Answer the 3 questions below and reply to each student.

Student Reply must be over 200 words.

Make sure all student replies you start it with Hello (Student Name),

Please upload each question in different word documents.

Question 1:


As you prepare to write this discussion, take a few moments to do the following

Read any required and recommended reading materials for this week, especially Chapter 2 from your text.

Review the grading rubric for this discussion.


There are many ways in which technology is affecting the production, distribution, and appreciation of films. For example, think of how CGI, animation, and other advances in digital technology have changed the ways in which stories are told on film. Then, consider how the Internet has changed the way we access, evaluate, and discuss films.


According to the first letter of your last name, respond to your designated topic.

Topic B (Last names beginning with N through Z)
Choose a film that gained notoriety due to the Internet and discuss how social media and other instant modes of communication have changed the ways in which we approach, appreciate, and consume films. What do these changes imply about the future of film distribution and audience participation in the film’s lifespan?

Indicate Topic B in the “Subject” of your post. Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

Student Reply 1: Justin Bunkers

Topic A

I want to talk about the Fast and Furious movies. A big moment that happened during the making of these movies was Paul Walker dying. I bring this up because his brother had to step in for him after death. They may look alike but without CGI the fans would be able to tell the difference. His death brought attention to the movies, and with CGI they were able to make Paul Walker live on in the fans hearts. They were able to feel like he was still part of the story even though we all know he passed on. Without those affects, everyone would be able to tell it was his brother instead of him, and the way it touched people seeing Paul in the movie again wouldn’t be the same. In fact, the writers would probably have to write his character out completely and bring in a new person entirely. Thanks to the new technology, however, fans everywhere can still enjoy seeing Paul on the big screen. That scene at the end of movie 6 would not have made so many people cry without CGI.

Student Reply 2: Curt Lyons

For this discussion I was Topic A. I decided to talk about a movie that has been brought up a few times already in this class but its the Jurassic Park series. Every thing about these movies say Technological. Before the 90s most visual effects in movies consisted of stop motion and people in suits. It wasn’t until the time of the first Jurassic Park that movies lots of CGI and mixed it with live action. In Jurassic Park there was roughly 15 minutes of dinosaur visual effects and about 4 of which were made on computer but lasting effects on movies after that have been huge. How does some one make a movie about dinosaurs having never seen a dinosaur and make you believe. There ability to create these animals and make it feel real with the sight and sound was amazing. I bring up this movie because before this series you never really had a dinosaur movie other then Godzilla stuff and when you put the two side by side Jurassic Park shows you just how far we have come with the technology and ability to make good movies. I don’t think there is any other real way to make this movie and have it be the success that it was without them making everything feel so life like. When the first Jurassic Park came out it was so big and jaw dropping and unlike anything we had seen before.

Question 2:


As you prepare to write this discussion, take a few moments to do the following:

Review the Modeled Discussion .
Read any required and recommended reading materials for this week, especially Chapters 1, 2 and 10 from your text.
Review the grading rubric for this discussion.


As you have learned in this class, film is a far-reaching medium with the potential to affect the greater fabric of our culture. Our understanding this potential and our ability to analyze it reach far beyond just this medium and into all areas of our social structures and culture. For example, the practice of closely analyzing particular films, which we’ve honed in this course, is the same practice of analysis which you will find in other courses – or in learning any new skill.


Based on the films you have watched and the ways you have learned to interpret meaning in them, discuss your ideas about how films engage social concerns and have lasting effects on society. Pick a film (or films) as evidence of this dynamic and describe the social and cultural resonance you see.

Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

Student Reply 1:Shannon Jackson

Pick a film of your choice and analyze the social impact of a given film. How has film changed or influenced culture? What positive or negative effects might it have had over the last few decades?

The Black Panther film released in 2018, had a huge impact on influencing culture and on social impact. This movie represented the African culture like never seen before across movie theaters everywhere, having an all-black cast that commanded the attention of all in the scope of it’s viewing power. More powerful than that was the recognition of African Tribes, this sheds light on the culture through celebration. The soundtrack to this film which was prominently done by Kendrick Lamar has been known as one of the best soundtracks ever. This film enhanced the culture and how beautiful, expansive and dynamic the African Culture is. The social impact of this film came at a time when inequality, justice reform, and gender inequality has resurfaced. The Black Panther film became a symbol of activism for many, reignited conversations and topics that had been tucked under the rug for a year, even centuries. This film allowed the spark of conversations and celebrations all at once. It caught the attention of people from all backgrounds, race, nationalities, genders, entertainers, and activists alike. The impact was so huge entertainers was renting out theaters, with paid tickets so that schools could take students to have the opportunity to view this film. This was far more than a movie, it was a movement. Bringing about topics of social injustices and political change served on a plate.


Weston, K. (2018). Black Panther. Sight and Sound, (4), 50. Retrieved from….

