After reading the four short articles for this week and reviewing the questions for each country-case, choose one question from each case to discuss (FOUR TOTAL). Please copy and paste the questions with numbers or bullet points (and label with the country) and then provide your answer. Answers should be about 2-4 sentences each.
You will need to tie aspects of previous modules (slides, videos, and articles) to your thoughts. You are welcome to also tie in Gaskins or Senna but those need to be in addition to the previously mentioned course materials. In addition to addressing the questions, you will need to pose one of your own–either after you complete the answers or embedded within your discussion.
Similar to book club discussions, choose at least two items from their list (their thoughts on the discussion question and/or their own original question) and provide a substantive response [Example: “In response to your Question 1, ….”] that provokes more discussion similar to the other discussions we have in class. You will need to respond to two of your classmates, on their threads. Be sure to make connections to course material.
classmates post

classmate 1
What important differences exist for mixed folks between the US and Brazil? (Brazil)
A big difference in the treatment of mixed folks between the US and Brazil is that those with African ancestry aren’t automatically just regarded as black. A large percentage of Brazilians with African ancestry are classified as white or Moreno/Morena. This is due to race being replaced by the notion of skin color. As we learned in previous class discussions, part of America’s racist history classifies folks mixed with black as just black as opposed to the blood quantum law regarding Native Americans. I pose this question: considering that Brazilians have many ways of describing their skin color, what does it mean to be truly “Black” in Brazil?
• Will efforts to share cross-culturally serve to bridge the perceived divide or create more distance (socially and/or culturally) between mixed and monoracials? (Korea)
I believe that the efforts to share cross-culturally can bridge the perceived divide among the mixed folks and monoracials. Given the prevalence of South Korea’s culture globally, they seem to be aware of the need to globalize and adapt with the times. As the article mentioned, the Korean government are actively trying to bridge this gap by offering Korean as a Second Language (KSL) classes for multiethnic children. Additionally, what other efforts should be developed to supplement these KSL classes for multiethnic children?
• Why was Osaka more accepted than previous hafu beauty pageant winners (Ariana Miyamoto and Priyanka Yoshikawa)? (Japan)
Osaka was more accepted than the two previous hafu beauty pageant winners because becoming the world’s top-ranked female tennis player has more to do with her skills than her beauty or looks. Since majority of Japan believe in preserving the purity of Japanese culture and traditions, some can’t accept the fact that a beauty pageant winner is dark-skinned and looks non-Japanese. Does gender also play a role in the two pageant winner’s lack of acceptance? If so, what makes Osaka different?
• How is the struggle for Native Hawaiian and Native American people similar? (Hawaii)
The Native American and Native Hawaiian indigenous people have existed in America long before European settlers “discovered” the nation. Erasure in different forms is a struggle that both Native Hawaiians and Native Americans face. They were both colonized by Europeans yet their history and indigeneity are often denied and erased. With this in mind, what things would need to change in order to combat this forced erasure?

glassmate 2

What categories do they have and how are they stratified?

There are 5 different categories that Brazil has and those are social legitimization, race, social hierarchy (social relations), non-racialism and poverty and indigence. Each category is stratified by race. These social mechanisms allow the functioning of racism to be a system. How does race being seen as a system cause problems between classes economically?

Korean classes make sure to represent mixed kids in various ways, what benefit does this have?

Some of the benefits that come out of mixed kids being represented in various is that mixed kids have a lot of help. They are invited to learn about their culture and language. Also they are supported and made sure curriculum reflects them. This will benefit mixed kids in the future because the students will understand each other and themselves. It benefits their education, families and development of their society.

Why was Osaka more accepted than previous hafu beauty?

Firstly, time may be a reason why osaka is more accepted. People with time have been more understanding or mixed races. Japan has become more “tolerant with those who are different”. This relates to many of our reading and society today of how people are becoming more accepting of mixed races and are bringing attention to them. For example in Senna a reading about a mixed girl trying to find her identity or our recent videos on mixed race ( interracial marriages) Also another reason that was seen was “everyone loves a winner.

How is the struggle for Native Hawaiian people and Native Americans similar?

Both Native Hawaiians and Native Americans share the struggle of the “survival of their people”. There is already a huge amount of discrimination and struggle against individualism in today’s very dominant society so group identities have even more of a struggle. Indigenous nationhood concepts are never really addressed with the idea of equality so there is more of a struggle for these two races.