Read and respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings, as well as any follow-up instructor questions directed to you, by the end of the workshop. Be sure to do one of the following in each response to a classmate:

Identify a portion of your classmates’ response to one of the above questions which you think is unclear or with which you disagree. Either ask a question that will help you better understand what your classmate intended to say, suggest a specific revision which you think would be clearer, or explain why you disagree.
Analyze the thesis of your classmate:

Inclusive: Has the writer included a universal theme?
Specific: Are there any parts of the thesis that could be made more specific? If so, suggest how.
Clear: Are there parts of the thesis you find unclear? If so, identify them.


List two character traits possessed by the character Anton Rosicky. Anton possesses kindness and strength.
Identify one conflict in the life of Anton Rosicky. Support your answer with specific reference to the story. He came from nothing. This is evidenced in the story when he speaks about living in London and how he had a little corner to sleep in and had to go out and beg for food to replace the goose he had eaten on Christmas Eve because he was so hungry.
Review the definition of flashbacks in the Literary Glossary (2.3). What insight into Rosicky’s character (especially his motivation) does the reader gain from his flashbacks about his life in London? His life in London was very difficult. He knows what it is like to be poor. This motivated him to want more from life. He saw how ugly and cruel humans can be to each other and decided he did not want to live in the city and work for someone other than himself.
Examine the parts of the story that come before and after the flashback to London. How do the flashback help the reader understand these events? It helps to understand where he came from and why he is so gentle and kind to others.
What insight into Rosicky’s character (especially his motivation) does the reader gain from his flashbacks about his life in New York? Anton loved New York. He heard of an opportunity and set his sights upon the West with determination because he wanted something better for himself. He wanted something that was his own.
Examine the parts of the story that come before and after the flashbacks to New York. How do the flashbacks help the reader understand these events? The flashbacks help to understand his struggle and how difficult it was for him to get to where he wanted to be.
At one point in the story, Anton says the following, “I guess the only thing is for me to git a new one [heart].” How is this statement significant? Does it foreshadow a change in him by the end of the story? Explain your answer. This statement is significant because I do not think he understood the severity of his heart condition when Ed, the doctor, told him. He thought it was as simple as replacing the heart he had. It somewhat foreshadowed a change in him since he did slow down for a bit with the farm work but at the end of the story the farm work is what ended up leading to his death. He was so dedicated to his farm.
Identify two things that Rosicky values, and evaluate them according to your own values and experience. He values family and his farm (career). I find value in these same things. I am finishing my BSN in order to provide my family with more; more stability and a brighter future.
Identify a universal truth about human nature that is suggested through the characters and events in this story. A universal truth shown throughout this story is that hard work and perseverance do pay off.
Draft a thesis statement for this story using the format you have learned in this class. Make sure to include two specific literary devices and a universal theme. In Cather’s Neighbor Rosicky, she uses flashbacks and foreshadowing to show that we can use the past to


List two character traits possessed by the character Anton Rosicky. He is hardworking and a family man.
Identify one conflict in the life of Anton Rosicky. Support your answer with specific reference to the story. He has a heart condition so he can’t do all the physical labor that he is accustomed to. “You’ve got to be careful from now on, and you can’t do heavy work any more.”
Review the definition of flashbacks in the Literary Glossary (2.3). What insight into Rosicky’s character (especially his motivation) does the reader gain from his flashbacks about his life in London?From his flashbacks you see how hard it was for him as a young man, he was living poor and barely had enough to eat at times, his clothes was dirty and barely fit.
Examine the parts of the story that come before and after the flashback to London. How do the flashback help the reader understand these events?The flashbacks help you understand more about Rosicky and how he survived in London and his good nature, he never thought that he would own land and have the things that he acquired and because of that meager beginning he can appreciate being a farmer on his own land.
What insight into Rosicky’s character (especially his motivation) does the reader gain from his flashbacks about his life in New York?He was young and he did his share of partying in New York but he had this unsettling feeling that something was missing in his life, he wanted more than to party on the weekend.
Examine the parts of the story that come before and after the flashbacks to New York. How do the flashbacks help the reader understand these events? The flashbacks help you understand his mind state and how he lived his life, he didn’t miss out on anything as a young man, so once he felt it was time to settle down he had his share of partying.
At one point in the story, Anton says the following, “I guess the only thing is for me to git a new one [heart].” How is this statement significant? It implies that he doesn’t intend to slow down.Does it foreshadow a change in him by the end of the story? Explain your answer. It make you think that he will continue to work in the field but he actually stay in and start doing more around the house, he does carpentry and tailoring.
Identify two things that Rosicky values, and evaluate them according to your own values and experience. Rosicky values his family and his home, and land. I have a very large and close knit family and we are always there for each other and by it being so many of us people wonder how we are all close but we were raised that way to stay together and love each other. I also value having my own home and property, that is something that I take pride in and knowing that God blessed me with a home, to welcome my family in at any time.
Identify a universal truth about human nature that is suggested through the characters and events in this story. Family and our past experiences play a big part in our lives.
Draft a thesis statement for this story using the format you have learned in this class. Make sure to include two specific literary devices and a universal theme. In Willa Cather’s poem “Neighbor Rosicky” , she uses conflict and tragedy to show that life should be lived to the fullest.