Expository Writing at Work Journal
For your Module 5 Journal, you are being asked to think about the skills you have learned during this module related to writing an expository essay and how those skills might be helpful to you in the workplace. For example, you are not likely to encounter writing situations at work that require a thesis statement at the end of your introduction, as we so often see in academic writing; however, in the workplace, you will need to think about your writing purpose, something that writing a thesis helps us learn. For your journal, think about this connection and others as you think about how the genre of writing you learned about in this module can help you when you have to write at work.

You might consider the following questions: How can I apply what I learned about developing my ideas to writing in my profession?
How does the information I learned about writing in a formal academic style help me in workplace writing?
How can I apply what I learned about organizing my ideas to a situation I might encounter as a professional?
Why is it important to consider my audiences in the context of workplace writing?

These are just suggested questions. You may have other ideas you wish to explore as you think about the connections between academic writing, expository writing, and writing in the workplace.
Your journal entry should be at least 200 words in length. Please remember that only you and your professor will have access to your journal.

Issues in Your Field
By the end of this activity, you will be able to describe important issues in your field and make a decision about which issue you would like to explore for your project in this module.
Before you begin, be sure to review the links from the Excelsior College OWL on developing effective discussion board posts at:

Excelsior College Online Writing Lab. (
Discussion boards (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Retrieved from http://owl.excelsior.edu/posts/view/267.

In this discussion, you are being asked to think about important issues in your field, particularly those which are controversial. Since this module assignment requires you to think about issues that are important to both your colleagues and the public, you will need to keep your audience in mind as you decide which issue you would like to explore further.
Respond to the following:

• What important issues stand out in your field?
• What are the key debates or differences of opinions on these issues?
• What problems do you see within each issue?
• Which issue seems the most interesting and important to you? Why? What about a broader audience?

Post your primary response (150–200 words). Read any postings already provided by your instructor or fellow students. Read and respond to the conclusions drawn by at least two of your classmates. Remember to read the feedback to your own major postings and reply to it throughout the module.

Annotated Bibliography
For your writing scenario in this module, your work supervisor has asked you to choose one issue that is important in your field; you will be required to share your resources with colleagues at a weekly research-roundtable type workshop. The topics most relevant to the public will also be shared with a broader audience. Your supervisor is working on an online resource to provide outreach to the public. Your supervisor is putting together a collection of annotated bibliographies as a way to present information to the public in an organized manner; your supervisor hopes to write short papers or presentations on the most important issues that can be shared with a broader audience.
Before completing this assignment, be sure to review the information on annotated bibliographies from the Excelsior College OWL located at:

Excelsior College Online Writing Lab. (
Annotated bibliographies (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Retrieved from http://owl.excelsior.edu/research-and-citations/annotated-bibliographies/.

As you read each of the three sources required for this assignment, make sure to record all the necessary information about the source, name of the journal, book, database, publication and retrieval date, and page numbers.
You will create an annotated bibliography, as demonstrated in the Excelsior College Online Writing Lab.
Required elements:

1. Annotations for at least three sources.
2. Two sources must be from the library databases. One source may be a credible source of your choice.
3. Each source must be followed by a one-paragraph summary of the source and then a one- or two-sentence evaluation of the article focusing on the credibility and helpfulness of each source.

Sample Annotation
By the end of this activity, you will be able to write an annotation, which will serve as an example for the class and a piece of your larger annotated bibliography project.
Before you begin, be sure to review the links from the Excelsior College OWL on developing effective discussion board posts at:

Excelsior College Online Writing Lab. (
Discussion boards (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Retrieved from http://owl.excelsior.edu/posts/view/267.

Also, review the link on building an annotated bibliography at:

Excelsior College Online Writing Lab. (
Annotated bibliographies (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Retrieved from http://owl.excelsior.edu/research-and-citations/annotated-bibliographies/.

In this discussion, you are being asked to compose a sample annotation for your annotated bibliography. Although your full annotated bibliography requires at least three sources, you will share just one with the class. You will need to focus on proper formatting and including the required information, such as the summary, relevance, and evaluation of your source. Your classmates will provide you with feedback on your annotation; you will also provide feedback on their work.
After you share your annotation with the class, respond to the following questions as you provide your classmates with feedback:

1. Is the
APA formatting information correct? If not, what issues do you notice?
2. Does the sample entry provide the summary, explain the relevance, and offer an evaluation of the source? Explain. If not, what is missing?

Post your primary response (150–200 words). Read any postings already provided by your instructor or fellow students. Read and respond to the conclusions drawn by at least two of your classmates. Remember to read the feedback to your own major postings and reply to it throughout the module.

Research at Work Journal
For your Module 6 Journal, you need to think about the role research will play in your future profession. In a paragraph of at least 200 words, describe the ways in which you might use research at work.
As you complete your journal response, consider the following questions:

What kind of information will you need to be current on policies, processes, and issues?
What kind of information will you need to be able to share with others, including both internal and external audiences, such as the general public, customers, or clients?
What resources will you use?
How can being current on issues in your field help you as a professional?

Your journal entry should be at least 200 words in length. Please remember that only you and your professor will have access to your journal.
Digital Presentation Assignment
Your research paper from Module 7 was so well received that your supervisor has asked you to put together a presentation for a series of short talks at your local library. The goal of the series is to inform the public about important general-interest issues, and your topic would work well for this. Your goal is to create a PowerPoint or Prezi highlighting the key information from your paper. Be sure to review the tips on creating effective presentations from the Excelsior College OWL beginning on the following page:

• Excelsior College Online Writing Lab. (
Presentations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Retrieved from http://owl.excelsior.edu/posts/view/276.

And, be sure to review module notes.
Create a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation to share with the public. You should keep the following guidelines in mind.

1. Your presentation should be at least 8 slides or frames in length.
2. You should highlight the key ideas from your research paper and make sure the central message is conveyed.
3. Your presentation should include proper documentation according to
APA guidelines.
4. Your presentations should include visuals to help support your text

Reflection on the Course Journal
As you complete the last week for English 101, it is important to reflect upon the lessons you learned about writing in both academic and workplace settings, as well as a strong writing process.
In this final journal, please spend some time reflecting on your progress by responding to the following questions:

What did you learn about writing process in this course? How has your writing process changed over the last 15 weeks?
Why is it important to know your audience and understand the situation each time you write?
What are some of the skills you learned in this course that will help you in future college courses that require writing?
What are some of the skills you learned in this course that will help you in the writing you have to do at work?

Your journal entry should be at least 200 words in length. Please remember that only you and your professor will have access to your journal.