Rebuttal 1
Topic 8 DQ 1 (Obj. 8.4) – Candace Duff…
According to Kail and Cavanaugh (2016), many people feel scared and fear death and dying. This death anxiety consists of various components but there seems to not be one specific focus. Studies have shown that this anxiety can stem from pain, rejection, negative impact on loved ones left behind, humiliation, not being able to fulfill goals and body malfunction. There are some strategies to help with death awareness such as writing your own obituary, planning your own funeral services and death education programs.
Mental Health America. (2019). Coping with loss: Bereavement and grief. Retrieved from
This website would be beneficial in helping a client deal with death, dying and loss. The website discusses some emotions that a person will feel when someone dies and the process of mourning and grieving over a loved one. It goes over ways to cope effectively when a loved one dies and how to deal with the pain. The website also goes into detail about how to help children and other people grieve.
HelpGuide. (2019). Coping with grief and loss. Retrieved from
This website goes over what grief is and various losses that can cause grief such as losing a job, retirement, a miscarriage, or death of a pet. The grieving process is discussed, and it goes over a few different myths and facts about grief. There are helpful ways to deal with the grieving process and the stages that a person goes through when grieving. There are also symptoms of grief such as fear, anger, fatigue, insomnia, and shock. There are ways to take care of yourself as you grieve, and it is important to seek support.
Hunt, B. (2009). Helping clients deal with grief and loss. Retrieved from
This resource is more for the counselor and gives tips on helping a client deal and cope with grief and loss. This resource goes over factors that influence grief and the reactions a person can have. There are emotional, behavioral, physical, and spiritual reactions to grief and loss. Then, it goes over counseling strategies to help someone dealing with grief such as exploring their dreams, suggesting support groups, and suggesting reading materials.
Kail, R.V., & Cavanuagh, J.C. (2016). Human development: a lifespan view (7th ed). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Retrieved from
Rebuttal 2
Topic 8 DQ 2 (Obj. 8.2) – Jeanette Lamo…

Dual process model is the view of coping with bereavement that integrates loss-oriented stressors and restoration oriented stressors (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2016). When dealing with loss-oriented stressors it involves the loss itself (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2016). Restoration-oriented stressors involves the survivor adapting to their new life (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2016). Often times people will bounce back and forth between these two stressors while they are working through their grieving process.
I think the balance is important because in order to recover from a stressful situation, such as the loss of a loved one, it is necessary to find a way to keep their memories alive, but not be overcome with grief and stress from the changes. Individuals will need to find a way to cope with the loss in a long-term basis but be willing to move forward with their life (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2016). Each individual is their own person which means that creating one intervention plan for all people is not possible and every person grieves in their own way. It is important that counselors be willing to start where the client does and move at the pace the client is comfortable going at when they are helping the move forward and cope with these changes. The different needs and abilities affect the counseling intervention, but a common intervention strategy is using cognitive-behavioral therapy which helps people make meaning from the death and learn positive coping strategies (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2016).
Kail, R. V., & Cavanaugh, J. C. (2016). Human development: A life-span view (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Rebuttal 3
Topic 8 DQ 2 (Obj. 8.2) – Courtney Glic…
Stroebe’s dual process model explains how a person dealing with loss goes back and forth between grieving and moving on with life (Kail & Cavanuagh, 2016). He explains them as loss-oriented stressors and restoration-oriented stressors (Kail & Cavanuagh, 2016). A person can experience extreme grief one day, and the next day, find the will to continue to move on. I think balance is important because grieving the loss of a loved on is important to help a person move on. They need to feel sadness and be allowed to feel that sense of loss because feeling those things will actually help a person move on eventually. A person who allows themselves to feel grief, I believe, is an emotionally stable person. Allowing themselves to feel sad means they will also be able to feel happiness again. Being happy does not mean that they have forgotten the person they lost. It means they were able to process through their emotions in a healthy manner, and still find fulfillment in life.
If a client has low resilience, they might not be able to get out of the loss-oriented stress. They could end up experiencing complicated or prolonged grief disorder, separation distress, or trauma distress (Kail & Cavanuagh, 2016). Counselors need to determine what the client’s emotional state is, their support network, and their mental health as well. If a client already struggled with depression before the loss, it is important that the counselor knows that information, because it could affect their grief. If a client does not have a strong support network, the counselor will have to find support groups for them; and if they have low resilience, the counselor will have to create strategies that build the clients resilience.
Finding a good “balance” can be tricky. No one can tell another person how long they can grieve for. The counselor needs to be able to determine if the amount of grief a person is struggling with is normal, or passes into the disorder or distress categories.
Kail, R.V., & Cavanuagh, J.C. (2016). Human development: a lifespan view (7th ed). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Retrieved from