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Term Paper: TopBike
Due Week 10 and worth 230 points
This assignment consists of two (3) sections: analysis and design document, a requirements document, and a project plan that is created through the use of MS Project. You must submit the three (3) sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment it is written for. Additionally, you may create and / or assume all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.
Read the article titled “TopBike” and complete this assignment located here: Week 10 Term Paper – Top Bike.PDF
Imagine that you, a systems architect leading a consulting team, are asked to perform a systems analysis and design to help TopBike implement a software system that can improve their profits and save costs.
Section 1: Analysis and Design Document

Write a ten to twelve (10-12) page paper in which you:

Identify the business problems that TopBike has.
Determine the analysis technique for this project and explain why.
Determine the methodology for this project and explain why.
Identify the roles (i.e., system analyst, developer) for the team and explain their responsibilities.
Explain how to conduct requirements gathering sessions and determine the tools to use.
Create the functional model, structural model, and behavioral model with class diagrams through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
Create a design document with a data management layer.
Draw a physical architecture diagram for the final solution through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length. .
Explain the human-interface design considerations.
Explain the steps for developing test cases and describe how they help the overall project.
Determine the change management process and post implementation strategy for the project and product.
Use at least four (4) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Section 2: Requirements Document

Create a requirements document that includes:

Functional and nonfunctional requirements for TopBike.
Nonfunctional requirements for TopBike.
Use cases and their descriptions.

Section 1 and 2 of this assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
Include charts or diagrams created in Visio or Dia. The completed diagrams / charts must be imported into the Word document before the paper is submitted.

Section 3: Project Plan
Use Microsoft project to:

Develop the project plan. The project plan must:

Record all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time related to the project.
Outline the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases.
Identify the key milestones of your project.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Explain and apply object-oriented analysis techniques.
Compare and contrast different roles needed in systems analysis and design.

Compare and contrast requirements gathering among traditional and iterative project methods.
Procure, document, and scope IT project requirements with use cases.
Describe object-oriented modeling, structural modeling, and behavioral modeling.
Develop class diagram based on business scenarios.
Create a business requirements document that conforms to the Unified Modeling Language standard.
Apply the project requirements steps of eliciting, analyzing, documenting, and testing to address and solve a proposed business problem.
Determine the steps and principles of design modeling with UML.
Describe how societal mores and social media impact the design of human-computer interactions.
Describe the impact of contemporary computing architecture to the physical architecture design.
Describe how to gather nonfunctional requirements and its importance for overall IT project success.
Explain the importance of change management and post-implementation support and how they impact business and overall enterprise.
Describe and design test cases that uncover software bugs.
Develop a business requirements document that addresses and solves a proposed business problem.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in procuring and designing project requirements.
Write clearly and concisely about project requirements and design topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

Points: 230
Term Paper: TopBike

Unacceptable Below 60% F
Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D
Fair 70-79% C
Proficient 80-89% B
Exemplary 90-100% A

Section 1: Analysis and Design Document

1. Write a ten to twelve (10-12) page paper in which you:

1a. Identify the business problems that TopBike has.Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely identified the business problems that TopBike has.
Insufficiently identified the business problems that TopBike has.
Partially identified the business problems that TopBike has.
Satisfactorily identified the business problems that TopBike has.
Thoroughly identified the business problems that TopBike has.

1b. Determine the analysis technique for this project and explain why. Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely determined the analysis technique for this project and did not submit or incompletely explained why.
Insufficiently determined the analysis technique for this project and insufficiently explained why.
Partially determined the analysis technique for this project and partially explained why.
Satisfactorily determined the analysis technique for this project and satisfactorily explained why.
Thoroughly determined the analysis technique for this project and thoroughly explained why.

1c. Determine the methodology for this project and explain why. Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely determined the methodology for this project and did not submit or incompletely explained why.
Insufficiently determined the methodology for this project and insufficiently explained why.
Partially determined the methodology for this project and partially explained why.
Satisfactorily determined the methodology for this project and satisfactorily explained why.
Thoroughly determined the methodology for this project and thoroughly explained why.

1d. Identify the roles (i.e., system analyst, developer) for the team and explain their responsibilities. Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely identified the roles (i.e., system analyst, developer) for the team and did not submit or incompletely explained their responsibilities.
Insufficiently identified the roles (i.e., system analyst, developer) for the team and insufficiently explained their responsibilities.
Partially identified the roles (i.e., system analyst, developer) for the team and partially explained their responsibilities.
Satisfactorily identified the roles (i.e., system analyst, developer) for the team and satisfactorily explained their responsibilities.
Thoroughly identified the roles (i.e., system analyst, developer) for the team and thoroughly explained their responsibilities.

1e. Explain how to conduct requirements gathering sessions and determine the tools to use.Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely explained how to conduct requirements gathering sessions and did not submit or incompletely determined the tools to use.
Insufficiently explained how to conduct requirements gathering sessions and insufficiently determined the tools to use.
Partially explained how to conduct requirements gathering sessions and partially determined the tools to use.
Satisfactorily explained how to conduct requirements gathering sessions and satisfactorily determined the tools to use.
Thoroughly explained how to conduct requirements gathering sessions and thoroughly determined the tools to use.