Student Reply 2: Curt Lyons

I think there is a lot of movies that one could talk about here but for me the ones that hit closest to home and I think have the lasting effect are the true story war movies. For most of us we have only read about them but never got to really experience what those men and women went through. I think of movies like 13 hours. No matter what side of politics you are on that movie should give you chills and think about the bravery that those men had to stand and fight to protect everyone. A movie like Lone Survivor seeing that and just trying to put yourself in there shoes and understand a little bit of what they went through. Any of the 9/11 movies such as flight 93, world trade center, or zero dark thirty. These all covered popular topics and allowed everyone to kind of have an inside look and understand the hows and whys of things. Sure at the end of the day its still just a movie but if you do some fact checking you can learn what was real and what was added just for film.

They cover or relate to one of the biggest tragedy’s in this country’s history and in one way shape or form everyone was affected by it. It is difficult to have movies like this and not think about the real people and think about how they felt and our feel proud of them for there actions in a time of such fear.

Question 3:

Throughout this course, you have been writing essays and participating in discussion forums that analyze various elements of film such as theme, cinematic techniques, and genre. It is now time to combine those elements into a comprehensive analysis of one movie.

You will be completing this assignment in two stages. For the first stage (1500 to 1800 words), you will analyze an entire movie. In the second stage (300 to 600 words), you will reflect on how you analyzed the movie as well as how your ability to analyze film in general has evolved.

You are encouraged to incorporate writing from your Week Two and Week Three assignments if (a) you have reflected on the instructor’s feedback, (b) you have revised the relevant parts of the essays accordingly, and (c) the essays discuss the same film that you discuss here.

Stage 1: Analysis

For this stage, you will be analyzing a movie selected from the AFI’s 10 Top 10 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. list. The film you choose can be one that you have previously analyzed in this course. While you are allowed to choose a film that does not come from the AFI lists, you are strongly encouraged to email your professor to receive approval before doing so.

The analysis portion of your paper should be 1500 to 1800 words in length. You should analyze the film through the lens of one of the broad theories you have learned about in class (auteur theory, genre theory, formalist theory). Your analysis must address four main areas (contextual information, story/plot, aesthetic choices, and social/personal impact) and how these areas work together to develop the theme of the movie. As you construct your analysis, assume that your reader is not familiar with this film. Use your analysis to explain to your reader why they should watch this film.

In addition to the film you are analyzing, you must use three scholarly sources to support your arguments. Refer to the ENG225 Research Guide in the Ashford University Library for guidance and to locate your sources. Cite your sources (including the feature-length film) within the text of your paper and on the reference page. Cite your sources according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Your analysis must address the following components (noted in bold below):

Contextual Information – In this area, you will provide some of the basic identifying information of the film. This includes:


Director, cinematographer, major actors/actresses. Be sure to describe their roles in the overall design process.

Year of release

Type of film (blockbuster, indie, documentary, etc.)


Story/Plot – In this area, you should offer a brief summary of the film, and then show how it was deployed in the narrative structure of the film. Explain the difference between the film’s story and its plot. This area can be addressed as a separate paragraph, or can be threaded throughout your analysis of the film.

Aesthetic Choices – In this area, you will assess the efficacy of specific techniques and design elements employed in the film as they apply to the overarching narrative and theme of the film. These elements include:

Mise en scène (e.g., lighting, sound, composition of frame, costuming, etc.)

Editing (e.g., cuts and transitions, shots used, angles, etc.)

Technology (i.e., analyze the impact of any notable technological effects: film stock, targeted release venue, special effects, etc.)

Social/Personal Impact – In this area, you will critically address the following questions:

What impact did this film have on society (i.e., politically or culturally, positive or negative)? The impact can be as major as inspiring political or social changes or as minor as inspiring the production of toys or lunchboxes.

How did society affect this film (i.e., what currents in society led to the creation of the film)?

If you are unable to find any information about the social impact of the film, explain the personal impact it has had on you.

Note: Not every bullet point under the four listed components will necessarily apply to your movie. However, you will still need to discuss each of the four main components thoroughly, which means that you may need to explain a concept even if it can’t be directly applied to your movie.

Your paper should be organized around a thesis statement that clarifies what you will attempt to accomplish in your paper, and how you will proceed. Additionally, you must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph. Review the Final Film Critique sample, which provides an example of a well-developed analysis as well as insight on composition.

Stage 2: Reflection

After completing your movie analysis, you will reflect on the analysis process and how you have learned to more thoroughly analyze film as well as how rigorous study of film enhances your development as a student and thinker. In this 300- to 600-word reflection, review your initial post from the “Post Your Introduction” discussion in Week One, and consider how your ability to analyze movies has changed or grown. Append your reflection to the analysis portion of your paper and submit as one document. Your reflection should be personal and exploratory in nature.

Address the following questions in your reflection:

What can be gained through analyzing film?

How has this changed the way you view movies?

How are you able to use film theory and criticism to find and interpret meaning in movies?

In what ways has this course changed your understanding of how movies are related to society?

What skills have you developed during this course, and how might those skills be applied to your major, profession, and/or life?

The Final Film Critique

Must be one document that is 1800 to 2400 words in length, comprised of a 1500- to 1800-word film analysis and a 300- to 600-word reflection.

Must include a separate title and reference page, and be formatted according to APA style as outlined in Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Must include a title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.

Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.

Must use at least three scholarly sources (reviews, articles, or book chapters) other than the textbook to support your points. Refer to the ENG225 Research Guide for guidance.

Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.