100 words each reply please

1. Is Donne’s sonnet an Italian sonnet or an English sonnet?
English Sonnet What evidence can you give to support your answer?
The Sonnet has the abab cdcd efef gg rhyme scheme.
2. If you were to look at the first eight lines of Donne’s poem as an “octave,” what is the problem he is presenting?
He is struggling with sin and he want God to give him strength and power to resist.
3. If you were to look at the last six lines of Donne’s poem as a “sestet,” what solution does he suggest for the problem of the octave?
He want God to love him so he can resist the urge to sin, even if its by force, he feels like that will break the bond from Satan.
4. Review the definition of “paradox” in the Literary Glossary. Find an example of a paradox in the poem, and explain the
opposites that make up the paradox.
Unless you make me your slave, never can be free from sin, The opposites that make up the paradox are “slave” and “free”, if you are a slave then you are not free.
5. Review the definition of “Metaphysical Conceit”
and explain which two extremely unlike things are being compared in the final line of the poem, and suggest what you think he means in this line.
“ever be without sin, unless you take me into your intimate presence by force. He feels like he can’t live without sin unless God is in his life forcefully controlling him and at that point he is no longer in control and God will control all his urges and he will be without sin.
6. Review the definition of “pun” and use
dictionary.com to look up the word “ravish.” It has been suggested that Donne is using the word “ravish” as a pun in the final line of this poem. Explain how each definition of the word could apply to the poem. ”
ravish” means to seize and carry off by force, he is asking God to take him into his intimate presence by force.
7. Sonnets are traditionally love poems. Do you think this poem can be considered a love poem? Explain your answer with specific reference to the poem.
Through out the poem he is expressing his love for God and wanting to live and be a better man in God’s eyes “Yet, I love you incredibly much, and I would be so pleased (fain) to be loved by you, shows how much he loves God.
8. In one sentence, identify a specific position Donne takes in the poem on either the nature of the sinner, the nature of God, or the relationship between the sinner and God. ”
But it is as if I am engaged to be married to God’s devilish enemy;
9. Choose one of the literary devices discussed in previous questions (paradox, metaphysical conceit, pun) or another literary device you can identify in the poem, and explain how Donne’s use of the literary device supports your answer to the previous question.
Paradox, Take me into your arms, imprison me with your forceful love, when someone take you into their arms and love you, you are not forced and imprisoned.
10. A literary analysis essay must include a thesis statement, which typically includes the author’s full name, the title of the work, the genre (or type) of work, along with the specific literary device(s) the author uses, and a theme. The theme is a universal truth that applies to real life, often about human nature. Using your answers to questions 7-9, compose a thesis statement for this poem in the following format: In John Donne’s poem, “”Batter my heart, three person’d God,” he uses (
specific literary device) to show that (
universal theme).
In John Donne’s poem, “Batter my heart, three person’t God,” he uses Literary technique to show that being love by God may help make him strong and a new person so he can defend his self against sin.
11. Using the following website, find a scripture that agrees or disagrees with Donne’s position (on the sinner, God, or their relationship), and cut and paste that scripture into your post:
www.biblegateway.com. Explain in a sentence or two how you see the scripture agreeing or disagreeing with Donne’s position. (Be sure to explicitly use key words from the quotation and key words from Donne’s position in your explanation.)
Genesis 4:7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” In this verse it is saying what Donne believe God will want him to do and that is live without sin, because it will come to you and you have to be strong and not give in to the temptation of sin.

Is Donne’s sonnet an Italian sonnet or an English sonnet? What evidence can you give to support your answer? It is and English sonnet because this part is an iambic pentameter, “Nor ever chaste, except you ravish me.”

2. If you were to look at the first eight lines of Donne’s poem as an “octave,” what is the problem he is presenting? He presents that he wants God back in his life, but he is having problems resisting temptations of the world to fully permit God back into it.