1f. Create the functional model, structural model, and behavioral model with class diagrams through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia. Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely created the functional model, structural model, and behavioral model with class diagrams through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.
Insufficiently created the functional model, structural model, and behavioral model with class diagrams through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.
Partially created the functional model, structural model, and behavioral model with class diagrams through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.
Satisfactorily created the functional model, structural model, and behavioral model with class diagrams through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.
Thoroughly created the functional model, structural model, and behavioral model with class diagrams through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.

1g. Create a design document with a data management layer. Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely created a design document with a data management layer.
Insufficiently created a design document with a data management layer.
Partially created a design document with a data management layer.
Satisfactorily created a design document with a data management layer.
Thoroughly created a design document with a data management layer.

1h. Draw a physical architecture diagram for the final solution through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia. Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely drew a physical architecture diagram for the final solution through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.
Insufficiently drew a physical architecture diagram for the final solution through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.
Partially drew a physical architecture diagram for the final solution through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.
Satisfactorily drew a physical architecture diagram for the final solution through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.
Thoroughly drew a physical architecture diagram for the final solution through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia.

1i. Explain the human-interface design considerations. Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely explained the human-interface design considerations.
Insufficiently explained the human-interface design considerations.
Partially explained the human-interface design considerations.
Satisfactorily explained the human-interface design considerations.
Thoroughly explained the human-interface design considerations.

1j. Explain the steps for developing test cases and describe how they help the overall project.Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely explained the steps for developing test cases and did not submit or incompletely described how they help the overall project.
Insufficiently explained the steps for developing test cases and insufficiently described how they help the overall project.
Partially explained the steps for developing test cases and partially described how they help the overall project.
Satisfactorily explained the steps for developing test cases and satisfactorily described how they help the overall project.
Thoroughly explained the steps for developing test cases and thoroughly described how they help the overall project.

1k. Determine the change management process and post implementation strategy for the project and product. Â Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely determined the change management process and post implementation strategy for the project and product.Â
Insufficiently determined the change management process and post implementation strategy for the project and product.Â
Partially determined the change management process and post implementation strategy for the project and product.Â
Satisfactorily determined the change management process and post implementation strategy for the project and product.Â
Thoroughly determined the change management process and post implementation strategy for the project and product.Â

1l. 4 references Weight: 5%
No references provided
Does not meet the required number of references; all references poor quality choices.
Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices.
Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices.
Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.

Section 2: Requirements Document

2a. Create a requirements document that includes functional and nonfunctional requirement for TopBike.Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely created a requirements document that includes functional and nonfunctional requirement for TopBike.
Insufficiently created a requirements document that includes functional and nonfunctional requirement for TopBike.
Partially created a requirements document that includes functional and nonfunctional requirement for TopBike.
Satisfactorily created a requirements document that includes functional and nonfunctional requirement for TopBike.
Thoroughly created a requirements document that includes functional and nonfunctional requirement for TopBike.

2b. Create a requirement document that includes nonfunctional requirement for TopBike. Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely created a requirement document that includes nonfunctional requirement for TopBike.
Insufficiently created a requirement document that includes nonfunctional requirement for TopBike.
Partially created a requirement document that includes nonfunctional requirement for TopBike.
Satisfactorily created a requirement document that includes nonfunctional requirement for TopBike.
Thoroughly created a requirement document that includes nonfunctional requirement for TopBike.

2c. Create a requirement document that includes use cases and their descriptions. Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely created a requirement document that includes use cases and their descriptions.
Insufficiently created a requirement document that includes use cases and their descriptions.
Partially created a requirement document that includes use cases and their descriptions.
Satisfactorily created a requirement document that includes use cases and their descriptions.
Thoroughly created a requirement document that includes use cases and their descriptions.

Section 3: Project Plan

3a. Develop a project plan that records all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time related to the project. Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely developed a project plan that records all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time related to the project.
Insufficiently developed a project plan that records all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time related to the project.
Partially developed a project plan that records all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time related to the project..
Satisfactorily developed a project plan that records all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time related to the project.
Thoroughly developed a project plan that records all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time related to the project..

3b. Develop a project plan that outlines the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases. Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely developed a project plan that outlines the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases.
Insufficiently developed a project plan that outlines the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases..
Partially developed a project plan that outlines the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases.
Satisfactorily developed a project plan that outlines the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases..
Thoroughly developed a project plan that outlines the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases..

3c. Develop a project plan that identifies the key milestones of your project. Weight: 5%
Did not submit or incompletely developed a project plan that identifies the key milestones of your project.
Insufficiently developed a project plan that identifies the key milestones of your project..
Partially developed a project plan that identifies the key milestones of your project..
Satisfactorily developed a project plan that identifies the key milestones of your project..
Thoroughly developed a project plan that identifies the key milestones of your project..

4. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements Weight: 10%
More than 8 errors present
7-8 errors present
5-6 errors present
3-4 errors present
0-2 errors present