Respond to all four questions below on a new, blank word processing document (such as MS Word).
Develop each answer to the fullest extent possible, discussing the nuances of each topic and presenting your arguments logically. In addition, include citations from outside resources to support your arguments.

Each answer should be robust and developed in-depth.
You are expected to demonstrate critical thinking skills as well as an understanding of the issues identified. Some questions may also require personal reflection and practical application Your responses will be evaluated for content as well as grammar and punctuation.
All writing must be your original work. PLEASE do not copy or quote anything. Sources are just that, a reference. Once you locate the information, read and interpret the data. What does it mean to you? Type your own thoughts and own words. Then, include in-text citations to support your ideas. This is not a research paper.

oInclude a Cover Page with Name, Date, and Title of Assignment.

Do not include the original question, only the question number.
Each response should be written in complete sentences, double-spaced and spell-checked. Use 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins on all sides. Include page numbers according to APA formatting guidelines.
In addition, you will want to include citations in APA format at the end of each answer. Include a minimum of 3 references for each answer. References should not be older than 5 years.

Faculty to select four questions from the following list of nine.Delete this note and the five questions you are not using and post this document to the Week 6 Activities folder at the end of Week 5.Note: some questions have Part A and Part B.
Question 1:
Developing employees is different than training employees, though human resource functions often tend to group these activities together.Training and development are not always mutually exclusive, though they do have a different focus.Though training programs tend to be focused on improving employee performance in a current job, they may also be preparing employees for future assignments/jobs.In your own words, please describe how:
a) employee development differs from training;
b) how training options can be used to support employee development; and
c) how training and development support career planning.
Question 2:
What is the human resource manager’s role in a career development program? What is the manager’s role in a career development program? Who is primarily responsible for employees’ career success and why? What factors may be involved?What are some challenges that organizations may face in creating and implementing a career development program?
Question 3:
A) Explain and discuss the differences between a traditional career and a protean career.Would employee development planning be different with protean versus traditional career development? If so, how might it be different?
B) Think about your own career path.Did it follow more of a traditional or protean process? What development opportunities helped you reach your goals?How were they helpful?
Question 4:
A) Mentoring and coaching are two different types of relationships used to develop employees. Discuss (compare and contrast) the roles of mentor and coach. How are they similar?How are they different? How are they relevant to the career development process? Do you believe these programs should be formal or informal and why?
B) Discuss your experience with coaching and mentoring. How does your organization use coaching and mentoring programs? Did you (or would you) find them effective in helping you achieve your career goals?How so?
Question 5:
A)Describe how a performance management system is different from an annual performance appraisal event.What makes it more effective? What happens when the entire process is not followed? What are some of the negative impacts of poorly conducted performance appraisals? Be detailed in your response and share few examples of what you have observed in your previous or current organizations.
B)Discuss your personal experience with performance evaluations.How were your performance goals established?Was it limited to an annual appraisal or was there ongoing feedback?How did these factors influence your performance and motivation?
Question 6:
A)Imagine that you are preparing for your first performance feedback session with your employee.You want the session to be effective for the employee, so he/she will have the motivation and knowledge to improve performance.You also want to provide a valid, accurate evaluation of the employee’s performance.What are the steps that you would take to prepare for the session?What sources of data would you consider?
B)Assume the role of the employee. How would you need to prepare for your performance evaluation meeting?
Question 7:
A)Discuss in detail the current “state of labor unions” in the United States? Include a synopsis of the history of unions in the US and include some of the important milestones in the movement’s history. What role should unions play in today’s work environment? What industries or occupations might benefit most from unionization and why?

Question 8:
A) Define and discuss in detail the two types of sexual harassment found in the workplace. Your answer should include the actions employers can take to create a legal defense and the actions a person subject to this type of treatment or who witnesses these actions can take.
B) Evaluate the sexual harassment policies of your organization and the role of the human resource manager.How were they communicated?How were employees trained? Discuss your ideas to improve effectiveness in reducing sexual harassment.
Question 9:

Define the term “security” with respect to today’s workplace. Discuss in detail the actions an employer can take to minimize the risk of bullying and workplace violence. What are some other security concerns organizations face and how can these risks be mitigated? Discuss at least three strategies.