Read and respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings, as well as any follow-up instructor questions directed to you, by the end of the workshop. Be sure to do one of the following in each response to a classmate:

Identify a portion of your classmates’ response to one of the above questions which you think is unclear or with which you disagree. Either ask a question that will help you better understand what your classmate intended to say, suggest a specific revision which you think would be clearer, or explain why you disagree.
Analyze the thesis of your classmate:

Inclusive: Has the writer included a universal theme?
Specific: Are there any parts of the thesis that could be made more specific? If so, suggest how.
Clear: Are there parts of the thesis you find unclear? If so, identify them.

STUDENT 1:2.2 Setting symbols1 List two-character traits evident in the narrator at the beginning of the story. Support your answer with at least one quote from the story. (Review the definition and methods of characterization in the Literary Glossary as needed.) One of the character traits is John, John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that in marriage. The second character traits is her brother,” my brother is also a physician, and of high standing, and he says the something”2. List two character traits evident in the narrator’s husband, John, at the beginning of the story. Support your answer with at least one quote from the story. One of the character traits is the narrators, I did write for a while in spite of them; but it does exhaust me as a good deal- having to be so shy about it, or else meet with heavy opposition. The second traits is John, But John says if I feel so, I shall neglect proper self-control; so I take pains to control myself-before him.3 What is John’s diagnosis of the narrator’s illness, and what cure does he prescribe? Nervous depression-a slight hysterical tendency, John said she need perfect rest and all the air I could get, your exercise depends on your strength.4 What does the narrator think of the cure? Personally, she disagrees with the idea5 What does the narrator think might be a better treatment for her condition? Personally , she believe that congenial work, with excitement and change, would do me good6 Do you think that John loves his wife and is genuinely trying to do what he thinks will be best for her? Support your answer with at least one quote from the story. I believe John love his wife and he is trying to do his best for her. John schedule prescription for each hour in the day; he takes all care from me, and so I feel basely ungrateful not to value it more.7. Does the husband’s prescribed treatment seem to be working? Explain your answer and support it with at least one quote from the story. Yes, her husband treatment seems to be working. because, she states I’m feeling ever so much better! I don’t sleep much at night, for it is so interesting to watch developments; but I sleep a good deal in the daytime.8.The narrator notices that there are rings attached to the walls of the room, and that the windows are barred. She concludes that the room must have been used as a play room, or a gymnasium for children. What does her description of the room make you think of? Explain your answer. It .. It makes me think of a kid room with ring on the wall, it remains me of a room were someone can relax/meditate9 What is happening to the narrator as the story progresses? Support your answer with direct reference to the text. The narrator is following that wall pattern about by the hour. The narrator is determined on follow that pointless pattern to some sort of a conclusion.10. The narrator notices that the bedpost appears to have been “gnawed,” or chewed on. She also notices a “smooch” or smudge around the wallpaper near the floor. By the end of the story, the reader understands (through inference) more about these details than the narrator. Explain how the bedposts and/or the smooch was created. It was created through a streak that runs round the room, it goes behind every piece of furniture, except the bed.11. What do you think the wallpaper (or the pattern in the wallpaper) might symbolize in this story? Support your answer with at least one quote from the text. The wall paper is symbolizing that she needs to exercise, the front pattern does move-12 What do you think the woman in the wallpaper symbolizes? Support your answer with at least one quote from the text. The woman symbolizes someone who move around in their life.,I see her in that long shaded lane, creeping up and down.13. Why does the narrator have sympathy for the woman in the wallpaper? The narrator have sympathy because the woman is able to get in and out and go were she please.14. What is the narrator’s motivation for ripping the wallpaper from the wall? The narrator’s motivation for ripping the wallpaper from the wall was she though a woman was behind the wallpaper, and the woman get out, and she think the woman is always creeping.15 Which character in the story would you identify as the protagonist? Explain your answer. I would identify the woman as the protagonist, because the narrator’s is obsession with the woman because the narrator’s claim the woman is always creeping as fast as a cloud shadow in high wind.16. Which character (or force) would you identify as the antagonist? What (or whom) does the protagonist seem to be struggling against? Is the struggle real or imagined? I would identify narrator’s as the antagonist She seem to be struggling with finding out about the woman, that she think is behind the wallpaper.17. By the end of the story, has the protagonist overcome or made any progress toward overcoming the struggle you identified in the previous question? Explain your reasoning.Yes, the protagonist overcome their struggle, the narrator’s pull and shook the wallpaper off the wall.18 What does the story reveal about human nature (you may have multiple answers, but list only one). John do not think nothing is wrong with his wife, so she out to prove him wrong. Perhaps unconsciously she seems determined to prove them wrong Due to their refusal to accept the idea that there may be something wrong with John’s wife, they create a situation in which she begins to feel even more isolated and oppressed because of their inability to listen to what she has to say about her mental state.19. Compose a thesis statement for this story in the format you have used throughout the course.In the story, “The Yellow Wallpaper,” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the plot is written in first person. The unnamed protagonist, through her depression and illness feels trapped in her life being locked in a room with this yellow wallpaper. The narrator’s is determine to show her husband that she is sick., she said that her husband do not know how much she really suffer. The narrator’s is imagine that a woman is behind her wall paper and she think the woman is moving the paper up and downSTUDENT 2:

