“Course Reflection and Senior Seminar Project PowerPoint” Please respond to the following:

Here is an opportunity to share your thoughts about the course. Please identify the parts of the course that you enjoyed or did not quite enjoy. Describe some of the areas you found most valuable; and, those that you felt did not contribute effectively to the class.

Attach your Senior Seminar Project PowerPoint Slides to the discussion board for other students to see and comment on two other students’ PowerPoint presentations. (this part is the assignment 5 that I asked you to do so I will attach it once you are done)

I enjoyed the discussion we need in week 3. Below you will find the discussion.
“Motivation of Personnel and Practical Reflection” Please respond to the following:

In this week’s discussion, answer the following questions… What is motivation? What factors must be considered in maximizing productivity? What are the various theories of motivation?
Over the past two weeks, you have shared where you want to work and why. This week, take a look at job prospects and outlook. For this week’s discussion research, go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ website, and search for the specific job you are looking to acquire after graduation and discuss salary information, growth potential, and job outlook. Discuss how this compared with your expectations.

Motivation of Personnel and Practical Reflection
Motivation can be defined as the driving force towards achieving a given goal or objective. Additionally, the term motivation can refer to the compelling force that encourages someone to act in a given way. An important factor that needs to be considered in maximizing productivity includes understanding and addressing the needs of each of the employees within the department or facility (Miner, 2015). Understanding what needs motivate the employees is essential to addressing these needs to improve productivity. Improvement of workplace conditions in addition to offering support to enable the employees to tackle their duties are essential consideration in improving productivity in the workforce (Miner, 2015). Considerations on how to practice positive reinforcement identifies yet another consideration in maximizing the productivity of the workforce. Different motivation theories are applied to provide management and key decision makers on how to improve productivity. These motivation theories include Maslow’s needs theory, theory x and theory y, expectancy theory and the equity theory. My goal is to work as a sales and marketing manager for Nokia. The median pay for the job is around $120,060 per a year and about $58.20 per hour (Bls.gov, 2019). There is 14% job outlook and this identifies that there is potential for growth and a favorable job outlook especially for those with higher degrees and training (Bls.gov, 2019).
Bls.gov. (2019). Sales and marketing manager. Retrieved from https://www.bls.gov/ooh/management/sales-managers….
Miner, J. B. (2015). Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. Routledge.
I didn’t quite enjoy week 7, only because I am not a good decision maker. Below is the discussion:
“Decision Making and Practical Reflection” Please respond to the following:

Provide an explanation describing the following decision-making styles: directive, analytical, conceptual and behavioral. Then, discuss which style, or styles, best describes your preferred decision-making strategy. Feel free to identify different styles for different situations.
Imagine you have been selected for an interview. Discuss what you would do to prepare for the interview, including: what would you research, wear, practice, and bring to the interview? Identify at least three key strategies that would help you successfully interview.

Decision-Making and Practical Reflection
Achieving success in any field is dependent on the ability to make good decisions. Therefore, the understanding of the different decision making styles and the most appropriate ones to use is essential to developing great decisions (Coscarell & Johnson, 2007). The directive style of decision making is based on the assessment of the process and the cons of a situation based on information already known (Coscarell & Johnson, 2007). The analytical decision making approach is based on the thorough analysis of all information before making a decision. The conceptual decision making style is based on assessing the long term results, brainstorming of alternatives and the creation of approaches to problem solving. Behavioral decision making involves assessing decisions that ensure that everyone works together and avoids conflict (Coscarell & Johnson, 2007). The analytical decision making style is the best style to make decisions as it involves the analysis of all information before making decision.
To succeed in an interview it is important to first study the company and knows one’s resume to better understand how the skill and knowledge defined in the resume fit into the company (Corfield, 2009). Studying the job description helps to get a better understanding of the position. Learning how to maintain positive body language such as maintaining eye contact with the interviewers is essential to a successful interview (Corfield, 2009). Learning how to pause and analyze each question asked by the panel is essential to providing detailed questions that show that one has the requisite skills and knowledge needed.
Corfield, R. (2009). Successful interview skills: how to prepare, answer tough questions and get your ideal job. Kogan Page Publishers.
Coscarelli, W. C., & Johnson, D. (2007). Decison-Making Style Inventory, Participant’s Workbook. John Wiley & Sons.