I will paste the paper at the bottom I have so far. This is a rough draft. I need a second pair of eyes to proof read, maybe structure it better, and add reliable information to make it more complete

APA format needed

Write a 3–4-page blog post in APA format that explains your interest in an area of psychology and the type of impact you would like to make in that area. Describe the skills required to be a psychology professional, and explain how the practitioner-scholar model supports professional development. Finally, explain the importance of research to the area of psychology you plan to go into.

In your blog post, please complete the following:

Identify the area of psychology you wish to go into and explain why this area is important to you.
Describe the impact you would like to make in the field of psychology.

Do you have a plan for your vision?
What will be your measure of success?

Describe the skills and abilities required to be a successful psychology professional.
Explain how Capella’s practitioner-scholar model will be helpful to your professional development.
Explain the importance of research to the area of psychology you wish to go into.


Personal Interest
My personal interest within the psychology field leads towards counseling psychology. The goal in counseling psychology is to better everyday performance by assisting individuals who struggle with challenging situations in daily living. There were a few variables in my life that guided me in the direction of counseling. Most my life I have struggled with depression, generalized anxiety, and social anxiety. I found myself looking for outlets in how to cope anywhere from fitness, counseling, and medication. Counseling psychologists help individuals with emotional, physical, and mental disorders. They aim to improve a person’s well-being, ease distress and instability, and resolve calamities. Counseling psychology concentrates on personal and social performance across the life span and on emotional, social, occupational, educational, health-related, and structural and developing concerns. With the help of fitness, counseling, and medication to cope with my struggles, it inspired me to spray this knowledge with others who battle with the same barriers. I am currently a personal trainer of ten years. I have learned and observed that 90% of my cliental I personal train struggle with challenging situations depression and anxiety being at the top. This too has also inspired my interest in the counseling field.
Psychology Field Skills
In order for professionals to perform successfully they must have excellent communication, good listening skills, responsibility, and patience (Sternberg, 2017).They will make clinical decisions to apply treatment and monitor their patient’s progress with logic and reason for their approach. Psychology professionals possess and use interpersonal knowledge that contains the development of therapeutic associations. It’s critical to evaluate and utilize evidence from research in both applied and basic psychological science seeking as many available resources as needed (American Psychological Association, 2005). Skills should include the need to convey the essential capabilities of health service and make certain excellence is present in research and performance, be able to collaboratively work alongside other professions at the same time as participating in reshaping the everchanging health care system and research. (Belar, 2012).According to the American Psychological Association, a better comprehension of the connection between the body and the mind has developed in relationships between health care providers and psychologists resulting in making whole-person healthcare more acceptable and available to more patients (Jan L., & Buddy W., 2013).

Contributions and Vision within Psychology
My concept for personal contributions to the psychology field ultimately is making an impact in people’s lives and contribute to helping them find the external and internal resources they need in order to cope with the barriers that are affecting their lives(American Psychological Association, 2005) . In order to do so there are numerous roles that are imperative to contribute within the counselling psychology field and implement them such as using Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology (EBPP).EBPP is the assimilation of the best available research with clinical proficiency in the framework of patient qualities, cultures, and preferences. It is derived from research evidence from scientific results. A large amount of this evidence is obtained from research and methodologies conforming to the efficacy of psychological practices (Babione, 2010). Using EBPP is imperative for Psychology professionals. Psychology professionals implement many professional skills that will support and encourage therapeutic results (Babione, 2010). The knowledge and skills develop’s from clinical and scientific training, theoretical comprehension, self-reflection, practice, expertise of up-to-date research, and continuing education. These skills involve performing assessments and coining problem-solving conclusions, methodical case designs, and treatment plans (American Psychological Association, 2005). The psychology field uses scientific research to improve the understanding in how individuals make decisions, learn, and translate experiences. The information that is collected is then converted into methods to assist individuals into tapping into their potential and help them achieve at the best possible level. I want to make a difference in people’s lives helping them overcome barriers that prevent them from making better decisions for example working more effectively or exercising more allowing them to achieve their goals and improve their well-being.
Practitioner Scholar Model
Capella’s Practitioner scholar model acts as a conceptual framework for student learning in a professional education program. Practitioner scholar model works by connecting work to the world of practice in profound ways, demonstrating the traits of a practicing and reflective learner, and educating students to grow into reflective professionals who can research on their own (Capella University, 2005).With professional practice, personal development, and intellectual progress, the ultimate scholar practitioner connects ideas, comprehensions, and techniques from various theoretical and practice assessments to support professional development(McClintock, 2003). Furthermore, scholar practitioners utilize research and practice theories in harmonizing ways by using their experiential comprehension to enhance theoretical ideas and using systematized practical analysis to observe the success of trained interventions. The model of the scholar practitioner outlines this endeavor in terms of enduring learning that develops the individual’s competence for understanding, reflection, and successful achievement for professional development McClintock, 2003). The scholar practitioner model is important in higher education as ideas and research are continuously being renovated as additional information becomes accessible. Professionals should constantly develop their skills with the purpose of employing the most precise on hand information to their occupation. Continual education within the field of psychology develops essential networking through professional establishments learning the latest research out there, cultivates an open approach as professionals enter the world. These elements will support the growth of knowledge and will help an individual flourish (Capella University, 2005).

