DISCUSS: Stakeholders and Social Responsibility
250-word (not including in-text citation and references as word count) count minimum with two scholarly sources in APA format. For the two scholarly sources, one from the textbook that’s posted below and the other one from an outside source. Let’s be sure to write it in own work 100% and give credit appropriately when using someone’s else work.
The Unit 1 discussion question asks for everyone’s views about a product or service that is legal, but not socially responsible. Focus on a single product or service rather than a marketing strategy or an entire company.
Your opinions are important and not everyone will agree. Scoring will depend more on the evidence you provide to support your opinions, rather than what your opinions are. Two sources are required, including the book. Whatever position you take, you should incorporate supporting evidence from the Read and Attend sections with citations for any ideas, paraphrasing, or quotes that are used. The emphasis should be on documenting what was learned about stakeholders and social responsibility from the Read and Attend sections along with enough outside research to provide evidence for what you are saying about the product.
Outside sources should provide information that is not already in available in the course materials. The outside sources should be from the EBSCO datebase.
You may also use reputable business publications such as Business Week, Wall Street Journal, The Economist, or news articles from the business section of major news networks (ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, BBC, etc.). In addition, websites in .gov, .edu, .mil, and some .org domains may be used if they provide sufficiently broad coverage. Please don’t waste time by just surfing the Internet.
Review the Chapter Two debate on page 37. To prepare for the Complete assignment, think about your position on the service that ALM offers. Then, for the Unit One discussion:
1) Identify a different product or service that is legal but socially irresponsible. Using what you have learned about social responsibility, and a stakeholder perspective (p. 35), show why the product or service you chose is not socially responsible. Discuss both the benefits and harms, as well as how they balance out over different stakeholders.
Be sure to focus on a specific product or service, rather than a marketing strategy or an entire company. Defend your position with evidence using citations and references that follow APA guidelines.

1,300 word count and there is a total of 4 questions (not including in-text citation and references as the word count), a minimum of three scholarly sources are required in APA format. For the three scholarly sources, one from the textbook that’s posted below and the other two from an outside source. Let’s be sure to write it in own work 100% and give appropriately when using someone’s else work.

The Complete questions in Unit 1 are straightforward.
Q1 and Q2 can be answered fully using information from the course materials.
Q3 and Q4 will both be stronger with outside sources.
Q2, Q3, and Q4 each ask about your opinions and recommendations. As in the discussion, scoring will depend more on the evidence you provide to support your responses, rather than what your opinions and recommendations are. Q3 is nearly identical to the discussion post, so be sure to review the guidance for that, above.
Like the discussion, you will be asked for your opinion in some questions. Your opinions are important but scoring will depend more on the evidence you provide to support your opinions, rather than what your opinions are. Three sources are required, including the book.
Outside sources should provide information that is not already in available in the course materials. The outside sources should be from the EBSCO datebase.
Each response should be researched using the course materials and/or outside sources, including in-text citations and references following APA formatting.

1. Developing an Organizational and Global Ethical Culture and the Benefits of Business Ethics
Define what is meant by an organizational ethical culture. Then, identify and describe the four primary benefits of business ethics.
2. Resolving Ethical Business Challenges – Acme Corporation
Read the Acme Corporation scenario on pp. 26-27, paying particular attention to the trips to Cancun and Las Vegas. Answer the following:
1) How do those trips fit with the organizational culture at Acme? 2) Amber clearly thinks that there is nothing wrong. Describe where you think the line should be drawn between developing better customer relationships and your own personal values.
3. Avid Life Media
Read the Chapter Two debate issue on page 37. Using a stakeholder perspective, clearly state whether you think the services offered by Avid Life Media (ALM) are socially responsible or not. Defend your recommendations using a stakeholder perspective to show how the positive and negative impacts balance out for various stakeholder groups.
4. Resolving Ethical Business Challenges – Bounce Corporation
Read the Bounce Corporation scenario on pp. 54-55, paying particular attention to the ethical issues related to the Breakaway project. Answer the following:
1) What are the three primary ethical issues? 2) Describe the socially responsible action that the Breakaway project should follow for each of those issues. Defend your recommendations using a stakeholder perspective to show how the positive and negative impacts balance out for various stakeholder groups.
Last part of Assignment:
1) Watch the documentary “Is Walmart good for America?”. It is about an hour long and was produced by Frontline. Although it is more than 10 years old, the ethical issues remain largely unresolved.
2) Write a response (300-400 words) indicating how the video helps (or doesn’t help) create a better understanding of the material on social responsibility in Chapter Two. Follow APA requirements for a cover page and reference page.
Here’s the reference in APA format:
Smith, H. & Young, R. (Writers), Young, R. (Director). (2004). Is Wal-Mart good for America? [Television series episode]. In R. Young (Producer), Frontline. Boston, MA: WGBH Boston. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/walmart/view.