Phase I
This week, the group from Expert Foods Consultants has been tasked with conducting internal and external analysis of the infant food industry, assessing Biotech’s future in the industry and developing the business strategy for Biotech as they move forward. You will need the Biotech Company Profile to complete the analysis.
You have been tasked with conducting a SWOT Analysis of Biotech and the infant formula industry; a PESTLE analysis using the location identified during Week 2 (you must use the location identified in week 2) for the new offices; and a Porter Five Forces analysis for the industry. The group lead has requested that the analysis tools be accompanied with explanations that will breakdown the results of each analytical tool’s discoveries. With the results of this analysis, Biotech leadership should be able to make critical decisions on the types of products (and their corresponding ingredients) the company will use during its initial product line launch.
In addition to the internal and external analysis, you have been tasked with identifying four (4) major business goals that Biotech should initially be focused on as they venture into the infant formula industry. These goals should focus on defining the entry strategy that the organization should follow as it tackles moving into an industry new to the organization. These goals should be robust but also attainable. Having clear attainable goals is great, but the goals also need to have clearly defined and explained objectives that will measure the progress to achieve these goals. Meeting these objectives should result in the future success of their corresponding goals. When writing these objectives, ensure they can clearly be related to the four goals established as critical during entry into the infant formula industry.
Instructions for Completing Phase I
Step 1: Write an Introduction paragraph
The Introduction paragraph is the first paragraph of the paper and will be used to describe to the reader the intent of the paper. This intent should be understood prior to reading the remainder of the paper so the reader knows exactly what is being covered in the paper.
Step 2: PESTEL Analysis
You will develop a PESTEL analysis by completing the following tasks:

Discuss Biotech’s general environment and develop a PESTEL analysis of the infant formula industry that has an impact on Biotech;
Provide explanations for the results of each element of the PESTEL using research and the course material. The analysis will provided specific details that include explanation of why and how – generalizations are unacceptable.
Note: You may not use a PESTEL analysis that is already completed and available on the Internet. A zero will result if used as the analysis has to be the result of your research and your own development.

Step 3: SWOT Analysis
You will develop a SWOT analysis by completing the following tasks:

Create a SWOT Table setting it up as follows. Make sure to cite each item in the table. Insert the table into the paper. Note that the table template can be found under the Syllabus module;






Analyze Biotech and the infant formula industry. The weaknesses and threats should draw from the PESTEL analysis;
Provide explanations for the results of each of the elements of the SWOT using research and the course material. The analysis will provided specific details that include explanation of why and how – generalizations are unacceptable.
Note: You may not use a SWOT analysis that is already completed and available on the Internet. A zero will result if used as the analysis has to be the result of your research and your own development.

Step 4: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
You will develop a Porter’s Five Forces Analysis by completing the following tasks:

Develop the Porter’s Five Forces Analysis providing explanations for the results of each of the Five Forces using research and the course material. The analysis will provided specific details that include explanation of why and how – generalizations are unacceptable.
Note: You may not use a Porter’s Five Forces analysis that has been completed and available on the Internet. A zero will result if such an analysis is used as the analysis has to be a result of your research.

Step 5: Goals and Objectives
Using the results of the PESTEL, SWOT, Five Forces:

Identify 4 major goals the Business Strategy should look to attain, with explanations as to the importance of each goal and why the goals are relevant to the strategy;
Identify a minimum of 5 objectives (per goal) necessary to accomplish each goal. Explain why the objective fits the goal. Note: Three is the minimum so to earn additional points, more objectives are needed.
Make sure the goals and objectives are not general in nature. They need to be specific to Biotech entering the infant formula industry.

Step 6: Competitive Analysis
You will perform a competitive analysis by completing the following tasks:

Identify Biotech’s five major competitors in the infant formula industry;
Using Biotech’s three competitors analyze the competition’s products and services explaining features, value, targets, etc. What are the competition’s strengths and weaknesses and what is the market outlook for the competition?

Step 7: Review the Paper
Read the paper to ensure all required elements are present. Use the grading rubric to ensure that you gain the most points possible for this assignment.
Proofread the paper for spelling and grammatical issues, and third person writing.

Read the paper aloud as a first measure;
Use the spell and grammar check in Word as a second measure;
Have someone who has excellent English skills proof the paper;
Consider submitting the memo to the Effective Writing Center (EWC). The EWC will provide 4-6 areas that may need improvement.

Step 8: Submit the paper in the Assignment Folder (The assignment submitted to the Assignment Folder will be considered the student’s final product and therefore ready for grading by the instructor. It is incumbent upon the student to verify the assignment is the correct submission. No exceptions will be considered by the instructor).
How to Set Up the Analysis
Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is single-spaced, with double spaces between paragraphs. Use 12-point font. The final product will be 7-9 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page. Write clearly and concisely. Do not exceed 9 pages.
Completing the Analysis
In order to complete this Business Analysis, you will want to first read the module, Learn How to Support What You Write, as this assignment requires you to use the course readings and research to support what you write. Also,

Read and use the grading rubric while completing the exercise to ensure all requirements are met that will lead to the highest possible grade.

Third person writing is required. Third person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link:

Contractions are not used in business writing, so do not use them.

Paraphrase and do not use direct quotation marks. Paraphrase means you do not use more than four consecutive words from a source document. Instead put a passage from a source document into your own words and attribute the passage to the source document. Not using direct quotation marks means that there should be no passages with quotation marks and instead the source material is paraphrased as stated above. Note that a reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa. You may not use more than four consecutive words from a source document, as doing so would require direct quotation marks. Changing words from a passage does not exclude the passage from having quotation marks. If more than four consecutive words are used from source documents, this material will not be included in the grade and could lead to allegations of academic dishonesty.

You are expected to use the case scenarios and weekly course material to develop the analysis and support the reasoning. There should be a robust use of the course material along with thorough analysis of potential location information. Material used from a source document must be cited and referenced. A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa. Changing words from a passage does not exclude the passage from having quotation marks. If more than four consecutive words are used from source documents, this material will not be included in the grade and could lead to allegations of academic dishonesty.

Use in-text citations and provide a reference list that contains the reference associated with each in-text citation.

You may not use books in completing this exercise unless part of the course material. Also, do not use a dictionary or Wikipedia.

Provide the page or paragraph number in every in-text citation presented. If the eBook does not have pages, provide the chapter title and topic heading. If using a video, provide the minutes and second of the cited material.