
What experiences have you had with diversity? Have you ever witnessed the harmful effects of intolerance and discrimination?
How important is emotional intelligence for leadership success? Do you know a leader who is a master in dealing with people?

Personality and the Role of Delegation

How would you evaluate Jobs in terms of interpersonal style—traditional participative or individualistic? Discuss the role of personality in your work experience—are you traditional participative or individualistic?
Discuss the role of delegation in the leadership process. What qualities did Herb Callahan manifest? How can one assign work effectively?

Part 3
Attracting Good People and Preventing Burnout

From this week’s lecture(s), video(s), readings, and your own research (Choose one)

What is your style for developing others? Are you a shaman, a priest, an elected leader, a missionary, or a mystic healer in your approach to teaching? What are the do’s and don’ts for attracting and keeping good people?
Discuss job stress and burnout prevention based on your own experiences. Discuss the role of the leader as well as effective coping techniques.

Presidents and Performance Appraisal

Doris Kearns Goodwin shares what Leaders can learn from America’s presidents. Discuss these lessons as they apply to you.
Discuss the merits of performance appraisal. Cite true to life examples in which performance reviews helped or hurt job performance. What do’s and don’ts can you recommend for evaluating employees?

“Performance Measurement” Please respond to the following:

Imagine you are working at an ice cream shop. It is the middle of summer, the shop’s busiest season, and the electricity goes out during a storm. Rank the actions that you should take in order of importance, as your performance will be measured regarding your immediate actions.
Assess the advantages and / or disadvantages of having more than one source of performance measurement within a company. Support your position with examples. Of the performance measurement sources you provided, select one that you believe your current or previous company could benefit from and explain why.

“Training Assessment” Please respond to the following:

Imagine you are a new employee in a human resource (HR) department. Your first task is to develop a stress management seminar for the employees. Determine the topics that should be covered in the seminar. Support your selection of the topics.
Develop criteria to assist in selecting the vendor to use for the training.

“Employee Development” Please respond to the following:

Propose three ways that a mentor and a new employee orientation can assist employees with their career development.
Evaluate the following criteria, in order of importance to you, in regard to the workplace: material wealth, success, career satisfaction, and work-life. Determine whether or not you believe there is a way to balance them. Provide two suggestions on how this could be done. Support your position.

“Compensation and Government Regulations” Please respond to the following:

Compare job-based pay with skill-based pay and provide an example of each. Determine which pay you would prefer. Support your decision.
Determine how government regulations affect compensation and if the regulations are needed. Support your position with examples.

“Critical Theory, Non Western, Postmodern, and Feminist Perspectives in Adult Learning” Please respond to the following:

examine Ryan’s thesis through the lens of the Western / non-Western dichotomy. Defend or critique Ryan’s assertion that the insistence of the use of English within global post-secondary educational environments negates the contributions that have the potential to be derived from non-Western cultures and perspectives. Justify your response.
Explore one (1) of the three (3) common themes of critical theory as it manifests itself within one (1) of two (2) perspectives (i.e., postmodern or feminist) of adult learning. Propose two (2) strategies that you as an instructor could leverage in order to encourage inclusiveness within particular educational context. Provide salient examples of such strategies in use in order to support your response.

Part 10
Theoretical Orientations and Integrated Perspectives” Please respond to the following:

Of the five (5) theoretical orientations of learning, explore the one (1) that most closely aligns with your philosophical approach to teaching and learning. Next, construct an adult learning scenario where the blending of theoretical orientations would be most appropriate for the learner population therein. Justify your response.
Appraise the different approaches (e.g., biological, psychological, sociocultural, etc.) which may influence the myriad of methods by which adults construct learning. Suggest key instructional strategies that you might use that favor an integrated approach to teaching within a diverse learning context. Provide examples of such strategies in use in order to support your response.

“Adulthood, Cognitive Development, and Multiple Intelligence” Please respond to the following:

Analyze one (1) of the Neo-Piagetians’ theories of cognitive development discussed within Chapter 13, and examine the primary ways in which the chosen theory falls short in addressing adult learners from a different class, ethnicity, gender, and / or social context. Suggest specific implications of applying the chosen conceptualization within a learning setting comprising adult learners. Justify your response.
defend or critique the results generated from your unique “M.I. Snowflake”. Next, examine at least one (1) criticism of the application of Gardner’s multiple intelligences theory within an adult learning setting, and give your opinion of the validity of the criticism in question.

“Memory, Cognition, and The Brain, as They Relate to Adult Learners” Please respond to the following:

Recommend key instructional strategies geared toward facilitating the transfer of knowledge to long-term memory. Next, suggest approaches that instructors may use in order to compensate for the challenges of storage information storage and retrieval that occur with age.
compare the results of the two (2) quizzes / tests that you have taken. Distinguish the common thread(s)—or lack thereof—that the results yielded. Next, suggest which type of knowledge—i.e., procedural or procedural—would yield the best results with an adult learner like you. Provide a rationale for your response.