Part 1
Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
We encounter interpersonal communication situations on a daily basis whether we realize it or not. It is inevitable that you have had conversations that did not go the way you wanted them to go. People can often perceive things differently, the same message can be interpreted in a number of different ways.
Discuss one situation that didn’t go as you had anticipated and analyze why.
Your discussion should include the following:

Summarize the situation:

Who were you talking to?
What was the subject?
How did it go?

Explain the following:

How did the rules of conversation (ethics, listening effectively, patience, and non-verbal considerations) apply in this conversation?
How did perceptions, both your own and the individual’s that you were speaking with, influence the direction of the discussion?

Use sources:

Use at least 1 source to support your ideas
Cite this source at the end of your discussion post

Part 2
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
One of the most important ways to understand people is to get a sense of their self-concept. Self-concept refers to how people perceive themselves; it is a combination of your self-awareness and self-esteem. Self-concept often will dictate how an individual interpersonally communicates.
Consider the following scenario:
You are advising new students here at CTU. Your goal is to have your students be self-confident and well-adjusted. To help encourage the development of these qualities, you decide that you are going to create a one-page resource that provides an overview of self-concept. Within this discussion, please provide information on the key points that you would discuss within this resource.

Summarize the situation:

What is self-concept? Name all parts.
What are some of the dangers of negative self-concept?
What are some benefits of positive self-concept?

Explain the following:

How can someone improve his/her self-concept?

Use sources:

Use at least 1 source to support your ideas
Cite this source at the end of your discussion post

Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
An underrated aspect of interpersonal communication is listening. Many times, the success of a conversation will depend on whether one person took the time to actually listen to what the other person had to say.
Think about a time in which you had a conversation with someone and although you heard the words they spoke; you did not really listen. Did you ever wonder why this was the case? Take the time to describe the incident and then discuss the following:

Summarize the situation:

Who were you talking to?
What was the subject?
How did it go?

Explain the following:

What is the difference between hearing someone and listening?
Which style of listening was used in this example and why?
What are some of the barriers to effective listening present in your example?

Use sources:

Use at least 1 source to support your ideas
Cite this source at the end of your discussion post

Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
With any personal relationship, there is the potential for conflict. Whether it is in the workplace or in a person’s home life, conflict often occurs. In fact, it should be seen as natural and unavoidable in some respects.
Because this is the case, think about a time in which you had a conflict with someone and reflect on the following:

Summarize the situation:

What was the cause of the conflict?
Was it one of the fundamental causes that often lead to conflict?
How did you handle it?

Explain the following:

Was it the best way to handle it, or are there techniques that you should have used instead?
Which technique that you have learned might have been helpful in this situation? Why? Use sources.
Use at least 1 source to support your ideas
Cite this source at the end of your discussion post

As you pursue your degree and beyond, you will work together with classmates, coworkers, direct reports, and supervisors. When you have individuals working together in pursuit of a goal, there will be some form of conflict among team members. This could be due to personality conflicts, disagreement over tactics, and so forth. Unfortunately, if not handled correctly, conflict can disrupt and destroy any team efforts and can destroy relationships. On the other hand, conflict offers the potential for learning and developing future relationships with individuals. For this assignment, you will look over a scenario and make use of all of your interpersonal skills gained in the course to resolve the conflict and repair the relationships.
Consider the following scenario:
You have just been transferred to a new department at your place of employment. Your first task in this new department is to take a lead project management role on a project that has been taking longer than the company had anticipated.
You decide that a great way to get to know the team is to have a lunch meeting in a private room at a local restaurant. You want to have a nice lunch and an informal conversation about the project to get a feel for why the project seems stagnant.
The team consists of Marisa whose specialty is in training and development, Joe who is the subject matter expert on the new product, and Christopher whose specialty is in information technology and programming. Everybody goes around the table and introduces themselves.
Your initial observations of each team member:

Marisa seems to be very confident and driven in her statements. She has a rich background in training and development.
Joe is very confident in his knowledge of the subject matter but is a perfectionist.
Christopher is very quiet and reserved. You are unsure as to what country of origin he is from, but it is clear that English is a second language for him. You have heard that he is very good at what he does.

