Topic- Increased Job inequalities
Assessment Specifics
Cover Letter

Minimum 150 words (successful cover letters are often longer)
Address letter to your instructor
Answer at least 3 of the 6 questions below; (where applicable) provide brief, specific examples of the following in your cover letter:

What is your primary motivation or purpose for writing your draft? Who is your intended audience? What revisions did you make in order to improve how you accomplish this purpose and/or appeal to this audience?
What feedback did you receive from your peers? How did you use this feedback to revise your draft? How do these revisions improve your draft?
What feedback did you receive from other sources, such as your instructor or tutors? How did you use this feedback to revise your draft? How do these revisions improve your draft?
What have you decided to revise in your draft, apart from feedback you received? Why? How do these revisions improve your draft?
What problems or challenges did you encounter while writing or revising your draft? How did you solve them?
What valuable lessons about writing effectively have you learned as a result of composing this project?

Place the cover letter at the beginning of your final draft, before the first page of your actual essay draft; delete your purpose statement.

Your Final Draft

An essay taking a stand and making arguments in support of a view or course of action on the issue, problem, or controversy developed in Writing Project 3.
Clearly focused, debatable, and supportable thesis statement advocating your view on the problem or controversy
Use of evidence from sources, objectively and accurately interpreted
Effective reasoning that demonstrates how the evidence supports the thesis and the specific arguments being made
Opposing views that are accurately presented and effectively refuted with reasons and evidence
A logical organizational structure that clearly and effectively guides readers through the arguments being made
Use of evidence from sources (at least 10 quotations and/or paraphrases), clearly discernible from each other and from the writer’s voice and cited using correct in-text citations
Use of at least 5 relevant and highly credible sources, at least 4 from the Ivy Tech Library databases. (No Print Sources.)
APA manuscript style, with in-text citations and a References list including ALL sources used. (References or list does not count in the minimum word-count requirement)
Awareness of diverse audiences and use of respectful, inclusive language
Observation of the conventions of Standard English
1500 words minimum for final draft (the minimum 200 words for the cover letter is not included in this count)

MAKE SURE- To Use of at least 5 relevant and credible sources, at least 4 found using the Ivy Tech Virtual Library databases. No print sources. Use of at least 10 quotes or paraphrases from sources
work cited-APA Style not MLA
PLEASE LOOK AT THE RUBRIC Writing Project 4 Argument Final Draft Rubric


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Cover Letter Effective cover letter, describing peer feedback, explaining how peer feedback was implemented, and explaining how these changes improved the draft

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Thesis Clearly focused, debatable, and supportable thesis statement advocating your view on the problem or controversy

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Introduction/Conclusion Introduction provides context for the position being argued and strives to be relevant to the intended audience. Conclusion effectively summarizes the content and conveys the significance of the central thesis to the audience.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organization Organization is supported with helpful and effective transitions and with coherent arrangement.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Effective Argument Strategies Effective support of thesis with good reasoning, relevant and sufficient evidence, and varied persuasive appeals (ethical, emotional, logical) as appropriate to the purpose and audience. Reasoning and evidence used attempts to convince readers of the validity of the writer’s position or at least convince them that a reasonable person could hold this view. Avoidance of logical fallacies. Writer establishes a credible ethos as someone informed on the topic, trustworthy, knowledgeable, and arguing in good faith.

35.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Counterargument and Rebuttal Important opposing positions are fairly and accurately acknowledged. Counterarguments based on reasons and evidence are offered.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Sources and Citations Use of at least 5 relevant and credible sources, at least 4 found using the Ivy Tech Virtual Library databases. No print sources. Use of at least 10 quotes or paraphrases from sources. Evidence is effectively and accurately represented and cited using correct APA or MLA in-text citations. Sources are discernible from each other and the writer’s voice is discernible from those of the sources.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome StyleVoice, tone, and stance are appropriate and effective for material, purpose, and audience. Style is clear, consistent, and cohesive, appealing appropriately to the intended audience. Language used demonstrates awareness of diverse audiences. Respectful language is used when discussing cultural differences.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Conventions Clear control of language conventions with few distracting typos or errors

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Document Style Correct document format in APA or MLA style, as specified by your instructor, including correct References page (APA) or Works Cited page (MLA)

15.0 pts

Total Points: 175.0