Hi, I have 2 of my classmate posts. I need you to respond to each one separately. , one source at least for each one of them.

how good their posts or how bad.

to do is to choose one point of the post and explore it a little bit with one source support for each response. The paper should be APA style

question was:
Based on your readings and/or experience, pick the three most important competencies in

Management Program Manager (EMPM) and describe why you identified them as “most important”


is the first post from my calssmate SAMI need to




Clear, consistent, and timely communication

crucial to managing disaster response efforts and emergencies. Emergency managers need to present simple messages, keep the information consistent and release new updates as soon as they are ready. Without proper communication, misinformation and

can flourish and result in injury or fatalities. Whether it is a statewide crisis or a localized emergency, communication is one of the most important skills for emergency managers

Time-management and organizational

Time-management and organizational skills are also important for the prospective emergency manager. Emergency management activities require multiple tasks to be performed, information to be processed, and priorities to be established on an ongoing basis. As an emergency manager, you must be able to quickly shift gears and move on to another task. You will likely never have enough time to do everything on your list with as much time as you would like. Learning how to organize your work, manage your time, and look for efficiencies will make you more effective in both a professional.

Critical thinking and making decisions
Emergency managers must be able to think on their feet. In a disaster, circumstances can change in the blink of an eye, and the director must be flexible in order to adjust plans accordingly and be able to consider all the alternatives. Therefore, in this position, you would need to possess strong critical thinking and problem solving abilities in order to make assessments and judgments needed in a time of stress and chaos.

Manoj, B. S., & Baker, A. H. (2007). Communication challenges in emergency response. Communications of the ACM, 50

3), 51-53.

, L. (2009). Developing critical thinking skills in homeland security and emergency management courses. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 6


This is the second post from AHMED NEED TO RESPONSE


An emergency management program manager (EMPM) forms an integral part of the emergency response and recovery. In most cases, they are found in command centers. This means that they should be good at decision-making, communication, and other competencies that make leaders succeed. Therefore, EMPMs should understand how the healthcare facilities and systems work and be active during the response and recovery process.
According to the article by Barbara et al. (2007), there are three most important competencies that emergency management program managers should possess. Firstly, they should have the ability to recognize any action or circumstance that is an indication of a potential hazard and then notify the appropriate authorities. This is an essential competency because it enables the managers to detect a possible incident before it happens. This can make the responders and recovery teams save many lives and property.
Another competency is excellent communication skills. The reason for this is that the managers are mostly stationed at the command centers. They are supposed to keep communicating with the teams on the ground in an attempt to ensure that everything runs smoothly (Hsu et al., 2006). Also, they need to manage efficient information processing about the progress of the recovery process. They are also supposed to write a final report regarding all the activities that took place. All these require an individual with good communication skills, thus making the competency very important.
Lastly, the EMPM managers should have the ability to mobilize the transition of response personnel from what they are doing to the areas where an incident has occurred (Barbara et al., 2007). As such, they can gather their teams and respond to threats and hazards within the shortest time possible. This is an important competency because it can lead to a quick and immediate response.
Hsu, E. B., Thomas, T. L., Bass, E. B., Whyne, D., Kelen, G. D., & Green, G. B. (2006). Healthcare worker competencies for disaster training. BMC medical education, 6(1), 19.

Barbara, J. A., Macintyre, A. G., Shaw, G., Seefried, V., Westerman, L., & de Cosmo, S. (2007). Healthcare emergency management competencies: Competency framework final report. The George Washington University: Institute for Crisis, Disaster and Risk Management. Healthcare emergency management competencies(1)