company had a positive experience history for change the transformation would have been a lot easier: positive and negative experiences regarding change will affect the workplace culture (Nastase et al., 2012). The other failure of the company in the change management process was not developing a plan for the change and waiting until the last minute before (a day before) the changed happened. It is necessary for any organization to develop a plan with the employees that creates awareness and responsiveness about the change (Nastase et al., 2012). Not including employees in the change is one of the worst strategies for any organization to do (SMCT 509,2019). Employees do not need to know all the details regarding the change but they should be made aware.
Another change that is affecting all security industries is technology.Industries are trading out technology for the human element, but the security industry will never be able to trade out technology for humans altogether. There is a wide array of security technologies a company can use now, and some security organizations are driving to replace their security personnel with technology: security devices should never be used as a standalone security option. (Prenzler, 2012). Security devices are intended to enhance security operations and make the security personnel more efficient at their tasks or duties (Malika,2018). A lot of organizations are incorporating security devices into their operational security plan. Sometimes employees can view this technology as a replacement or it can be unsettling for them;additionally, the employees may be reluctant about learning the technology.
When implementing technology into the operational security plan, all leaders at all levels need to embrace the new technology. By doing this it will motivate the rest of the institution to learn and get trained on the technology (Jones, Aguirre, & Calderone, 2004). Also, the leaders need to support the employees through the change process by making sure they can become subject matter experts with the new technology. Another crucial part of the change management process involves including everyone, at every layer, about the change process. Leader needs to be identified at every level. This will include individuals of the organization who are not actually “supervisors” on paper but just experienced employees. At each level of the organization, the leaders need to be identified and then trained on the company’s new vision or policy. Doing this will help equip others with the skills to execute the mission; This process will start a change process that will cascade throughout all of the organization (Jones, Aguirre, & Calderone, 2004).
Another change that I experienced while overseas is various policy or SOPs changes. Moreover, some of this policies or SOPs changes come from individuals that work outside the host country at the company’s headquarters (HQs). A lot of changes that have been implemented from the HQs have resulted in employees being disgruntled. Before, an organization implements a policy or SOP change that affects individuals working in a different area of responsibility (AOR) a strategic plan needs to be passed down. At the bare minimum, managers at the AOR should receive the new change (Duff,2011). Furthermore, it would even be more beneficial to get some feedback from the “regular guys”. The individuals who are low on the hierarchy are ultimately the ones who make the company successful. By doing this it will accomplish two objectives: 1.) no gaps or unnecessary changes will be overlooked in the plan 2.) people will feel more attached to the plan because they had an input (Duff,2017). This may sound redundant but communication is a crucial part of the change management process. Individuals should not be blindsided by change. Good communication will make the identifying, planning, onboarding, and executing the change management process successful; furthermore, this two-communication structure will allow employees to agree or disagree with what is working or what does not need to change. (Duff,2017).
Duff, V. (2011, June 19). How companies promote organizational change. Retrieved from…
Jones, J., Aguirre, D., & Calderone, M. (2004, April 15). 10 principles of change management. Retrieved from…
Levy, S. (2011). Change management leadership guide. Retrieved from…
Malika, J. (2018, August 13). Security technology: the evolution of guarding. Retrieved from…
Revista de Management Nastase, M., Giuclea, M., & Bold, O. (2012). The Impact of change management in organizations: A survey of methods and techniques for a successful change. Comparat International, 13(1), 5-16.
Prenzler, T. (2012). Policing and security in practice: Challenges and achievements.
SCMT 509 lesson 7. (2019). :Change management and the 21st Century security workplace

Post 2 (250 word response)
To discuss this week’s topic, I will have to be frank with my position, that of my warfighting function (Intelligence), and be open about the differences of the OPFOR in the 11thCavalry Regiment here at Fort Irwin in comparison to other Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs). I do need to state that this description is just my viewpoint over the last 2.5 years and is more angled at the prior than the present Command team. It is also admittedly jaded, so bear with me. In no way am I saying I am doing an awesome job and that others of my rank are doing bad. We just have different points of view.
The Army treats the 11th the near the same when it comes to assigning people to Fort Irwin, and for promotions within the Officer ranks post your time in the 11th. This has implications for individual’s futures for those within the dominant viewpoint in the Regiment and those that aren’t.
I am not in the dominant viewpoint. Most BCTs have a maneuver dominant viewpoint (Armor and Infantry jobs) but the Regiment is worse. There is no artillery or aviation point of view in the 11th to counter the points of view of maneuver ideas like there are in normal BCTs. The point of the 11th is to fight a laser tag game in the desert that makes the rest of the Army better when they come here to train. The fight is over the same ground over and over again.
My warfighting function, Intelligence, normally has three roles: predict and tell the story, collect / analyze / disseminate the story, and do garrison security (like we study in this class). How do you predict and tell the story when everyone knows how the story goes since it is a game? You can’t be effective. We are the most rural post in the lower 48, and due to 25 years of “rotation, rotation, rotation” not many care about garrison security. That leaves collection. So we do only a third of our job effectively in comparison to other BCTs. This means Intelligence also has little role in influence regarding the 11th.
This means as a whole when new things come up for the Regiment, if the ideas aren’t from maneuver organically or pushed by a four-star General, you can almost, almost forget about them. Over the last 2.5 years, there have been three subjects that my people (or myself directly) have worked on and near all have failed to different degrees: Cyber and the Electromagnetic Spectrum (CEMA), Information War (INFOWAR), and garrison security.
In all of these cases, Bashrum (2018) would describe the lack of acceptance to these projects as a lack of sharing authority for cross-cultural change. The organization has one Commander. In the past, that Commander has looked out for his own. Bashrum (2018) would also describe the organization as risk averse in that it does not necessarily deal with change internally unless it is forced upon them from outside. Bashrum (2018) could also explain the dominant point of view as having a collective mindset for cross-cultural change even though Officers are very individualistic when it comes to their careers. This group gets along tremendously, so long as you are one of them, and if you are an outsider to their mindset or a threat to their ability to get a top 50% on an evaluation, you have little say.
For CEMA and INFOWAR in the past, these two subjects were managed by one person who is a colleague of mine. He easily did the best individual job that one person could do as a Captain that I have ever seen in a staff position that was not trained how to do that job. His job was invalidated in the last month that the prior Commander was in charge, because that Commander said “I have stayed away from CEMA and INFOWAR for thirty years and it was not going to change anytime soon”. That Commander is now retired. These two subjects currently have acceptance within the organization due to a Change in Command, and we have just started this subject over again by getting new personnel by job in relation to the subject. Given these two subjects now have the force of a four-star behind them, they are now a priority. Of course, this was after my friend moved on to another job.
Last, for garrison security, I have established a program where there was not one at all. Every other BCT in the Army has had one for years. We did not have one due to “rotation, rotation, rotation” being important first for 25 years; so much so that after this time our fences have fallen into disrepair. By default, I am managing the largest physical security repair in the history of the National Training Center. This is a great thing, and has support from higher when asked, but in general even this is not even a blip on the radar because of the rotation. For the management of the Arms Rooms, the head of security for the Directorate of Emergency Services has told me that our Arms Rooms are in better shape than they’ve been in a decade, directly due to my diligence. I have had to manage this individually through force of will and the program will likely fall into disrepair after I leave because the collective mindset, risk aversion, and lack of sharing authority for cross-cultural management regarding why we are here comes first.
Bashrum, M. (2018, November 14). Three Factors to Consider in Cross-Cultural Change Projects. Retrieved February 19, 2019, from