I have got a good portion of the “meat” implemented I need help structuring it better, clarifying it, and finishing out with a strong course of action. I haven’t implemented my citations yet just provided the sources.
Prepare a 5-6 page APA format
Respond to a colleague in which you explain ethical issues, analyze the professional implications of an ethical dilemma, and recommend an evidence-based course of action in the case study.
Case Study. Clinical or Counseling Psychology
A friend and colleague of yours, Dr. Hudson, has been treating a 23-year-old man, Mr. Leeson. During the course of his psychotherapy, Mr. Leeson has talked about his anger at a former girlfriend, Sara, who is an undergraduate student at the local university. As therapy has continued, Mr. Leeson’s anger with Sara has become notably more intense. During the most recent session, Mr. Leeson became extremely angry and stated that he was going to kill Sara; then he left Dr. Hudson’s office. Dr. Hudson has contacted you and asked for your advice.
What I have so far
Ethical Duties and Principles as a Psychology Professional
Psychology professionals aim to maintain standards of competence in their work when conducting research with human participants. Psychologists will plan, perform, and convey research in agreement with distinguished guidelines in ethical research and scientific expertise making sure there will be minimal misleading outcomes. Logical and responsible steps are taken to incorporate applicable safety for rights and well-being in individuals who are participating or others who are affected by the research and course of action. Ethical duties and responsibilities include:

Recognizing limitations of specific abilities of their expertise. Professionals will only use and provide services for which they are qualified by education, training, and practice.
Integrity is implemented within all aspects of practice, teaching, and science. Professional and scientific responsibility is maintained at all times and is essential that roles and obligations are made clear.
Maintaining competency in the psychology field is essential. Continuing efforts to advance and retain new information strengthens capabilities as professionals.
It’s critical for professionals to be aware and avoid the effect of their work of any predispositions with factors such as cultural, individual, and role differences.It is critical that psychologists be conscious of their professional and scientific responsibilities to the public and surroundings
where they live and work.
Psychologists consider relevant principles and institutional review board requisites as well as conferring with colleagues when applicable, before establishing planned research that does not need informed consent, such as questionnaires or surveys. Consulting with expertise concerning any special population that will be affected is part of the process in development and performance of research projects and course of action, making certain they are allowed to execute those responsibilities for which they are trained for.
If incentives are offered for services, Psychologists will clarify the kind of services being proposed as well as the consequences, commitments, and restrictions. They do not offer unnecessary or unseemly financial or other incentives to acquire research applicants
Psychologists will use practical language during the informed consent so the participants can comprehend the nature of the research. Participants are informed that they are free to take part, refuse, or withdraw from any course of action. Important aspects will be explained in their commitment to participate along with the consequences if refusing or withdrawing from the procedure.
Deceptive techniques are not used to perform a study unless psychologists have decided the methods are justified by the research’s potential scientifically, educational, or practical importance and that successful alternate methods that do not use deception are not practical. Under no circumstance’s professionals delude research partakers about important features that would alter their compliance to take part in. Any other deception that is an important element of the plan and course of action in an experiment must be clarified to participants promptly.
Participants are informed that there are chances their data from the research will be utilized and disclosed for further use in the future.Psychologists intervene with the participants or an environment from which data are collected when research is performed only in a way that is necessary by a suitable research plan and that is coherent with psychologists’ roles as scientific researchers.
For those are who are lawfully incompetent of giving informed consent, professionals will deliver a suitable explanation so the participants can fully understand the course of action. When research is conducted with students or dependents professionals will take extensive care to protect them from undesirable results if help is declined or withdrawn from.


Ethical Issues and Law Conflicts
When ethical dilemmas occur, counselors attempt to solve the issues by conducting open and direct communication with those involved are cautious to obtain consultation from knowledgeable and practiced colleagues. Conflicts that can occur include:

Professionals who don’t stay up to date on legal and ethical principles risking the chance of violating these standards and harming participants.
Knowledge and competence that is miscalculated may cause the misuse in ethical issues.
Counselors who fail to notice unethical or illegal behaviors by colleague’s corner clients and the society at stake.

When a counselor is uncertain whether a particular ethical issue and/or course of action would violate an ethical code, they will converse educated and ethical issues with other psychologists or appropriate boards so that a proper response is chosen. Appropriate use of ethical decision-making models with progressive and prevention methods include but not limited to:

Incorporate ethical consideration and practice into all standpoints in professional work as a counselor.
Concentrate on seemingly unethical or illegal actions by colleagues in a meticulous and practical way, take part, confer with, and furnish academic support when workable.
Remain up to date on changes in ethical and legal issues, staying up to date on ACA code of ethics and all applicable laws and regulations through ongoing professional development.
Practice decision-making methods and effective consultation with associates when confronted with ethical issues.

Barnett, J. E., & Johnson, W. B. (2014). Ethics desk for counselors. Retrieved from https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.library.capella….
Counselors obey with the law and support the growth of law and the guiding principles that assist the concerns of individuals. Professional work is performed consistently with federal and state law and regulations along with professional values overseeing the conduction of research.Counselors are aware that legal and other commitments could lead to unpredictability and conflict and legal repercussion with the use of these moralities. In the development of making decisions regarding in an ethical dilemma psychologists must consider the code of ethics furthermore to relevant laws and psychology board principles. If this Ethics Code brings about a higher requirement of handling than is required by law, psychologists must meet the higher ethical standard. If ethical responsibilities conflict with law, principles, or other governing legal power, psychologists make known their devotion to the Ethics Code and take actions to solve the conflict in a responsible way. If the conflict cannot be resolvable through such methods, psychologists may follow the obligations of the law, rules, or other governing authorizations in accordance with necessary ethics of human rights. When a psychologist is uncertain whether a particular ethical issue and/or course of action would violate the Ethics Code, in general, they will converse educated and ethical issues with other psychologists or appropriate boards so that a proper response is chosen. According to APA, Psychologist’s will disclose confidential information without the consent of the individual only as mandated by law, or where permitted by law for a valid purpose if it’s to protect the patient, client, or others from harm.
An Evidence-Based Course of Action for the Ethical Dilemma

In the start of Dr. Hudson and Mr. Leeson’s therapy, an informed consent would have been implemented and established. Informed consent is essential to be obtained early on in the therapeutic relationship. Psychologists inform the participants a description and expected route of therapy, fees, participation of third associatesand regulates confidentiality providing plenty of opportunity for participantsto ask questions and be given answers. In this case when directed and professionally valid, psychologists will collaborate with other experts in order to serve their clients/patients efficiently and applicably. Being a friend and associate of Dr. Hudson’s, could be looked at as a multiple relationship situation. A multiple relationship happens when a psychologist is in a professional position with a person and at the same time is in another role with the same person. However, since I am a colleague of Dr. Hudson I could provide him with advice stepping in as a third party participant if it were discussed and disclosed in the informed consent. If the relationship impaired Dr. Hudson’s objectivity, competence, or his performance as a professional this could be an ethical dilemma and would need to refrain from asking for advice. According to APA, Psychologist’s disclose confidential information without the consent of the individual only as mandated by law, or where permitted by law for a valid purpose if it’s to protect the patient, client, or others from harm. In this case, it would be imperative for Dr. Hudson to disclose the angry statement made by Mr. Leeson stating he was going to kill his former girlfriend Sara. If there is an ethical issue that is uncertain, Dr. Hudson would need to find ways to resolve issues through discussions with review boards, peer consults, or other appropriate methods. It’s critical he seeks ethical responsibilities that might conflict with law, and be able top distinguish his obligation to the Code of Ethics and make steps to resolve the conflict in a reliable method.