Read and respond to at least two of your peers’ posts by the end of the workshop. Your replies must add to the conversation by pointing out additional support for the things you agree with, by asking a question that shows critical thinking, or by explaining why you disagree with points made in the posts


I think that she is telling us to tell the whole truth, but not in a conventional straightforward way that one may think.
I think that the first stanza is talking about the nature of truth and how powerful it is. Telling the whole truth is a good thing, but the nature of the whole truth is very powerful and needs to be addressed, but carefully.
Emily Dickinson is saying in the second stanza that truth needs to be told delicately, because it is easier to for us to handle when told delicately. If you take the whole truth in at one time without delicacy, it could be too powerful and overwhelming.
I am unsure whether or not Emily Dickinson meant for the poem to be read that way, however I can definitely see her goal being the subversive reading of the poem. That might not have been her complete intent.
In Emily Dickinson’s poem, “Tell all the Truth,” she uses subversion and symbolism, to show how important and powerful the truth is and how it is told.
Read “The Daisy follows soft the Sun”
The natural event happening in the first stanza is the sunset. The daisy is sad the sun is gone and it waits for the sun to come back up.
The sun asks the daisy “Why are you here?” and the daisy replies “Because, Sir, love is sweet!”
We could be referring to people in general and Thou could meant to be God.
I think the daisy could represent humans in general and how we symbolize the daisy in this story.
I think the sun represents God. In the second stanza, it says, “We are the Flower—Thou the Sun!” The sun gives flowers life, just as God has given us life.

The daisy loves the sun. “Because, Sir, love is sweet!”
I would say that both of those seem valid to me. I think this poem could be interpreted both way and that is okay either way.
Read “Essential Oils are wrung”
Essential oils being wrung and screwed from a press is being emphasized about the process of creating perfume from flowers in the first stanza of the poem. “Essential Oils—are wrung—“ “It is the gift of the Screws—“
The point that could be made is that the after the process, the rose may be dead but it will still live on through the perfume.
the sun could symbolize God, the rose could symbolize a person, and the perfume could symbolize the person’s legacy.
The universal truth the poem reveals could be, even though we may no longer be here, our legacies and what we leave behind always will be.
The universal truth revealed in “Tell all the Truth” can be applied to my personal experience because of how important knowing the truth is. I do not like to be lied to and I like to know the whole story and the whole truth in situations. I understand how much power the truth holds, and it is important how to go about telling the truth and understandinG


Read “Tell all the Truth” (p. 243). What do you think she means by “tell it slant?” She means tell it to favor the reader.
What do you think the first stanza is telling the reader about the nature of truth, or about human nature? We want to hear the truth but with our best interest at heart, so if its hurtful then make it sound better than it really is.
What is she saying in the second stanza about truth or about human nature? It’s human nature to want the truth if its beneficial but it’s it is not then stretch the truth a little bit.
One of the creative strengths of the poetry of Dickinson—who is often thought of as a subversive writer—is that many of her poems can be read on two levels. On the surface, the poem seems to be about truth and human nature, but, for feminists, on a subversive (secretive) level, the poem can also be read as resisting the views of “male-dominated” culture. Review the two potential close readings of this poem in the Surface Reading & Subversive Reading link (above). Do you think Dickinson meant for the poem to be read this way? Explain your answer. She does, because she stated it in the poem “Tell all the truth but tell it slant” slant means put a curve on it.
Based on your own understanding of the poem and your opinion of the close readings, compose a thesis for “Tell all the Truth” using the following formula: “In Emily Dickinson’s poem, “Tell all the Truth,” she uses (specific literary device) to show that (universal truth). “In Emily Dickinson’s poem, “Tell all the Truth,” she uses comparison to show believe what you see and not what you hear.
Read “The Daisy follows soft the Sun” (p. 242).
What natural even is being described in the first stanza, and how does the daisy react to it? The sun, the daisy follows it.
What question does the sun ask the daisy in the first stanza, and what is the daisy’s answer? ” Wherefore, Marauder art thou here? Love is sweet.
Whom do you think the pronouns “We” and “Thou” refer to in the second stanza? We refers to us as people and Thou is the sun.
What (or whom) do you think the daisy represents? Mankind Explain your reasoning with specific reference to the text. We are the flower.
What (or whom) do you think the sun represents? Everything around us that is good Explain your reasoning with specific reference to the text. We nearer to steal to Thee!
What seems to be the sun’s attitude toward the daisy?The sun does not mind the daisy being near. Include specific reference to the text for support.Enamored of the parting West.
What seems to be the daisy’s attitude toward the sun? The daisy wants to be where the sun is Include specific reference to the text for support.Forgive us, if as days decline.
Some scholars see this poem as a subversive proclamation of the validity of women poets, while others see it as a proclamation of Dickinson’s love for a married man. Does either interpretation seem valid to you, or do you think the poem has another message (expression of universal truth)? Explain your answer with specific reference to the text. I see it as being in love and the person you love is the light and you want to be where they are. Because, Sir, love is sweet!
Read “Essential Oils—are wrung” (p. 244). Complete a close reading of the surface or literal level of the poem, assuming that this literal level is a rather straightforward description of the process for producing perfume (“attar”).
What is emphasized about the process of creating perfume from flowers in the first stanza? Include specific reference to the text for support. Essential Oils are wrung.
What point is made about the rose and the perfume in the second stanza? Include specific reference to the text for support.The attar from the rose.
Explain what you believe each of these symbols may stand for: the sun, the rose, the perfume. The suns is the brightness of the world, the rose is aroma, the result of the sun and roses.
Based on your interpretations of the symbols, what universal truth does the poem reveal? Don’t be deceived by the bright sweet aroma of flowers.
Pick one of the poems above and explain how the universal truth it reveals can be observed or applied to your personal experience or to the story of a well-known person. My personal story can be interpreted by “The daisy follows soft the sun”. Love is sweet but you need to know that love can be dark sometimes too.