1. Review the following six QSEN Competencies, then choose one and discuss how the chosen competency was implemented in your practice site and how it influenced nursing practice.
1. Patient-Centered Care
2. Teamwork and Collaboration
3. Evidence-based Practice (EBP)
4. Quality Improvement (QI)
5. Safety
6. Informatics
As I have stated in previous posts, I am the first registered nurse that my practice has employed. Building this role has been solely up to my discretion with minimal guidance from leadership on their expectations. Quality improvement is an aspect of care they have requested I assist with refining. Using my informatics background, I was able to build the care management spreadsheet, which tracks multiple quality improvement initiatives such as; Kidney Smart referrals, advanced care planning referrals, and vascular referrals, has allowed for increased ability to track numbers and transparency for providers and leadership. The spreadsheet breaks down all the chronic kidney disease stage IV-end stage renal disease referrals, appointments, and important notes that may be needed for follow-up appointments as well as the progress the patient is making through the referral system. The spreadsheet has decreased the number of high- risk patients that may fall through the cracks for follow up (QSEN, 2019).
Briefly describe a clinical experience you had in which interprofessional collaboration resulted in an improved patient outcome. How did this situation affect your KSAs about the competency of teamwork and collaboration?
One of the roles I have in the office is to conduct blood pressure checks and cuff correlations when providers run out of time in their office visits with patients. One particular patient is a young male (early 40’s) who has had an MI and continues to be non-compliant with his medications. He prefers herbal supplementation, which of course is fine unless it is not working. Since the providers know I have a different communication style with patients he was referred to me for a blood pressure check. He came in with his 3-year-old child. I discussed multiple medications with him that the provider relayed to me that he wanted discussed as well as many other important factors to blood pressure control. By the end of the visit the patient and I had a mutual understanding of the negative outcomes that would eventually occur if he chooses to remain non-compliant. The patient has become more compliant since he and I implemented a care plan and I follow up with him on a bi-weekly basis via telephone (QSEN, 2019).
Because the provider trusts me enough and value what I bring to the team it gave me the confidence to guide this patient in the right direction. The provider and I collaborated prior to the visit to discuss what needed to be presented. The visit went smoothly and not only did the provider and I create a positive team work interaction but the patient and I have built rapport and essentially, he understands now that he is part of the team that will result in his positive outcomes (QSEN, 2019).
Quality and Safety Education for Nurses, (2019). QSEN competencies [qsen.org]. Retrieved from: http://qsen.org/competencies/pre-licensure-ksas/#p…

2. Review the following six QSEN Competencies, then choose one and discuss how the chosen competency was implemented in your practice site and how it influenced nursing practice.
QSEN (2019) defines patient centered care to,” Recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values, and needs” (QSEN, 2019, Table 1).In my position as a Case Manager, upon admission, I work with patients to identify what their personal goal is, as well as their goal for homecare.I obtain orders for other specialties when needed, especially for patients who want to get stronger or to be able to walk better, some of my more common patient goals.With the new regulations in homecare, it has been a focus in our organization to work together with patients to meet their individual needs as well as to help guide them and educate them on ways to better control and manage their health.We now identify the patient’s goal which is incorporated in their care plan.I feel that this is important as it lets clinicians know what the patients goal is so we can help to formulate a plan to meet it together.
Briefly describe a clinical experience you had in which interprofessional collaboration resulted in an improved patient outcome. How did this situation affect your KSAs about the competency of teamwork and collaboration?
One clinical experience involved a patient who has been on service for a chronic Foley.She had been deconditioning and it was becoming more labor intensive for her to move about, which caused her to ambulate less frequently.I discussed my concern with the patient and the daughter, and we agreed to have our physical therapist and occupational therapist come back out.I obtained the order from the physician, and then I collaborated with these therapists and discussed the concern and that the patient now had a goal to walk better.This situation allowed me to reinforce the importance of discussing concerns with patients and families and making them a part of the team, as our focus is on them.Engaging family with patients permission is always helpful, as they may have additional concerns and we can discuss them together to formulate a plan.I know that bringing in other disciplines when a change is noted can help improve the patient’s outcome and quality of life, and that each discipline brings another set of skills and outlooks that can help reach the best outcome for the patient.

ReferenceQSEN (2019).QSEN Competencies.Retrieved from:

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