Hello, is me again, here is the requirement:
Students will interview a child between 13 and 18 years of age, and then write a 6-10 page reflection. The following are the guidelines for the paper.
Part A
Review discussion Discussion 1on data collection. Focus on the section on interviews. See the resources provided for this assignment on interviewing to support you.
Part B
Interview a child between the ages of 13 and 18 years of age. Remember to encourage the interviewee to “say more” or expand on their answer. Follow the following interview form and guidelines.
A) Introduction:
Child’s Gender:
Child’s Age:
Cultural Background:
Date and time of day of interview:
B) Questions on Relationships with Family

Ask the adolescent to describe his/her family.
Number of people in the family, relationship to adolescent.
Ages of brothers and sisters
Description of extended family living in house
Does all your family live in the same house? If not, where do they
Describe the meaning of the word relationship.
Describe a good relationship
Describe a poor relationship.
What are the relationships like in your family? Tell me more about this
Who are people in your family with whom you feel you have a good relationship? Tell me about this (these) relationship(s)?
Who are the people in your family that you fight with or disagree with the most often? Tell me about this?
Who do you feel in your family listens to you the most.

In making decisions, setting rules or talking about life do you think that parents are always right? Why do you think that they are right or not right?

What types of things are parents usually right about?
What types of things are they less right about?
How do your parent’s handle it when you disagree with them about decisions or issues?
If you were in trouble and needed help who in your family would you go to? Why would you go to this person?
If you wouldn’t go to anyone in your family who else would you go to for help when you were in trouble?

C) Questions Regarding School

Talk about what you think is the importance and value of school?

What do you believe you learn in school?
Talk about your favorite subjects in school?
What do you like best about school? What do you like least?
If you were in charge of creating a school, what would it be like?

How important do you think grades are?

Why do you think they are important or not important?
How much do you think grades motivate you to work harder?
How do grades affect your feelings about school?

What do you think about someone who cheats on homework assignments or exams?

Would you tell on someone if you knew they were cheating? Why or why not?
Do you think cheating has any effect on everyone’s overall grades?
Have you given any thought to what kind of a career you might want to try

when you are done with school?

Do you have any interests that you think might lead to a career choice?
Do you plan to go to college? Why or why not?
How are you going to decide about a career or type of work?

D) Questions About Religion, Philosophy, and Spirituality

What are the religious beliefs or practices that you were raised with in your family?
Do you actively practice any religious or philosophical beliefs? Do you practice a “faith” in some other less traditional way?
Have your religious beliefs or practices changed in the last two years?
If so, in what ways have they changed?
Do you believe that God or some Spirit loves, watches over and takes care of humankind?

Talk about why you do or don’t believe this?

What guiding principles do you rely on?

Where did you learn these guiding principles?

Do you feel safe in the world?

What makes you feel safe or not?

E) Questions About Sexuality and Dating

How do you think decisions should be made about when to start dating, wearing make up or staying out late, etc.?
Should parents or teen-agers make these decisions?
At what age do you think teen-agers should start dating and being involved in boyfriend/girlfriend relationships? Why do you think this is the most appropriate age
Talk about how much you think your parents understand about how it feels to be a teenager today?
How did you learn what you know about how babies are born? How old were you when you learned this information?
Have you ever talked to your parents about this openly?
Where would you go for information about birth, pregnancy, or birth control?
Do you think teenagers should have a right to birth control information without their parents knowing about it? Why or why not?
Should birth control information be available in high schools?
How useful were any sex education classes that you took in middle school or high school? How were they helpful?
If a girl gets pregnant when she is a teenager, whose fault is it?

What do you think parents should do about this situation?
What should teenagers do about this situation?
Who do you think should make the decisions about how the problem is handled?

Ending: Be sure to thank the person who you interviewed for their time, thoughts and ideas.
Part C: Adolescent Interview Write Up Guidelines
Title Page
Introduction: 1-2 paragraphs 1 page
Describe interviewee background information

Subjects Gender and Age
Cultural and ethnic background
Where was interview conducted

Body of Text: 5 or more paragraphs. 4 or more pages
Use quotes to validate your inferences/conclusions about what you heard in the interview.

What did you learn about this child’s overall development in the three developmental areas covered in the course on adolescent development?
Which of Dianna Baumrind’s parenting style seemed to fit this adolescent description of and his/her family?
What did you learn about how this child responds to relationships?
Does this child seem securely-attached to family members? Tell why you think this.
What did you learn about the adolescent’s attitude about school and it’s importance in their life?
Based on Lawrence Kohlberg or Carol Gilligan’s work, what level of moral development was reflected in the response to the question about cheating on homework and exams?
Share any other comments you want to make about what you learned from this experience

Conclusion: 2-3 paragraphs 1more page
Discuss the body and relate it to content learned on adolescent development. Provide a summary and concluding thoughts about the child’s overall development and experiences.
References: 1 page
List references if you cited anyone in your paper.
Review video clip on qualitative methods and focus on interviewing techniques and content analysis.