Read and respond to at least two of your peers’ posts by the end of the workshop. Your replies must add to the conversation by pointing out additional support for the things you agree with, by asking a question that shows critical thinking, or by explaining why you disagree with points made in the posts

1.List three character traits that Hurston reveals in the character Sykes in the beginning of the story. Sykes character traits was rudeness, demanding, and bossy
2. List three-character traits that Hurston reveals in the character Delia in the beginning of the story. Delia character traits meekness, hard worker, and loving.
3. How do the character traits of Sykes contribute to his fate at the end of the story? The character traits of Sykes contribute to his fate in the end is that Sykes continuing to show his rudeness, demanding and bossy toward Delia at the end of the story.
4. How do the character traits of Delia contribute to her fate at the end of the story the character traits of Delia contribute to her fate at the end show how her meeting and loving and hard work help her to maintain the strength that she did not know that she had within herself.
5 Identify two ways in which Delia is like the narrator from the story “The Yellow Wall-paper. One of ways that Delia is like the narrator from the story “The Yellow Wall-paper the narrator would terrifying herself with imaginary nighttime monsters as a child, and Delia was similar to the narrator because she was terrifying of snakes. The narrator had untangled the pattern of her life, but she has torn herself apart in getting free of it. Similar to Delia had to untangled fifteen years of misery and suppression had brought Delia to” place that she hopes anything that looked a way over or through her wall of inhibitions. (John Bryant, 2016.p232)
6 6. Do you believe that Hurston wants to think of Sykes’ death as a form of justice? Support your answer using at least one quote from the text
Yes, I believe that Hurston wants to think of Sykes death as a form of justice, because in the end when the snake was biting him, he kept calling her name. She could hear Sykes calling in a most despairing tone as one who expected no answer.” (John Bryany,2016 p234)
7. Review the definitions of “conventional symbols” and “private symbols” in the Literary Glossary (4.2). In Western society, what are the conventional symbolic meanings for a snake, and where does this symbolism come from? The conventional symbolic for a snake is evil, or fertility or a creative life force. and it can be trace back to the Bible.Garden of Eden story,
8. What do you think the snake symbolizes in the story “Sweat?” Explain your answer. I think the snake symbolizes evil, and abuse in the story, the way in which Sykes emotional and physical abuse Hurston, that the same way that the snake abuse Sykes in the end of the story.
9.The great power of biblical allusions is that often with a short phrase or even a single word an author can allude to an entire biblical story and imply a rich set of parallels between characters in her story and characters in a biblical story. For instance, which one of the Ten Commandments does Sykes accuse Delia of breaking Sykes accuse Delia of bre
10. . Does it seem “just” to you that Sykes accuses Delia of being a hypocrite because she breaks this commandment? (Explain your answer with specific evidence from the text.) No, it not just that Sykes accuses Delia of being a hypocrite because he physical and emotional abuse her, for instance” when Delia seized the iron skilled from the stove and struck a defensive pose, which surprised him greatly, coming from her. it cowed him and he did not strike her as he usually did”.(p 226)
11. Who in the New Testament was also accused of breaking the Sabbath by healing someone? It was Jesus Christ who was accused of breaking the Sabbath by healing a man.John 5:1818 For this reason they tried all the more to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God.(BibleGateway)
12Do you think that Hurston wants the reader to believe that Delia is guilty for Sykes’ death? Explain your reasoning and support your answer with at least one quote from the text. No, I do not believe that Delia is guilty for Sykes death because he is the one who brought the snakes in the house, knowing that she was frighten of snakes.
13. Find one additional biblical allusion in the story and explain how it is used to characterize Delia or Sykes or to contribute to the story’s message One partner is trying to please God and the other partner is pleasing self. In the book of Job 2:9 His wife said to him, “Are you still maintaining your integrity? Curse God and die!”
14. Write a thesis statement for this story using the following pattern: In Zora Neale Hurston’s short story “Sweat,” she uses (specific literary device #1) and (specific literary device #2) to show that (universal theme).
Race and Racial Identity in “Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston throughout “Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston, race play a big role than one might originally expect and the way it is perceived by characters such as Sykes and Delia are extremely dissimilar. In fact, some of there different could be seen in their conflict that married couple face daily in life. Although Delia is a “virtuous” woman and goes to church and works hard for the Caucasian people whom she washes clothes for, her husband views her to be a hypocrite. “One of them amen-corner Christians-sing, whoop, and shout, then come home and wash white folks’ clothes on the Sabbath.”(John Bryant,2016,p226)

Introduction to Literature Discovering Theme through Form, Dr. Craig Edwards, John


At the beginning of the story Hurston reveals that Skyes is angry, selfish, and arrogant.
At the beginning of the story Hurston reveals that Delia is hard working, strong, and meek.
The character traits of Skyes contribute to his fate at the end of the story because of the irony of his death. He got the rattlesnake in the first place because he was mean and wanted to scare Delia. In the end, he was the one who was afraid of the snake and begging Delia to help him. Because of his selfishness and arrogance, he reached his fate and died an ironic death.
The character traits at of Delia contribute to her fate at the end of the story. Delia is free from Skyes and the abuse and unhealthy marriage. She has found relief in Skyes death.
Two ways in which Delia is similar to the woman in “The Yellow Wallpaper”, is that both of the women are in a relationship in which both men are very dominating. Another way that both of the women are similar is that they are both facing internal conflicts about their lives.
I think that Hurston does want to think of Skyes’ death as a form of justice. “She could scarcely reach the chinaberry tree, where she waited in the growing heat while inside she knew the cold river was creeping up and up to extinguish that eye which must know by now that she knew.” Because of Skyes death, Delia is relieved and free from the miserable abuse and marriage.
Conventional symbols of snakes in Western culture are based of deception and poison. In Western culture, we understand the phrase “he/she is such a snake” as meaning that person is deceptive and a liar. I think that we get the symbolism of the snake from the Bible and what the serpent did in Genesis. Satan deceived and lied to Eve.
I think the snake symbolizes Skyes in the story. He is poisonous for Delia and he is deceptive and a liar.
One of the Ten Commandments that Skyes accuses Delia of breaking is honoring the Sabbath. He calls her a hypocrite because she is washing clothes on a Sunday.
I can undersand why Skyes would say this, however, I do not think he is being just by calling her a hypocrite. Skyes says, “‘Yeah, you just come from de church house on a Sunday night, but heah you is gone to work on them clothes. You ain’t nothing but a hypocrite.’”
Jesus is accused of breaking the Sabbath because he healed someone. Jesus did not break the Sabbath law, instead he broke what the religious leaders had interpreted of the law.
“A surge of pity too strong to support bore her away from that eye that must, could not, fail to see the tubs. He would see the lamp. Orlando with its doctors was too far.” I do not think that Hurston wants the reader to believe that Delia is guilty for Skyes death. Hurston justifies it by saying even if she did try to help him, Orlando and the doctors would be too far away, so he would die anyways.

in Zora Neale Hurston’s short story, “Sweat,” she uses symbolism and cultural language to show how domestic violence and abuse affects the life of a woman and her feelings towards her husband.