You can pick 1 of any of the 5 options below.

Write a 10-11page paper (not including the cover page and reference page) double spaced 12-point type. This paper must be written in proper APA format and must have in-text citations. You must describe your approach using concepts in terms from the textbook (A minimum of 5 different terms). You must also use a minimum of 10 additional different articles or books as references along with your textbook. This paper is to be written in APA format and must have in-text citations (References embedded in your paragraphs) If you mention a term or concept from the book that is not your own, you should have reference in proper APA format at the end of that sentence that mentions that term. A sample paper with format is in the link below:



Paper option 1– Research the US Pregnancy Discrimination Act. Pregnancy discrimination involves treating a woman (an applicant or employee) unfavorably because of pregnancy, childbirth, or a medical condition related to pregnancy or childbirth. Your organization just had to had to pay a major lawsuit based on pregnancy discrimination. Your job is to develop a strategy on how you will address the problem so that this issue does not happen again. You are to also develop some innovative strategies and policies to make the organizational culture more mother friendly and more supportive of women that are pregnant. You must describe your approach using concepts in terms from the textbook (A minimum of 5 different terms). You must also use a minimum of 10 additional different articles or books as references along with your textbook. This paper is to be written in APA format and must have in-text citations (References embedded in your paragraphs). You must address the following in your paper:
How this issue can distress the organization?
How this issue can distress employees?
How this issue can disturb the organizational culture?
How this issue can distress business or the organizational brand?

The link below can help you with developing the approach for your paper.…105566.120739..122787…8.0..0.102.3445.47j1……0….1..gws-wiz…….0i71j0i7i30j0i8i7i30j0i8i30j33i10.Gsd3uTQQN_A

Paper option 2– Disability discrimination occurs when an employer or other entity covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, or the Rehabilitation Act, as amended, treats a qualified individual with a disability who is an employee or applicant unfavorably because she has a disability. Harassment against people in the workplace with a disability is illegal. Harassment can include, for example, offensive remarks about a person’s disability. Although the law doesn’t prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that aren’t very serious, harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted).The law requires an employer to provide reasonable accommodation to an employee or job applicant with a disability, unless doing so would cause significant difficulty or expense for the employer (“undue hardship”). Your senior leaders have asked you to develop a strategy to recruit, hire, and retain more highly qualified employees with disabilities. You are not to lower your hiring standards in order to do this. You need to develop a strategy that addresses all the following:
What disabled groups (blind, hearing impaired, or etc) will you target to recruit for hiring?
How would you target them and recruit them? What exact approach would you use?
What steps you would put in place to make the organizational culture friendlier and more inclusive for people with disabilities?
What kind of training, if any, would you do for hiring managers around recruiting people with disabilities?
You must describe your approach using concepts in terms from the textbook (A minimum of 5 different terms). You must also use a minimum of 10 additional different articles or books as references along with your textbook. This paper is to be written in APA format and must have in-text citations (References embedded in your paragraphs).
These links might help you.
Meet the paralyzed surgeon who can still performs surgeries thanks to his determination and a remarkable stand-up wheelchair

Meet the paralyzed surgeon who can still performs surgeries thanks to his determination and a remarkable stand-up wheelchair

We Need More Doctors With Disabilities
One-fifth of all Americans have a disability, but less than 1 percent of doctors do. That’s slowly starting to change—to the benefit of medicine and patients.
Doctors With Disabilities: Why They’re Important

