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Assignment 3: Design with UML
Due Week 7 and worth 120 points
Advanced Business Systems (ABS) is a consulting and staffing company providing specialized staffing and consulting services to clients in a variety of different industries. It has offices in major U.S. metro areas and has ongoing relationships with Fortune 500 companies. Its areas of services range from software development and network engineering to geo-information systems. It has fifty (50) plus regional offices in U.S. and five (5) offices in Canada. It plans to expand to other countries in the future.
When an ABS client company determines that it will need a contractor or temporary professional, it issues a staffing request against the contract it had previously negotiated with ABS. The contract manager in ABS reviews the staff request and ensures that the request is valid with its current contract with its client from the database.

If the request is not valid, the contract manager sends the staffing request back to the client and explains the reasons and asks for the need for starting a new contract.
If the request is valid, the contract manager will start recruiting requests by putting the request into its staffing database. The staffing request is then sent to ABS placement department.

In the placement department, the placement specialists will check the job requirements and candidates qualifications.

If there is a qualified candidate, the specialist will notify the candidate and put a note in the database.
If a qualified candidate cannot be found or not immediately available, the specialist notifies contract managers and recruiting department; the recruiting department starts search outside immediately.

The recruiting department normally has thirty (30) days to find an outside candidate and send the qualified candidates to the placement department to review. If an internal qualified candidate is confirmed with his / her availability, the confirmation will be sent to the arrangement department. In the arrangement department, the candidate works with the specialists to further confirm the placement details, such as starting date, location, compensation (e.g., per diem), and travel arrangement. The final confirmation will be sent to the client along with a billing schedule. If the client agrees with the arrangement, he/she acknowledges the arrangement with contract managers in the contract department. The contract manager then puts a memo into its database and closes the request.
Note: You may create and / or assume all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.
Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

Create a package diagram of the problem domain layer using the communication diagrams and the CRUDE matrix through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
Perform and explain the verification and validation walk-through of the package diagram.
Create a set of invariants for attributes and relationships and add them to the CRC cards for each class in the structural model using Object Constraint Language (OCL).
List the classes in the structure model. Choose one (1) class and create a contract for each method in that class. Note: Be sure to use OCL to specify the preconditions and the post conditions.
Create a method specification for each method using both structured English and activity diagram for the algorithm specification through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
Use at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
Include charts or diagrams created in Visio or Dia. The completed diagrams / charts must be imported into the Word document before the paper is submitted.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Determine the steps and principles of design modeling with UML.

Document and describe the different state of objects throughout the life cycle.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in procuring and designing project requirements.
Write clearly and concisely about project requirements and design topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

Points: 120
Assignment 3: Design with UML

Unacceptable Below 60% F
Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D
Fair 70-79% C
Proficient 80-89% B
Exemplary 90-100% A

1. Create a package diagram of the problem domain layer using the communication diagrams and the CRUDE matrix through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia. Weight: 20%
Did not submit or incompletely created a package diagram of the problem domain layer using the communication diagrams and the CRUDE matrix through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.
Insufficiently created a package diagram of the problem domain layer using the communication diagrams and the CRUDE matrix through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.
Partially created a package diagram of the problem domain layer using the communication diagrams and the CRUDE matrix through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.
Satisfactorily created a package diagram of the problem domain layer using the communication diagrams and the CRUDE matrix through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.
Thoroughly created a package diagram of the problem domain layer using the communication diagrams and the CRUDE matrix through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.

2. Perform and explain the verification and validation walk-through of the package diagram.Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely performed and did not submit or incompletely explained the verification and validation walk-through of the package diagram.
Insufficiently performed and insufficiently explained the verification and validation walk-through of the package diagram.
Partially performed and partially explained the verification and validation walk-through of the package diagram.
Satisfactorily performed and satisfactorily explained the verification and validation walk-through of the package diagram.
Thoroughly performed and thoroughly explained the verification and validation walk-through of the package diagram.

3. Create a set of invariants for attributes and relationships and add them to the CRC cards for each class in the structural model using Object Constraint Language (OCL). Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely created a set of invariants for attributes and relationships and did not submit or incompletely added them to the CRC cards for each class in the structural model using Object Constraint Language (OCL).
Insufficiently created a set of invariants for attributes and relationships and insufficiently added them to the CRC cards for each class in the structural model using Object Constraint Language (OCL).
Partially created a set of invariants for attributes and relationships and partially added them to the CRC cards for each class in the structural model using Object Constraint Language (OCL).
Satisfactorily created a set of invariants for attributes and relationships and satisfactorily added them to the CRC cards for each class in the structural model using Object Constraint Language (OCL).
Thoroughly created a set of invariants for attributes and relationships and thoroughly added them to the CRC cards for each class in the structural model using Object Constraint Language (OCL).

4. List the classes in the structure model. Choose one (1) class and create a contract for each method in that class. Weight: 15%
Did not submit or incompletely listed the classes in the structure model; did not submit or incompletely chose one (1) class and did not submit or incompletely created a contract for each method in that class.
Insufficiently listed the classes in the structure model; insufficiently chose one (1) class and insufficiently created a contract for each method in that class.
Partially listed the classes in the structure model; partially chose one (1) class and partially created a contract for each method in that class.
Satisfactorily listed the classes in the structure model; satisfactorily chose one (1) class and satisfactorily created a contract for each method in that class.
Thoroughly listed the classes in the structure model; thoroughly chose one (1) class and thoroughly created a contract for each method in that class.

5. Create a method specification for each method using both structured English and activity diagram for the algorithm specification through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia. Weight: 20%
Did not submit or incompletely created a method specification for each method using both structured English and activity diagram for the algorithm specification through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.
Insufficiently created a method specification for each method using both structured English and activity diagram for the algorithm specification through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.
Partially created a method specification for each method using both structured English and activity diagram for the algorithm specification through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.
Satisfactorily created a method specification for each method using both structured English and activity diagram for the algorithm specification through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.
Thoroughly created a method specification for each method using both structured English and activity diagram for the algorithm specification through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.

6. 2 references Weight: 5%
No references provided
Does not meet the required number of references; all references poor quality choices.
Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices.
Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices.
Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.

7. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements Weight: 10%
More than 8 errors present
7-8 errors present
5-6 errors present
3-4 errors present
0-2 errors present