3. If you were to look at the last six lines of Donne’s poem as a “sestet,” what solution does he suggest for the problem of the octave? This portion is a little tricky to me. I believe he is asking God to bring him home. In other words, he is asking God to help him not sin anymore by bringing him to death so that he may be in God’s presence and that is the only way he cannot sin anymore.

4. Review the definition of “paradox” in the Literary Glossary. Find an example of a paradox in the poem, and explain the opposites that make up the paradox. This line in the poem is a paradox, “Unless you make me your slave, never can be free from sin.” He speaks he is a slave to sin, but God is good and he talks about God making him His slave so that he can be free.

5. Review the definition of “Metaphysical Conceit”and explain which two extremely unlike things are being compared in the final line of the poem, and suggest what you think he means in this line. I believe he means he can never be free of sin while alive because we are sinners from birth until death. Also, he is talking about God taking him forcefully, on purpose, in death and that way he would be free of sin. He will not commit suicide; therefore, God must bestow death on him. For one, God NEVER kills a person. It is a cycle we all go through. Death happens for many different reasons, but it is not God who wanted this for anyone.

6. Review the definition of “pun” and usedictionary.com to look up the word “ravish.” It has been suggested that Donne is using the word “ravish” as a pun in the final line of this poem. Explain how each definition of the word could apply to the poem.

A. to fill with strong emotion, especially joy. – It can apply to how Donne talks about his love for God and how he knows what God’s love brings to him.

B. to seize and carry off by force. – In the last line of the poem he talks about God taking him by force to make him give up his sinning ways.

C. to carry off (a woman) by force. – Does not apply.

D. to rape (a woman). – Does not apply.

7. Sonnets are traditionally love poems. Do you think this poem can be considered a love poem? Explain your answer with specific reference to the poem. I do not think so because the poem is about being a sinner, love for God, trying to turn away from the world and embracing God once more, and how he feels useless for not overcoming his troubles, and the last line clearly indicates he believes death is the only way to find favor with God again.

8. In one sentence, identify a specific position Donne takes in the poem on either the nature of the sinner, the nature of God, or the relationship between the sinner and God. In this sonnet, Donne takes the stand the relationship between the sinner and God can be alive and well through God’s love, graciousness, forgiveness and others.

9. Choose one of the literary devices discussed in previous questions (paradox, metaphysical conceit, pun) or another literary device you can identify in the poem, and explain how Donne’s use of the literary device supports your answer to the previous question. The octave in the first eight lines of the sonnet discusses how he would become a new person with God’s interference; in other words, a true Christian. As most people understand, God is full of love, forgiveness, humble, generosity, and through Jesus is where we will discover salvation. That is ultimately what Donne strives for but believes he is too weak in body, mind and soul to accomplish that feat and wants God to help him die so he can sin no more.

10. A literary analysis essay must include a thesis statement, which typically includes the author’s full name, the title of the work, the genre (or type) of work, along with the specific literary device(s) the author uses, and a theme. The theme is a universal truth that applies to real life, often about human nature. Using your answers to questions 7-9, compose a thesis statement for this poem in the following format: In John Donne’s poem, “”Batter my heart, three person’d God,” he uses (specific literary device) to show that (universal theme). In John Donne’s poem, “Batter my heart, three person’d God, he uses octave and sestet to ask for God’s help to overcome sinning by living by the world instead of as a true Christian.

11. Using the following website, find a scripture that agrees or disagrees with Donne’s position (on the sinner, God, or their relationship), and cut and paste that scripture into your post: www.biblegateway.com. Explain in a sentence or two how you see the scripture agreeing or disagreeing with Donne’s position. (Be sure to explicitly use key words from the quotation and key words from Donne’s position in your explanation.)

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

From Donne’s sonnet:

“Unless you make me your slave, never can be free from sin,

Nor can I ever be without sin, unless you take me into your intimate presence by force.”

These two lines support the scripture and Donne’s position that the original sin that Adam and Eve committed means we are sinners from birth to death. Once death occurs, we sin no more and will face judgement after Armageddon.