I have already started the essay but I need to develop the essay and fix the errors the professor made on the rough draft. I will attach all the necessary information needed. I have gotten the rough draft reviewed by a tutor so it should be easier to finish. The structure of the essay is really important. I will past the article we are writing about below…
Mexico backs a better way to address migration: strategic planning

In his recent apostolic exhortation on holiness, Pope Francis invited all of us to seek out the lost, the poor, the destitute and the abandoned. In other words, he invited us to seek out the migrant.
The world is witnessing one of the largest humanitarian crises in history, with an estimated 68.5 mil- lion people forced to flee their homes. While the reasons for migration are different, there is a universal desire for a better life.
The plight and flight of the poorest and most persecuted raises many ques- tions. Do we send them back to their places of origin, where they could be killed, or do we accept them with com- passionandunderstanding?Inseeking solutions, do we focus on the displaced or on the forces that displaced them?
The United States and Mexico are addressing these questions as mi- grants flee poverty and gang violence in Central America—with Mexico as a transit country and the United States as the intended destination (though an increasing number are remaining in Mexico). In 2016, 200,000 Central Americans, mainly from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, were ap- prehended by the U.S. Border Patrol.
This phenomenon led the Trump administration to pursue a policy of separating migrant families on the U.S.-Mexico border as a form of deter- rence against unauthorized crossings. The images of young children held in detention centers outraged millions of people around the world, forcing the Trump administration to retract its policy.
Perhaps it is time for a change in strategy.
The United States spends billions each year to remove undocumented migrants, but what if they did not have to flee their homes in the first place? What if the success of an immigration policy were measured in prosperity and security rather than in deportations and detentions? What if the solution lies not in border protection and immigration enforcement but in thoughtful diplomacy and strategic planning?
Shortly after the immigration crisis of 2014, the Obama administration worked with Congress and foreign diplomats, including those from Mexico, to create the Alliance for Prosperity, a bipartisan, multi-year plan promoting institutional reforms and economic development in Central America. In 2015,Congress approved $750million in aid to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador toward those ends. It was not a panacea, but it was a start in rethink- ing the way that we address migration.
Unfortunately, this way of ap- proaching migration has lost favor. U.S. foreign aid to Central America has decreased by 20 percent under the Trump administration. The militariza- tion of the border and the dehumaniza- tion of those who cross also show a less understanding approach to the most vulnerable people in our hemisphere.
There is another way. The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regu- lar Migration, sponsored by the Unit- ed Nations, is expected to be the first multinational negotiated agreement to address the challenges associat- ed with migration, including its root causes and the potential for migration to further prosperity and sustainable development in our globalized world. Hearings on the plan have been held since April 2017, and in early July a consensus on the text was achieved at the U.N.’s General Assembly on
the founding document of the Global Compact; it is expected to be adopted at a conference on international mi- gration this December in Morocco. Its 23 objectives include “providing basic services for migrants” and using “detention only as a measure of last resort.” The United States had initial- ly participated in the negotiations but withdrew last year.
In the same way that the causes of migration are many, the solutions are too. What works in one country may not work in others, but what will work is a comprehensive, holistic approach, like that of the Global Compact, which considers all parties and all factors. Migrants are incredible resources, and so are the communities from which they come. We must embrace them with kindness and compassion.
Pretending that their struggles are not our own will lead only to greater an- guish and suffering. A successful policy cannot be measured in months or years but in decades. It is faster to act through deportations and detentions, but that does not make economic opportunity and security less worthy pursuits.
Mexico understands that migra- tion is more than the journey; it is about cause and effect. And the Global Compact’s global approach will allow the international community to max- imize migration’s economic oppor- tunities. We are proud to recognize the humanity of migrants but, more important, to work toward building a society where everyone has a fair shot at life.
Diego Gómez Pickering served as Mexico’s ambassador to the United Kingdom from 2013 through 2016 and is now the consul general of Mexico to New York City.