The U.S. Health Care Presentation: Part 1 Assignment

Must be 15 to 20 slides in length (not including title and references slides) and formatted to APA

Must include a separate title slide with the following:

Title of presentation
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted


Create an overview slide that describes the required components to be covered within the presentation. Add bullet points for each of the topics being covered. Briefly describe each bullet point in the speaker’s notes.


The remaining slides will address the content of the presentation and the references. The content will address the following required components:

Choose one revolutionary factor from each of the centuries (17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st) found in your textbook and time line.
Describe each revolutionary factor.
Discuss how the revolutionary factors changed the health care system.

o Refer to the time line simulation Global Perspectives: Shifts in Science and Medicine That Changed Healthcare (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. reviewed in Week 1. Chapter 2 in your textbook discusses the evolution of our health care system and is a good resource for this part of the presentation as well.

Identify at least one major development from each of the following perspectives: financial, legal, ethical, regulatory, and social (e.g., consumer demand).
Discuss how each development transformed the system into what it is For more perspective, you may want to review the time line simulation Global Perspectives: Shifts in Science and Medicine That Changed Healthcare (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
Choose three different stakeholders that have affected the health care system (e.g., health care professionals [physicians, nurses, etc.], clients [patients], health insurance plans [Blue Cross Blue Shield, managed care organizations (MCOs), etc.], federal or state governments, health care professional organizations [American Medical Association (AMA), American Nurses Association (ANA), etc.] and health care accreditation agencies [Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), The Joint Commission, National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), etc.]).

o Evaluate each stakeholder’s effect on the health care system by discussing their purpose and impact.

o Include examples of both positive and negative impacts made by your chosen stakeholders (e.g., a negative contribution is when a patient uses the emergency room for non-urgent care).

Part 2: The Cost of the U.S. Health Care System

Describe three different reimbursement methods (e.g., capitation, fee-for-service [FFS], pay-for-performance [P4P], value-based, episode of care, prospective reimbursement, diagnosis related group [DRG], patient-centered medical home [PCMH]).

o Explain why you think one of the reimbursement methods you discussed is more effective at reducing health care costs overall while still ensuring the delivery of quality care.

Describe the use of two technological advancements (e.g., electronic medical record [EMRs], electronic health records [EHRs], medical research, improved equipment like magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], mammography, personalized medicine, mobile services like e-prescribing, disease registries, ).

o Explain why you think these advancements have reduced costs overall while still ensuring the delivery of quality care.

Part 3: The United States Versus Other Health Care Systems: An International Perspective

Contrast the S. health care system with another country (e.g., Canada’s universal health care or South Africa compared with the U.S. health care system, etc.). You can use the same country discussed in the Week 4 Health Care Systems Around the World discussion.

o Discuss how the other country’s health care system is funded.

o Discuss disparities in health care from your chosen country.

o Include at least one positive aspect from the other country’s health care system that you would like to see added to the S. health care system, explaining why you would like this addition.

Part 4: Reforms and Improvements

Describe two potential reforms and improvements currently being debated at either the local, state, or federal You may want to review the Laws and Regulations Affecting Health Care discussion prompt to help you with this component.
Examples could include any of the following:

o Federal modifications (e.g., antitrust reforms, CHIP, HSA or HRA, Medicare reform, Medicaid expansion, PPACA repeal, pharmaceutical regulations, development of a universal system, veterans’ health care, crossing borders for health care, clinical trial research, )

o State modifications (e.g., Medicaid reform, income tax credits, adoption of state level universal health care, etc.)

o Increased consumer controls (e.g., patient-centered care, provider choice, complementary and alternative care choices, activism for changes at the state and federal level, etc.)

o Reimbursement changes (Medicare, Medicaid, managed care plans, traditional insurance plans, etc.)

Part 5: Conclusion: The Future of the U.S. Health Care System

Examine what you believe the U.S. health care system will resemble in the next 10 years by recommending two changes and addressing access to care, quality of care, and cost of care, including an example of each in your vision of the future health care system.

FOR PART 1 – You needed to include the revolutionary factors, the 3 different stakeholders and their roles, both positive and negative, and at least one major development from the financial, legal, ethical, regulatory and social. Plus all of the bullet items under each of the require components.

Items often missed in the presentation:


1. How has reimbursement to physicians changed? Has it affected our health care system, if so how?

2. How have costs for insurance changed over the years? How has it effected employers and patients?


1. Have there been any legal challenges of our health care system over the years?

2. What are the laws that have affected our system? Did they affect it positively or negatively?


1. Are there any ethical considerations regarding health care? Think about health care professionals and their ethics in delivering quality care.

2. What are the ethical considerations for insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies….etc? Think about the recent news about the Epipen… the pharmaceutical companies raised the prices sky high so people could not afford it…


1. Have there been any regulations from the government or health insurance plans that have affected our health care system? Good or bad?

Social (Consumer Demand):

1. What are the demands made by the consumer for our health care system?

2. How has the increased need for access (more patients being insured) affected our health care system?

3. Has the consumer had a good or bad effect on our health care system? If so, good or bad?

The Cost of the U.S. Healthcare System

1. Describe three different reimbursement methods. Make sure to explain why you think one of the reimbursement methods you discussed is more effective than the others (see directions for specifics).

2. Describe the use of two technological advancements. Make sure to include information on why you think these advancements in technology have reduced costs while delivering quality care.

PART 3: The United States Versus Other Health Care Systems—an International Perspective

1. Contrast the U.S. health care system with at least one other (e.g., Canada’s universal health care vs. U.S. healthcare or South Africa vs. U.S. health care, etc.). Make sure to review the directions for specifics information you need to include.

PART 4: Reforms and Improvements

1. Describe any potential healthcare reforms and/or improvements that are currently being discussed at either the local, state, or the federal level (review the directions for specifics).

CONCLUSION: Future of the U.S. healthcare system

1. Explain what you believe the U.S. healthcare system will look like in the next 10 years. Give at least two recommendations for change.

2. Address access to care, quality of care, and cost of care including an example of each in your vision of our future healthcare system.


1. You must have a title slide that includes your personal introduction. Make sure to introduce yourself.

2. You must have an overview slide, which gives a brief overview of what you will be covering in the presentation.

3. You must have citations for each reference used. The citations belong in the speaker notes with the detail that explains each of the bullet points on the slide.

4. You must have speaker notes for each slide.

5. You must have a reference slide that lists your references. They must be in APA format.