
For this prewriting assignment, students will engage with the research and outlining steps necessary to produce a high-quality, professional blog. Students must determine which health care system studied in Blog 1 they wish to further investigate. All students will write about a single diverse group, and how that diverse group fits within the chosen health care system.

The diverse group that all students will write about is: Women

Note: This assignment contains many of the same steps as your prewriting assignment for your first blog, but adds the step of outlining. This is designed to build upon your prewriting process.

Students will:

Conduct research
Develop a thesis statement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Determine how their argument (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. is situated within the body of existing knowledge and research
Use credible sources to support their argument (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Organize their thoughts and research into a clear structure
Write an outline (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

A “sample” is provided at the end of the layout and assignment description for you. This sample is provided only to demonstrate how your assignment should be structured for submission.

Step 1: Health Care System Choice

Your first step for this prewriting assignment is to choose which health care system you wish to further investigate. The health care system you choose must be one that you wrote about for Blog1.

How this fits into your submission:

This section will be titled “Health Care System Focus,” and will appear toward the top of your outline.

Your chosen health care system will appear as part of your preliminary blog title (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

You will research information about the countries you will be comparing, including population, economic health, relevant world rankings (e.g., education, energy, poverty, health costs, health rankings, etc.), and the type of healthcare system established in each country.

Step 2: Determine your focus

Next, you will determine your focus. You are likely to find that determining your focus for this blog is more difficult than it was last time. Last time, we gave you limited options, but this time there are hundreds of topics you may wish to explore in relation to health care and women.

Below are some examples of ways that you can focus your research and writing. Remember, these are just a handful of examples to help you start thinking about some of the ways you can focus your research, and you should explore a wide range of topics and areas to find something that interests you.

Development of treatments
Health care provider attitudes toward women
Access to health care
A particular health issue, such as heart disease, back injury, migraine, endometriosis, mental health, etc.
Etc. –> there are hundreds of ways you can focus your research

It may help to think about what aspects of your chosen health care system you found interesting, perplexing, infuriating, etc. Or perhaps you have had, or know a woman who has had, an unsettling, difficult, problematic, etc. health/health care experience, and you may wish to examine whether it was an isolated instance or if it is a wide spread issue. Perhaps you have recently seen a headline about a health issue that you would like to know more about. It may also help to browse headlines in the health sections of some of the reliable news sources listed in the Approved Sources list from the last assignment to help you find a focus for your Diversity blog.

You may end up deciding to change your focus at some point, which is perfectly fine. However, you need to begin researching and gathering information, and having a focus will help you do that.

How this fits into your submission:

This section will be titled “Topic Focus.” You will include whatever topic you ultimately choose. You will offer an appropriate name/title for the focus, and a brief description (no more than 1 paragraph) of how you intend to focus on that topic. Your description should be clear and descriptive, but also concise.

Your chosen focus will also become part of your preliminary blog title (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Step 3: Research and Comparison Determination

Now that you have made some basic determinations for how you will proceed, you will dive into researching your topic within the confines of your chosen health care system and how women are affected.


You are required to use a minimum of 5 sources for this blog, which will ultimately be listed at the bottom of your blog under the heading “References” (just like last time). For this assignment, 3 of your 5 required sources must be from published, peer reviewed academic journals. As part of this prewriting assignment, you will include annotated citations of your 3 journal articles in your bibliography below.

The Approved Sources list is still approved, of course, but you are no longer limited to that list. You may also use additional sources of your own finding beyond the 3 required journal article sources; yes, this means that the other two required sources can be sources that are notincluded in the Approved Sources list from the last assignment. However, it is essential that the sources you use are similar in credibility and authority to the sources indicated in the Approved Sources list from the last assignment. Sources that are not similar in credibility and authority will not be counted toward your required number of sources.

A list of unacceptable sources has been included below.

Comparative Element:

As you research, you are likely to wonder about how what you are finding relates to other systems, people, studies, etc. If your curiosity does not automatically cause you to start doing this, you will need to remind yourself to think about how what you are finding is situated more broadly. In this way, you will begin to determine how you wish to fulfill the comparison requirement for this assignment.

Some examples of comparison include, but are not limited to:

Comparisons between groups of women within a single country’s health system (for example, race, religion, cultural heritage, language, body size, etc.)
Gender comparisons (for example, how heart disease is approached and treated in women patients, and how that approach and treatment compares to and differs from how heart disease is approached and treated in men; or mental health approaches and treatments for women and/or girls vs mental health treatments for men and/or boys)
Comparison of your focus (for example, women’s access to health care) between the two health care systems you researched for your first blog
Etc. –> there are many comparative elements you can consider

How this fits into your submission:

Comparative Element

Once you have an idea of what kind of comparative element you wish to explore, you will need to figure out how to navigate that comparison. For this part of the assignment, you will include an appropriate title for your comparative element, along with a brief description (no more than a paragraph) that explains why you wish to use this comparative element, and how you plan to approach it.

Annotated Bibliography (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

As you research, you will begin to collect sources that fit well within the framework of your paper. These sources should both inform and support your thesis statement and arguments.

You are required to list the 5 sources you plan to use (as outlined in the first three bullets below), and provide annotations for the 3 academic journal sources (the last bullet point). Each annotated entry must include the following, and should be structured in the same order as listed below:

Name of author(s); date published; title of work; journal name
Full APA source citation (provide a complete APA style citation that is consistent with the source type and APA guidelines for that particular source type; utilize the resources suggested to you to properly complete this step)
Bibliographic annotation (100-150 words, required for your 3 journal sources).

1. Summarize the central idea (argument/thesis) of the source

2. Briefly explain the qualifications of the source (author(s), organization, etc.) to speak as an authority on the topic

3. Describe what the resource is (e.g., if the resource is the CIA World Factbook, describe what that is, how/why it exists, what it is used for, etc.; if the resource is a report, explain what the report covers, why it was made, what audience it is intended for, etc.) and how the resource is useful to your work

Step 4: Thesis Statement

As you research you will begin to develop perspective, understanding, and background that will allow you to develop an informed and authoritative argument. From this foundation of research, you will utilize the thesis resources you have been provided with, and others available through the Communication for Engineers website, to develop your thesis statement(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Starting with a strong, well-informed thesis statement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. will help you with the overall organization and clarity of your professional blog.

Your direction and argument may end up changing as you write your blog (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., which means that you may need to revise your thesis statement after you have finished writing to fit what you have created. This is normal, and even expected. Thus, while developing a strong, clear, concise thesis statement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. now is essential to helping guide you through the process of organizing your work and getting your ideas onto paper, you are not beholden to your original thesis statement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., and should feel confident enough in your autonomy as a writer to allow yourself to make useful, necessary, and justifiable changes.

You will include your thesis statement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.toward the top of your pre-writing submission.

Step 5: Outline

Now that you have focused your ideas, conducted research, and developed a thesis statement, it is time to begin structuring your work in the form of an outline. For this assignment, your outline will be fairly simple (for your final blog, you will be required to complete a full outline).

Step 6: Include 2-3 Questions

You have done a good deal of work toward your blog. What questions or concerns do you have about your work so far? What issues are you encountering that you’d like someone to talk through with you? What do you need help with?

Formulate 2-3 questions that you would like your peer reviewers to respond to, and include them as the first item in your Prewriting assignment. You will title this section “Questions for Peers.”