You also notice the following:

Immediately Marisa begins talking and blaming the projects lack of success on Joe taking too long to get her the information she needs. Marisa’s role is to create the training plan for selling the new product and she needs Christopher to finish his work before she can launch the training to employees.
Joe immediately becomes defensive and begins to yell at Marisa and tell her he is not putting his name on it until it is ready. He continues by telling Marisa that at this point she does not have the brain capacity to understand the product enough so he has to dumb it down for her.
Christopher jumps in and tries to offer his insights and Marisa turns to him, tells him that his job is simply to create what she tells him to create, then continues to argue with Joe. Christopher looks down at the table and stops talking.
Things are really starting to get heated and it is clear that this informal lunch meeting is quickly getting out of hand.

The description of this scenario can be downloaded here for future reference: Unit 5 Discussion Board Scenario.

Summarize the situation:

Write up a plan for resolving the conflict, getting the project back on track, and repairing the relationships of each individual involved.
How can interpersonal communication skills be used to resolve the conflict between the teammates? [indent with bullet point] How would you address the situation with each of the three individuals in a respectful manner as well as take what they have said and done into consideration?

Explain the following:

Where are patterns of conflict that are occurring with each individual?
How can these relationships be repaired using concepts of interpersonal communication such as power, listening skills, asking questions, cultural and personal sensitivity, empowerment, reframing, and any other conflict resolution strategies you find appropriate? Use sources.
Use at least 1 source to support your ideas
Cite this source at the end of your discussion post

