Elementary Case Summary 3: Jason

Jason is 11 years old and is about to enter grade six. He was diagnosed with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) when he was in grade two. Jason had difficulty sitting still in class, was not able to attend to instructions, had difficulty completing assignments, and struggled with social relationships. Jason’s parents divorced when Jason was 8 years old, and he feels he doesn’t see his father enough. Both parents are having problems with him at home. Homework has become impossible, and generally ends in anger and frustration for all concerned. Jason has become so defiant and angry, both at home and at school, that a psychologist was called to assess and offer support. It was discovered that his behaviours currently meet criteria for Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). Jason’s teacher and parents are hoping they can develop an appropriate academic/behavioural/emotional plan with support from the psychologist to set Jason up for success and to help him with self-control in preparation for junior high school.

Each of your case studies will have four parts: an introduction, gathering of background information, developing an inclusive education plan, and a conclusion. The case studies are to be written in paragraph form. Please do not include tables or point form lists. This is not an Individual Education Plan (IEP).
In order to gather important background information, conduct a brief literature search, and select a minimum of 3 primary sources that focus on the area of exceptionality your case study involves. Primary sources are articles/studies published in professional journals. Consult the Library Services section of the Student Manual for detailed information on the types of resources available to you. You should also cite the course text as a secondary source for your case studies.
Review the grading criteria for the required content and organization of your case studies. As you work on your papers, review your progress frequently with respect to fulfilling the requirements of the grading criteria.
Your finished case study should be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages using a standard 12-point font size. Your case study will begin with a title page and end with a reference list, which are not included in the total page count.
The paper is to be written in APA style — refer to The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.), the Purdue Online Writing Lab, the Writing Resources section of Athabasca University’s Psychology Resources (AUPR) website, the course textbook, and the articles you selected. You are expected to use APA format for the title page, in-text citations, and reference list.
Submit your assignment to the Elementary Case Study Drop Box. Your tutor will mark your papers and return them with feedback to the Assignment Drop Box for you to pick up.
Your paper will be graded according to how well you demonstrate your knowledge, comprehension, and analysis of the area of exceptionality you choose. The following grading criteria delineate the expectations for this assignment.

Grading Criteria

Report Structure

Grading Criteria



A good introduction should be well written and to the point. It will have the following components:



An interesting, concise introduction to the case.


A statement of the rationale and purpose of the case study.


An brief outline of the structure of the case study.

Background Information

Background information for this case study needs to include:



A discussion of the important issues and concerns that need to be addressed.


A review of the prevalance, causes, and the characteristics of students in this age group with the specific diverse needs you have chosen.


An integrated and comparative discussion of information gathered from the course content, as well as at least 3 current, primary sources. These sources should offer evidence-based information about students with the particular diverse needs for the case you have chosen. The text offers a good deal of information that you will need in order to discuss the case, but it is always good to strengthen your statements by including outside primary sources as well. (Primary research articles are where the author is reporting on his or her research findings. This includes reports of empirical studies, review articles, theoretical articles, methodological articles, and case studies. It does not include letters, book reviews, overviews, news articles, and general information websites.)

Inclusive Plan Development

Developing a strong inclusive educational plan will include:



A brief review of the needs and issues for this particular case.


Consideration for possible concerns around cultural, linguistic, social, emotional, and/or behavioural issues.


Strategies for curriculum and instruction for this case.


Classroom adaptations (at least two).


Accommodations for this student (at least two).


Effective inclusive practices.


Enhancing inclusive classroom ideas for this particular student.


A summary of the case study findings and inclusive plan.



Excellent style in the case study will include:



No grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors.


The use of headings for organization. The Introduction, Background Information, Inclusive Plan Development, and Conclusion should be labelled (centred). Subheadings can also be used (left justified).


The use of a title page with the name of the case study, your name, course name, and your tutor’s name. All centred on the page.


A reference list in APA format.


Sentences that are no longer than necessary.


Avoids the use of first-person language: “I” and “we.”

Paragraphs that are well structured with opening and concluding statements, and which link to the next section.

