Assignment 3: Effective Organizational Training Programs
Given the changing employee demographics and rapid updates to technology, it is important for organizations to link training and development to the needs and preferences of its workforce. Training facilitates acquisition of new knowledge and skills, and development facilitates the ability to handle future responsibilities. Continual training helps ensure that employees have the skills, information, and motivation required to successfully achieve organizational objectives.
Based on the company you chose for your discussion question this week, create a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation which includes the following:

Summarize the current organizational training program.
Explain why you believe the organization’s current training model is effective or ineffective
Present an idea for a new training program or component to the existing training program which would promote employee engagement
Explain why the new program or component would be effective
Describe the desired outcomes of the new training program/component

The speaker notes section should be used to provide an explanation of each slide. APA format should be followed.
By the due date assigned, post your assignment to the Submissions Area.

Grading Criteria
Maximum Points

Summarized the current organizational training program.


Explained why the current training model is effective or ineffective.


Presented idea for a new training program or component which would promote employee engagement.


Explained why the new program or component would be effective.


Explained the desired outcomes of the new training program/component.


Applied current APA standards for editorial style, expression of ideas, and format of text, citations, and references.




M2 Assignment 2 SubmissionAssignment

Due March 6 at 11:59 PM

Assignment 2: Defining Needs Assessment
Training is a fundamental component to any organization. Organizations spend thousands of dollars each year to train and develop employees. Many of the programs do not produce the desired result of increased productivity.
Using the Argosy University online library resources, research factors to determine how needs assessments benefit organizations.
Write a 6-8 page paper addressing the following items:

Define needs assessment
Determine the cost-effectiveness of companies conducting need assessments
Identify steps companies can employ to modify ineffective training programs that are not cost effective
Discuss the role that technology, computer based training, webinars, etc, play in determining the cost effectiveness of training programs.
Explain the steps or guidelines which can be utilized to help guide the successful implementation of a training program

Minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed, scholarly sources, within the last ten (10) years, not including the text material.
Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.doc.
By the due date assigned, deliver your chart to the Submissions Area.

Grading Criteria
Maximum Points

Defined needs assessment.


Determined cost-effectiveness of companies conducting needs-assessments.


Identified modifications to eliminate ineffective training programs.


Discussed various technologies and compared their cost-effectiveness to traditional training programs.


Identified steps and guidelines for effective implementation.


Writing Craftsmanship, APA and Ethical Scholarship.




Assignment 2: LASA: PowerPoint Presentation—Training Program Design
Submit your assignment to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
Assume you have been hired as a training consultant by a medium sized technology company. Your client company has asked you to develop and make a presentation for an employee training and career development program. The majority of the company’s employees are entry level programmers and developers and help desk technicians, but they also employ administrators and administrative assistants. The client company is looking for a training program which can be used for all of their employees. The goal of the training program is to introduce the new employees to the company, their culture, their product offerings and the company’s expectations. The training should also re-familiarize veteran employees to the company’s mission to create a sense of excitement towards carrying out the vision.
Use the Training Program Design Worksheet to design your training program.
After you have completed the Training Design Worksheet, use that information as a guide to develop a 15-20 slide PowerPoint presentation to present your training ideas to the client company. Make sure to include detailed speaker’s notes which provide adequate information on what you would say to your client if you were presenting this information in person. Incorporate at least three references to support the positions being presented. Apply APA standards for writing style to your work. Submit the PowerPoint presentation for grading.
Your PowerPoint presentation should include a title slide, a reference slide and address each of the following elements:

Training Description: Write 2–3 sentences that describes the training and a concise statement of the overall purpose of the training.
Objectives: Include the objectives (at least 3) of the training program. List the intended results of the training that will achieve the goal in terms of knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes. The intended results should have specific and measurable tasks or actions.
Training Method: Evaluate the following training methods and determine which might be most effective in achieving the stated objectives you included above. List your chosen training method for each objective you listed including one potential advantage and disadvantage of each.

Large group, small group, or paired discussion
Individual exercise
Team exercise
Case study
Role play
Interactive multimedia (PC-based or CD ROM)
On-the-job training
Coaching or mentoring
Assigned reading
Other (specify)

Content Description: Provide a description of the activity that corresponds with your designated training methods listed above.
Support Materials: Identify the materials and resources that will support the learning process (e.g., workbook, handouts, action plan, etc.).
Estimated Time: Indicate how much time you will devote to each activity.
Evaluation: What needs of the participants are being addressed in the training design? How will you determine if participants are applying their learning back on the job?
Effective Design: Describe how each of the seven steps above can be used to design an effective training model that addresses all jobs within the organization and promotes employee engagement.
Career Progression: Explain which of these seven steps you consider most important to long-term career progression within your client company. Provide reasons and scholarly support, as necessary, for your choices.

Grading Criteria
Maximum Points

Training description and overall purpose is provided.


At least three objectives of the training program and intended results of each is explained in terms of knowledge, skills, behaviors and attitudes.


Selected training methods are evaluated based on objective, advantages and disadvantages.


Activity which corresponds to designated training method is included.


Support material required is explained and justified.


Estimated time is given for each stated activity.


The needs of participants being addressed and the application of learning back to the job is presented.


Described how the seven steps can be used to design an effective training model.


Explained and justified which of the seven steps is most important to long term career progression.


Presentation Components:

Organization (12)
Style (8)
Usage and Mechanics (8)
APA Elements (16)