For your discussion boards, this example shows how to cite a few websites and some academic journal articles. Please know this entry is meant to only serve as an example of a story that is supported by Interpersonal Communication terms, statements, and concepts.
This assignment is meant to be your own. You do not need to copy this text model. Your entry does not necessarily need to look like this text and certainly does not need to be this length if you prefer not to write so much.
Many of you are doing just fine with the way you are doing what you do. Read and implement the feedback I provide to you with each assignment, and your essay should be just fine as you improve from week to week. If you have any questions about APA or any other professional prose, please let me know. As I have told you on many occasions, email is typically the best way to reach me.
-James Cartee
Interpersonal Communications-COMS105
Unit 5 Discussion Board
Jamie Doe
Colorado Technical University
As the lead project manager in a new department, I am certainly feeling out of place as if I am intruding on what has been going on before I stepped in. But my duty is to take the lead and get the tasks rolling again in my place of employment. Initially I would make it clear to this cross-functional team that we need to get this stagnant project back on track and complete, before our lack of progress damages our brand product equity. This lack of organization would then cause customers to seek business elsewhere with one or more team members potentially quitting as well. I will have them all take a moment to get their feelings and nerves in check, and we will begin communicating with the Seven C’s of Communication. This exercise includes communication that is clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete, and most important of all, practicing courtesy to one another (Lee, Bristow, & Wong, 2018). First thing needing to be done, I would explain that we need to effectively resolve these present conflicts. The team should actively communicate as a group on what plan will be implemented to finish the project in a timely fashion. When figuring out the team’s communication types, each individual is under a different category of a defined communication type (McCarthy & Milner, 2013). Marisa seems to be in the blaming category as she constantly blames Joe for not getting her the information she needs to continue her role in this project. Joe seems to be the explosive type, becoming easily angered by the blame directed towards him from Marisa. Christopher then portrays the silent type by shutting down when his input is ridiculed and discredited. All these defined types of communication have serious impacts with unhealthy activities and side effects that will damper the mood of this project if everyone continues to operate on one’s self-motivations. We understand clearly that Joe is a perfectionist and wants to make sure that the product he creates is up to corporate standards. Even more importantly, as a team, we want to validate his feelings in this product creation process as he becomes ready with each procedural step in front of him. First and foremost, we need Joe to complete this project to the next step, so that the rest of the team can do their parts in the process as well.
We need to figure out what Joe needs to assist him with enhancing this product so that the item meets certain standards of approval. Then we can move it along to Marisa who will get the training plan ready for the team, so that Christopher will next create his own modules. Christopher’s completion of these modules will then give Marisa the capability to launch the training plan to the available employees. The process remains dependent on each person in each phase to reach the next stage of development. In this described scenario, the individuals continue to experience different patterns of conflict with Marisa and Joe being shouters and Christopher being a silent martyr (Gunther, 2018). Christopher tried to provide his input, and Marisa shut him out of the ‘conversation’ by yelling at him, while she and Joe were already shouting at one another simultaneously. The situation sounds like a high school pep rally of negativity with loud screaming. Christopher was unfairly attacked by Marisa, becoming the unjustifiable receiver of her criticism. We need to stop the shouting, listen respectively to one another, and take turns giving our input and opinions. We may then fully understand and cooperate with one another to finally finish this project and move forward to the next goals with a new project. Since we cannot work together while treating each other with respect, there was no way we could work together towards a common goal, everyone thinking of themselves before the whole team. The need to fix these damaged relationships is very important so future projects can move forward while employees are content in a positive work environment with limited stress.
In order to start the process of repairing these damaged relationships, I need the team to be open and honest about what has caused the conflict and what each can do to fix the issues at hand. The team members will apologize for offending and hurting the feelings of each other due to the yelling or negative criticism. Marisa is going to need to take a few breaths and calm down in order to avoid another unnecessary outburst. She must actively listen to Joe and Christopher. Joe will need to set aside some of his perfectionist ways and move the product to the next step so that Marisa and Christopher can then do their parts. There also needs to be some empathy towards Christopher’s sensitive personality. The team will potentially treat Christopher as needed by reframing, in other words, to see and say things differently than previously stated. Joe will constructively move forward after feeling stuck on his own job responsibilities to reach his goals for product completion. Joe will feel more empowered to act, secure in his own shoes (McNamara, 2012). Marisa will need to talk less and actively listen more in order to learn about the product to effectively have the training plan in place at the right time. Finally, Christopher’s work will then present his finished creation while training becomes launched to the employees for their educational needs (Phillips, 1997). “Seek first to understand, then to be understood” is a quote by Steven Covey (1989), the author of Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, meaning that in our own communications, we must ensure we understand others before we push to be understood. In order to accomplish this task, we will use interpersonal communication skills, including verbal and nonverbal communication, to effectively resolve the conflict, thus establishing a plan for carrying all projects to completion. We will need to put ourselves in others’ shoes and support them to do the same, using empathy, trying to understand the work process from different perspectives (Bran, 2018). Together we will collaborate and compromise to efficiently reach the planned goals and in turn, find a common agreed-upon strategy to complete all necessary projects delegated to the team by upper level management.
Works Cited
Bran, R. (2018). THE ROLE OF ACTIVE LISTENING IN THE ACQUISITION OF SECOND LANGUAGES. Research and Science Today, (1) , 88. Retrieved January 28. 2019, from ProQuest Central Database.
Covey, S. R. (1989). The seven habits of highly effective people: Restoring the character ethic . New York: Simon and Schuster.
Gunther, R. (2018, June 15). Psychology Today. Retrieved from…
Lee, C., Bristow, M., & Wong, J. C. (2018). Emotional intelligence and teamwork skills among undergraduate engineering and nursing students: A pilot study. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education, 8 (1). Retrieved January 28. 2019, from ProQuest Central Database.
McCarthy, G., & Milner, J. (2013). Managerial coaching: Challenges, opportunities and training. The Journal of Management Development, 32 (7), 768-779. Retrieved January 28. 2019, from ProQuest Central Database.
McNamara, C. (2012, February 2). Free Management Library . Retrieved from…
Phillips, P. (1997). The Conflict Wall. Educational Leadership, 54 (8), 43–44. Retrieved January 28, 2019, from Academic Search Complete Database.
*Please note this entry was provided by a student with this person’s knowledge and permission to utilize in future Communication courses. The names in this essay have been changed to protect the identity of those involved in the story. This specific example is meant to serve for educational purposes only. While these sources are real, the content of this essay may not reflect the actual content of each cited source. This assignment may have been changed from the original contents of this provided essay. Be sure that you always read the assignment directions very carefully to fully complete this assignment. This given example is not meant to be a source for any texts in this class. Do NOT use this demonstration entry for your own discussion board post!