For this project, you will read, describe and evaluate an article relating individual differences in dispositional hope as it relates to college performance. The objective is to sharpen your skills in evaluating research. For this project, we want you to limit the scope your evaluation. Specifically, we want you to consider hope and GPA. DirectionsNote that you must provide a brief explanation or rationale when answering each question. Please number your answers so that they correspond to the questions; don’t include the question because this creates a nightmare for TurnItIn. You must address all parts of every question. Where possible, cite the scientific article using APA format, both in-text and in a reference list at the end of your document.Grading guidelines0 points: Entirely incorrect. Half credit: Minimally correct response. Some necessary information is provided, but incorrect information or insufficient information indicates that the student has a poor understanding of the material in question. Full credit: Complete and accurate answer. Answer indicates little or no confusion or misunderstanding of the material in question. Questions1. Based on the content of the article, what type of claim is the researcher trying to make (frequency, association, or causal)? Explain your answer. What did they write that makes you think so? (8 points)

2. Was the research method correlational or experimental? Explain your choice. (8 points)
3. What hypothesis or hypotheses did the study attempt to test? Hint: only consider the variables that we listed at the top of this instruction sheet. (8 points)

4. What was/were the primary conceptual independent variable(s) of the study? How was/were the primary IV(s) operationalized? (8 points: 4 points for concept, 4 points for operationalization)

5. What was/were the primary conceptual dependent variable(s)? How was/were the DV(s) operationalized? (8 points: 4 points for concept, 4 points for operationalization)
6. Describe the participants. If available, provide the total number of participants, their sex, age, ethnicity, and other defining features. How were they recruited? How many were in each group in the end? Hint: This information can be found in the methods section. (6 points)

7. What did the participants in the study do? For example, did they fill out a survey, receive an intervention, perform a task, or something else? Did all of the participants do the same thing or did they do different things? Hint: This information can often be found in the procedure section. Try to be as specific as possible. (8 points)

8. Describe the main results; i.e., those bearing on the hypotheses tested. Was each hypothesis supported or not? What did the author(s) conclude? Hint: Re-write each of the hypotheses being tested and summarize the findings for each. (8 points)

9. Was reliability mentioned in the research (e.g., test-retest, interrater, or internal)? What data were provided for the tests or measures used in the research (if no data were provided, please explain what would be appropriate)? (4 points)

10. Considering the operational definitions of the variables (IVs as well as DV) and the various ways to assess construct validity (Hint: Ch. 5 & 6), do you think the research variables have strong or weak construct validity? Explain your answers. (8 points)

11. Do you think the research has strong or weak external validity? Explain your answer. (8 points)

12. Does the study establish covariance? If so, explain why you reach that conclusion. If not, why not? (6 points)

13. Does the study establish temporal precedence? If so, explain why you reach that conclusion. If not, why not? (6 points)

14. Does the study have a third-variable problem? If so, explain why you think so and provide one possible third-variable. If not, why not? (8 points)

15. Do the conclusions by the author(s) match the research method? Why or why not (we are asking for reasons related to the materials covered in the course rather than your personal opinion)? (8 points)

16. Considering your answers to the above questions, discuss two things that you would change to improve this research, or include in future research. How would your proposal resolve these issues? (8 points)

17. Using your ability to search for information, what evidence (empirical) supports the claims made in the assigned research article (e.g., What have other authors found that would support or refute the main claim by the authors?)? Find three relevant sources. All three must be peer-reviewed empirical research articles. Summarize the salient points from each, whether they would support the claim made in the assigned research article, and explain how credible they are and why (based on credibility as explained by the textbook). You should be able to accomplish this in two paragraphs (one for summaries and one for credibility). Include in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your paper (APA format). FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, YOU MUST USE ONLY PEER-REVIEWED EMPIRICAL RESEARCH ARTICLES. (12 pts – 4 pts for each source)
APA style correctly used for citations in text and in the reference section. (10)
Grammar and punctuation are used correctly. (5)
Writing is clear – positions are clearly stated and supported with data or logic (5)
Read over your work carefully. Read each sentence out loud. Would it be understandable to someone else in the class? If not, change it so that it does make sense. Check for grammar and spelling, as well as organization and neatness.