The Importance in Research

Ethical understandings in research within the field of psychology are crucial.
Ethics are customary for conducting research that differentiate between what is right and wrong. Ethics assist in determining the difference between adequate and objectionable behaviors. They prevent against the falsifying of information and for that reason, advocate the pursuit of knowledge and sincerity. Value, trust, and accountability amongst mutual researchers is imperative in ethical behavior for work that is being collaborated most of all due to sharing data, copyright parameters, discretion, and many other issues. Researchers must also adhere to ethical standards in order for the public to support and believe in the research. The public wants to be assured that researchers followed the appropriate guidelines for issues such as human rights, animal welfare, compliance with the law, conflicts of interest, safety, health standards and so on. The handling of these ethical issues greatly impacts the integrity of the research project and can affect whether or not the project receives funding. Because ethical considerations are so important in research, many professional associations and agencies have adopted codes and policies that outline ethical behavior and guide researchers. These codes address issues such as honesty, objectivity, respect for intellectual property, social responsibility, confidentiality, non-discrimination and many others. These codes and policies provide basic guidelines, but researchers will still be faced with additional issues that are not specifically addressed and this will require decision-making on the part of the researcher in order to avoid misconduct (Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching, n.d.).The consistency in results from research is called reliability. Reliability is critical in research and should produce the same results when repeated. It’s important for psychology research because the tests of the study justifies its projected objectives and theory making certain that the results are due to the study and not any possible irrelevant variables.Without reliability, research in the psychology field could not determine whether any of it that was carried out was actually verification to suggest the theory of an experiment that were found significant (Price alt.et, 2015).
This is because with different results of data for research we could not find correlations and trends and patterns in our work to suggest that are findings are scientific evidence and as psychologists could therefore not be able to find out more from the statistics and research.

Sternberg, R. J. (Ed.). (2017). Career paths in psychology: Where your degree can take you (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Belar, C. D. (2012). Reflections on the future: Psychology as a health profession. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 43(6), 545–550.

Price, P., Jhangiani, R., & Chiang, I. (2015, October 13). Reliability and Validity of Measurement – Research Methods in Psychology. Retrieved March 4, 2019, from https://opentextbc.ca/researchmethods/chapter/reli…
Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching. (n.d.). Ethical Considerations. Retrieved March 4, 2019, from https://cirt.gcu.edu/research/developmentresources…
American Psychological Association. (2005, August). Home // Practice Directorate // Professional Practice Guidelines // Policy Statement on Evidence-Based…EMAILPRINT Policy Statement on Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology. Retrieved March 4, 2019, from https://www.apa.org/practice/guidelines/evidence-based-statement
Richardson, F. C. (2003). Impact in psychology: Final reflections. In The anatomy of impact: What makes the great works of psychology great. (pp. 213–222). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/10563-012
Nash, J. M., & Larkin, K. T. (2012). Geometric models of competency development in specialty areas of professional psychology. Training & Education In Professional Psychology, 6(1), 37–46.
American Psychological Association. (2017). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Retrieved from http://www.apa.org/ethics/code/index.aspx
Babione, J. M. (2010). Evidence-based practice in psychology: An ethical framework for graduate education, clinical training, and maintaining professional competence. Ethics & Behavior, 20(6), 443–453.
McClintock, C. (2003). Scholar practitioner model. In A. DiStefano, K. E. Rudestam, & R. J. Silverman (Eds.), Encyclopedia of distributed learning (pp. 394–397). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Capella University. (2005). Capella University’s scholar-practitioner educational philosophy. Minneapolis, MN: Author.
Jan L., & Buddy W., (2013). Exploring the Mind-Body Connection: Therapeutic Practices and Techniques. Retrieved from https://www.counseling.org/docs/default-source/vis…
expertise is used to integrate the best research evidence with clinical data in the context of the patient’s characteristics and preferences to deliver services that have a high probability of achieving the goals of treatment. Integral to clinical expertise is an awareness of the limits of one’s knowledge and skills and attention to the heuristics and biases — both cognitive and affective — that can affect clinical judgment. Moreover, psychologists understand how their own characteristics, values, and context interact with those of the patient.