Think about the ecological biome that you currently live in or grew up in. How would you classify it – temperate forest, temperate grassland, etc.?

What are the dominant types of vegetation and animal species that live there?
How have human activities changed your biome over time?
What do you remember most about nature growing up?

For inspiration, see Chapter 16 of our course textbook and The World’s Biomes Page. If you can, post an image taken from your biome of dominant features of your landscape (but please compress your image to ca. 25 to 33% of original size so that the discussion board formatting in Blackboard is not overwhelmed). Please put some good effort in describing your landscape. Posts that say “My landscape is grass and lawns with dogs and cats running around” will not contribute significantly to this discussion and will be graded accordingly.


Which of the following is a density-dependent factor?

Decrease in temperature

Increase in waste production

Decrease in frequency of hurricanes

Increase in rainfall


Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox, is situated on land that was once a fen, a kind of wetland. The replacement of the fen is an example of what?



Habitat destruction



An owl eating a seed-eating mouse is an example of what?


Primary consumer

Secondary consumer

Tertiary consumer


A relationship which benefits one species and does not affect the other is called __________.






On a warm summer day in August, you decide to go for a walk through a new housing development that was built near your home a few years ago. As you walk by the pond that is in the center of this development, you notice an unpleasant smell. Then, you see that the pond is full of green algae, and there are dead fish floating on the surface. This is a pond that used to be clean and clear, and you used to play in it as a child. What could have most likely caused this change?

Too many people are discarding food and other wastes in the pond, causing increased algal growth.

Lawns are being over-fertilized, causing excess fertilizer to wash into the pond, stimulating algal growth.

The low reflectance of the surrounding area is heating up the pond, causing increased algal growth.

The salting of the roads during icy conditions in the winter has resulted in the runoff of salt, which stimulated algal growth.


Match the term to its definition or characteristic.

Ecological niche



Tropical Rain Forest





Ecological footprint



the amount of land needed to support the human activity of that area


flowing water moving in one direction


role or job of a species in an ecosystem


biome with less than 20 inches of rain per year


areas in Africa where elephants and other large animals graze


when two species require the same resources within the same habitat


species that survives by eating another species


the process that causes small amounts of pollutants to be concentrated in higher amounts in animals higher up on the food chain


highly productive habitat where fresh and saltwater mix


area near the poles with very short growing seasons


biome with the greatest biodiversity

Unit V Homework
In previous chapters, we learned that life is very diverse. Organisms range from single cells to multi-celled. Some organisms cannot even be seen with the naked eye. Is diversity increasing or decreasing? In the future, will we have more organisms? Does our population play a role in the lives of other organisms? Should we be considered if an organism goes extinct? The following exploratory activity will help you understand threats to organisms, what is being done to save them, and how organisms are classified.
Computer with internet access
1. Go to: or copy and paste the address into your web browser.
2. In the search term, box type in the word Ivory-billed Woodpecker .
3. Click on the scientific name for Ivory-billed Woodpecker.
4. Read the information and answer the following questions.

Questions 1 – 20 are short answer questions and should be answered in a few words. Total: 80 points

Type all answers directly in the data sheet text boxes and upload the data sheet as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file with your last name and student number when finished. You may need to adjust the textbox size to display all text.

1.In your own words, explain the purpose of the IUCN Red List. (4 points)

2.What is the scientific name for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker? (4 points)

3.Are there any similar species? If so, name them. (4 points)

4. In your own words state where are Ivory-billed Woodpeckers found.(4 points)

5. What is the current status of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker? What was it before the year 2000? (4 points)

6.What is the population trend? (4 points)

7.How many mature Ivory-billed Woodpeckers are estimated to exist? How many sub-populations? (4 points)

8.In your own words describe the habitat that Ivory-billed Woodpeckers require. (4 points)

9.Look at the range map linked in the Ivory-billed Woodpecker IUCN page. How many U.S. states does the bird’s range include? (4 points)

10.In which Kingdom is the Ivory-billed Woodpecker classified? (4 points)

11.In which Phylum is the Ivory-billed Woodpecker classified? (4 points)

12.In which Class is the Ivory-billed Woodpecker classified? (4 points)

13.In which Order is the Ivory-billed Woodpecker classified? (4 points)

14.In which Family is the Ivory-billed Woodpecker classified? (4 points)

15.What is the most significant threat to Ivory-billed Woodpeckers. (4 points)

16.Describe in your own words what (if anything) is currently being done to protect the species. (4 points)

17.What is the primary food source for this species? (4 points)

18.With such low population numbers, why might genetic diversity be a concern? (4 points)

19. Do you feel that it is worth it to save this species? Explain why or why not.
(4 points)

20. In your opinion, can this species be saved or is it too late? Briefly explain your answer. (4 points)

Question 21 is an extended response question. Your response should be at least 100 words in length. Total: 20 points

21. Considering what you have learned from this activity and the textbook chapters, explain your thoughts about the following statement: “Humans rely on other organisms for survival; however, other organisms would be better off without humans.” Take a stand and argue for or against this statement.