MGTU 301 Paper #2

Length: Paper: 3-4 double-spaced pages (excluding title and references pages)

Due: Week 7 by Sunday Midnight (Assignments folder)

Value: 175 Points

According to Peter Senge, learning organizations encourage a holistic approach to understanding and leading organizations called ‘systems thinking.’ Systems thinking stems from the tenets of system theory where each process integrates with all the others. Basically, it means the ability to see the big picture and to be able to see the interrelationships between what might, at first, seem to be completely unrelated.

Systems thinking focuses on how the individual that is being studied interacts with the other constituents of the system. Rather than focusing on the individuals within an organization, it prefers to look at a larger number of interactions within the organization and in between organizations as a whole. Figure 2.4 (page 62) and 10.3 (page 188) in your textbook illustrate how four parts of a system integrate to help us evaluate, lead and change business process and functions for the better. For this paper, you are going to analyze your readiness for change, or that of an organization in which the change needs to occur.

Paper Guidelines

Prepare and submit 3-4 page paper that briefly describes a change at school, work or another area of your life and apply the systems model. A well-constructed paper will reference 3 or more scholarly sources including at least 1 journal articles such as those assigned and retrieved from Brandman’s virtual library, and adhere to APA standards.

Figure 2.4 (page 62)and 10.3 (page 188) in your textbook

Introduction/ Description

In no more than one page, describe the situation or *business (can be current, past or future) in need of change. In the description, position yourself as the leader, and give a good summary of the situation.

*examples of businesses that you might consider for this assignment:

Current place of work

Future place of work

Dream job

Church groups

Sports teams

Special projects for school

Neighborhood groups or organizations

Ad-hoc committees

Board memberships

Clubs (i.e Book Club, Running Club)

Social groups


Systems Thinking- Provide a thorough analysis of each of the four components of systems (Inputs, Target Elements of Change, Outputs and Feedback). Which of the four components is lowest? Why? Be specific.
Prediction- How do you think this will affect the success of the particular change? Be specific.

Reflection Analysis:

Readiness: Who seems to be most ready, you (components 1 and 2) or the organization (components 3 and 4)?
Recommendation/s: Given the readiness measure tells you, what do you recommend to improve your and/or your organization’s readiness?

Evaluation Criteria: Grading Rubric








20 – 19

Clearly and concisely describes the situation. Positions self as leader. Identifies key items of concern and key players. Does not exceed 1 page

18 – 17

Clearly describes the situation. Positions self as leader. Identifies most key items of concern and key players. May slightly exceed 1 page

16 – 15

Description of the situation is incomplete and/or confusing. Positions self as leader but may not identify key concerns and/or key players.

14- 9

Limited if any description of the situation.. May not position self as leader, identify key concerns and/or key players.


Failed to complete assignment according to guidelines.


55 – 50

Analyzed business through the lens of each component of systems thinking. Draws valid predictions of the impact of each component of the situation.

49 – 44

Analyzed business through the lens of each component of systems thinking.

Draws fairly valid conclusions of the impact of each question on the situation.

43 – 38

Analyzed the business through the lens of each component of systems thinking.

May not fully analyze the impact of each question on the situation


Limited analyzation of the business through the lens of each component of systems thinking. Limited if any analysis of the impact of question on the situation.


Failed to complete assignment according to guidelines.

Reflection Analysis

50 – 45

Reflected on your learning by describing the level of readiness as well as your recommendations for next steps.

44– 39

Somewhat reflected on your learning by describing the level of readiness as well as your recommendations for next steps.

38 – 30

Partially, reflected on your learning by describing the level of readiness as well as your recommendations for next steps.


Limited if any reflection on your learning by describing the level of readiness as well as your recommendations for next steps.


Failed to complete assignment according to guidelines.

APA and Sources

20 – 19

Cites 3 or more scholarly sources including 1 journal articles. Accurately uses headers and adhere to APA standards; reference page and citations are correct. All sources listed in References are cited in paper

18 -17

Cites 2 scholarly sources including 1 journal articles. . Uses headers and adheres to APA standards; reference page and citations are correct with minor (1-3) errors. All sources listed in References are cited in paper

16 – 15

Cites 1 scholarly sources including 0 journal article. May use headers and somewhat adheres to APA standards; the work of others is cited but with numerous (4 – 10) errors. Sources listed in References and citations may not match


Cites 1-0 scholarly sources. Limited adherence to APA standards in the paper and Reference page; work of others may be cited but with multiple (11+) errors. Sources listed in References and citations do not match


Failed to complete assignment according to guidelines.

Writing Mechanics

30 – 27

The paper is logical and well-written; spelling, grammar and punctuation are accurate. Paper is the required length of 3-4 pages of content, and includes correctly prepared title page.

26 – 23

The paper is logical and well-written but with minor (1 – 3) errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. The content may be 5% too long or short; includes a correctly prepared title page.

22 – 19

The paper is somewhat logical and well-written but with several (4 – 10) errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. The content may be 10% too long or short, and may not include a correctly prepared title page


The paper lacks clarity and may be confusing with numerous (11+) errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. The content may be 15% too long or short, and may not include a title page


Failed to complete assignment according to guidelines.