Doctors With Disabilities Push For Culture Change In Medicine

America Needs More Doctors With Disabilities

New medical devices help doctors with disabilities

Paper option 3– Woman represent 47% of the US Workforce and yet only 3% of the managers in your organization are women. Your job is to do research on how more highly qualified women into management positions. Your job is to develop a strategy to get more highly qualified women into roles. You must describe your approach using concepts in terms from the textbook (A minimum of 5 different terms or concepts). You must also use a minimum of 10 additional different articles or books as references along with your textbook. This paper is to be written in APA format and must have in-text citations (References embedded in your paragraphs). You must address the following in your paper:
How would you recruit more highly qualified women into the organization?
How would you change the culture to make the organizational culture friendlier and more inclusive of women?
What kind of leadership development or mentoring programs would you develop or create to help more highly qualified women get into to management roles?
What adjustments would you make to the structure and demographics of the hiring panels to ensure to ensure that highly qualified women would be evaluated more fairly and unbiasedly?
Paper option 4– Your organization is a retail chain that has high turnover, 75% higher than your biggest competitor. You also have a huge number of job openings that are currently unfilled. To address the issue, you must do some research and you must fully address the following:
What kind of impact does high turnover have on the organization?
Develop a strategy to address the organizational culture to find out with employee turnover is so high.
Do some research on employee retention and creative recruiting and hiring approaches in retail.
Develop some incentives to retain more employees.
Develop a strategy to change the organizational culture so that employees will want to stay.
You must describe your approach using concepts in terms from the textbook (A minimum of 5 different terms or concepts). You must also use a minimum of 10 additional different articles or books as references along with your textbook. This paper is to be written in APA format and must have in-text citations (References embedded in your paragraphs).
Paper option 5– you have been brought in as a consultant to address the organizational behavior issues around sexual harassment at the John Besh restaurants. The links below can help.
Work After #MeToo: A Restaurant Company Tries to Change Its Culture

John Besh restaurants fostered culture of sexual harassment, 25 women say

The links below can help with developing your approach


You need to come up with a plan to address this issues around organizational behavior:

How this issue can distress the organization?
How this issue can distress employees?
How this issue can disturb the organizational culture?
How this issue can distress business or the organizational brand?
You must describe your approach using concepts in terms from the textbook (A minimum of 5 different terms or concepts). You must also use a minimum of 10 additional different articles or books as references along with your textbook. This paper is to be written in APA format and must have in-text citations (References embedded in your paragraphs).

Final paper assignment rubric





Integration of Knowledge

The paper demonstrates that the author fully understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Concepts are integrated into the writer’s own insights. The writer provides concluding remarks that show analysis and synthesis of ideas.

The paper demonstrates that the author, for the most part, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Some of the conclusions, however, are not supported in the body of the paper.

The paper demonstrates that the author, to a certain extent, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course.

The paper does not demonstrate that the author has fully understood, and applied concepts learned in the course.

Topic focus

The approach is focused narrowly enough for the scope of this assignment. A thesis statement provides direction for the paper. A solid logical and innovative strategy is clearly established.

The approach is focused lacks a highly innovative strategy.

The approach is not cohesive and focused enough for this assignment.

The approach and strategy is not clearly coherent.

Depth of discussion

In-depth discussion & elaboration in all sections of the paper.

In-depth discussion & elaboration in most sections of the paper.

The writer has omitted pertinent content or content runs-on excessively. Quotations from others outweigh the writer’s own ideas excessively.

Cursory discussion in all the sections of the paper or brief discussion in only a few sections.


Ties together information from all sources. Paper flows from one issue to the next without the need for headings. Author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources.

For the most part, ties together information from all sources. Paper flows with only some disjointedness. Author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources.

Sometimes ties together information from all sources. Paper does not flow – disjointedness is apparent. Author’s writing does not demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources.

Does not tie together information. Paper does not flow and appears to be created from disparate issues. Headings are necessary to link concepts. Writing does not demonstrate understanding any relationships

Spelling and grammar

No spelling &/or grammar mistakes.

Minimal spelling &/or grammar mistakes.

Noticeable spelling & grammar mistakes.

Unacceptable number of spelling and/or grammar mistakes.


More than 11 current sources, of which at least 6 are peer-review journal articles or scholarly books. Sources include both general background sources and specialized sources. Special-interest sources and popular literature are acknowledged as such if they are cited. All web sites utilized are authoritative.

11 current sources, of which at least 5 are peer-review journal articles or scholarly books. All web sites utilized are authoritative.

Fewer than 11 current sources, fewer than 4 are peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. All web sites utilized are credible.

Fewer than 11current sources, or fewer than 3 are peer-reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. Not all web sites utilized are credible, and/or sources are not current.


Cites all data obtained from other sources. APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography.

Cites most data obtained from other sources. APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography. There are some minor errors in the application of the APA 6th edition citation style.

Cites some data obtained from other sources. Citation style is either inconsistent or incorrect. There are some significant errors with the use of APA 6th edition citation style.

Does not cite sources or failed significantly to effectively follow the APA 5th edition citation style as required on the graduate level.