List two character traits evident in the narrator at the beginning of the story. Support your answer with at least one quote from the story. (Review the definition and methods of characterization in the Literary Glossary as needed.) The narrator believes she is ordinary and submissive. The statement ” It is very seldom that mere ordinary people like John and myself secure ancestral halls, for the summer.

List two character traits evident in the narrator’s husband, John, at the beginning of the story. Support your answer with at least one quote from the story. John is very loving, but he doesn’t let his wife make decisions. The statement that supports that is, “He is very careful and loving, and hardly lets me stir without special direction.

What is John’s diagnosis of the narrator’s illness, and what cure does he prescribe? Temporary nervous depression, she take phosphates and air, exercise.

What does the narrator think of the cure? She believes if she was able to socialize and get out she will get better.

What does the narrator think might be a better treatment for her condition? She believe congenial work, with excitement and change would do some good.

Do you think that John loves his wife and is genuinely trying to do what he thinks will be best for her? Support your answer with at least one quote from the story. Yes I believe he does love his wife and he sense that something isn’t right with her. “He said we came here solely on my account, that I was to have perfect rest and all the air I could get.”

Does the husband’s prescribed treatment seem to be working? I don’t think he treatment is working, its actually make her worse. Explain your answer and support it with at least one quote from the story. She is losing her mind looking at the wall paper all day and being alone, ” Through watching so much at night, when it changes so, I have finally found out. The front pattern does move and no wonder! The woman behind shakes it!

The narrator notices that there are rings attached to the walls of the room, and that the windows are barred. She concludes that the room must have been used as a play room, or a gymnasium for children. What does her description of the room make you think of? Explain your answer. The way she describes it make me feel like some sort of prison with the windows barred and rings and things in the walls. In older movies the rings in the walls would have chains looped through them to chain people to the wall.

What is happening to the narrator as the story progresses? Support your answer with direct reference to the text. As the story progresses the narrator is losing her mind. “I’ve got out at last,” “in spite of you and Jane. And I’ve pulled off most of the paper, so you can’t put me back!”

The narrator notices that the bedpost appear to have been “gnawed,” or chewed on. She also notices a “smooch” or smudge around the wallpaper near the floor. By the end of the story, the reader understands (through inference) more about these details than the narrator. Explain how the bedposts and/or the smooch was created.The bed post was gnawed on by the person that was chained to the rings in the wall and the smooches came from the person clothing from crawling along the floor against the wall.

What do you think the wallpaper (or the pattern in the wallpaper) might symbolize in this story? Support your answer with at least one quote from the text. The wallpaper represents her thoughts and her life she is confused and all over the place like the pattern in the wallpaper and she uses it as a focus and start obsessing over it. ” John is so pleased to see me improve! I had no intention of telling him it was because of the wall-paper.

What do you think the woman in the wallpaper symbolizes? Support your answer with at least one quote from the text. The woman in the wallpaper represent the narrator, she feel trapped. ” I wonder if they all come out that wall-paper as I did?

Why does the narrator have sympathy for the woman in the wallpaper? Because they are held against their will.

What is the narrator’s motivation for ripping the wallpaper from the wall? It represents freedom, the wall-paper is a wall and she is tearing it down.

Which character in the story would you identify as the protagonist? Explain your answer. The narrator is the protagonist because her mind is not right and she is the main character.

Which character (or force) would you identify as the antagonist? What (or whom) does the protagonist seem to be struggling against? Is the struggle real or imagined? The wall-paper is the antagonist, the protagonist is struggling with with her sanity and the struggle is real because her mind is not rational.

By the end of the story, has the protagonist overcome or made any progress toward overcoming the struggle you identified in the previous question? Explain your reasoning. By the end of the story the wall-paper has sent the narrator over the edge and she has lost her battle with sanity.

What does the story reveal about human nature (you may have multiple answers, but list only one). Being left alone and struggling with issues is very real and serious.

Compose a thesis statement for this story in the format you have used throughout the course. In Charlotte Perkins Gilman poem “The Yellow Wall-Paper, she uses personification and symbolism to show that mental illness needs treatment.