This discussion will serve as the review for the final exam:

For this final exam review

Actions , the first letter of your last name will decide your task, see below (same as before):

B-D Last Names: answer the review questions for Theorists and Theories in your initial post. Since these are larger concepts, you will need to go in depth on each–more in depth than just what you wrote for your shorty.

F&G Last Names: answer the review question for Concepts in your initial post, making sure to also define the concept first.

K&L Last Names: answer the review question for Issues in your initial post, making sure to explain the issue first. These are multifaceted issues so multiple analyses should be made.

M, T, W, + A Last Names: answer the review questions for Videos in your initial post, making sure to include a brief summary of any video or activity first followed by a discussion of how each applies to concepts, trends, and theories from class.

ALL students will also need to identify one thing from the list about which they are needing more clarification/information. This can be something that confused you or you forgot we learned about.

Your response posts should add onto what a classmate has written, as before but also address their item that they need more info on.

****** my last name start with A ***************

***********Do not forget to comment to my classmates ********************

classmate 1

The Loving Generation: Checking Boxes

The Loving Generation: checking boxes explains how different races were not allowed to be with each other. Throughout 1965-1985 Interracial marriages became legal and begins to the the story of people born in that generation who have one black and one white parent. There was a fear of the white blood being “contaminated” which caused more controversy over people of color being with whites. This relates to trends we still see today when people still experience things like stares and judging looks when being a couple of different races. This relates to the equality graphics that are in Module 6.

The Unequal Opportunity Race

The unequal opportunity race video shows how different races has more of a advantage in society etc.. in the video you see the white runners are given a head start while people of color are being held back by factors such as slavery, segregation and genocide etc. This relates to today’s society and trends due to white people still have a advantage over people of color. For example the black lives matter movement.

The Root: There is no such thing as reverse racism

This video explains how reverse racism is not real because if it was then racism would not exist. Also explains how white people can not experience racism but can experience discrimination and prejudice. Still in today’s society the idea that white people can not experience racism still exist.

The Loving Generation: Coming of Age

In this loving generation video it explains how kids of color and or mixed races would try and fit in with what others seen them as and or as whatever the superior race was. It shows the separation between races. We see how the kids would change their hair, clothes etc.. to fit in. they were not themselves, but soon realized this and began trying to find their own identity, accepting their race.

Lineup: Who’s White?

This video shows someone trying to guess which strangers identify as white but their looks, voice etc. This relates to many courses and theories from class due to this video kind of showing the idea or racism and racial stereotypes. This is also a very fun video to watch.

Self-Hate and Colorism in the Black Community

In this video we see Nick Cannon talks about the negative effects colorism has on the black community. They see this through the perspective of the music/entertainment industry showing how “light skinned” men and women are at the top of the charts vs darker skinned women. This is still seen today and the trend of light skin vs dark skinned people still continue. Same race going against one another.

Will Multiracial Kids End Racism?

This video shows that in several decades majority of people in America will be of mixed race. Even though majority will be of mixed race , multiracial people will not end racism due to being mixed does not shield you from racism, there is still racism even though we have a lot of mixed races today and lastly racism is an institutional problem.

The Loving Generation: The Obama Era

This video shows how the election of president Obama caused many racial barriers to come down and also showed a positive movement towards change. Obama represented African Americans and any other people of color. He allowed people to feel like they belong as a person, community and or generation. This video also shows how race was a huge factor in the race and what controversy it made for all people about the topic of race. This relates to today’s issues with race and racism.

I would like to have more clarification and or information on colorism and self-hate. I’m very interested to know more details on this topic.

classmate 2

Theorists; what are their major findings and perspective?

Doyle and Kao

Doyle and Kao’s research focuses on the stability of racial identity on multiracial individuals. They find that the racial choices of multiracial individuals tend to be more volatile than monoracial individuals. As adolescence and early adulthood is a time for intense self-revelation and changes, this reflects the volatility that comes to racial choices in younger individuals although it can’t be assumed that change will continue to occur into adulthood and beyond. Additionally, other factors like socioeconomic status and physical appearance affect racial self-identification. Specifically, they found that Native Americans were most inconsistent when in their racial choices while it from white to black to Asian to a multiracial combination.


Herring focuses on the complexity of biracial identity development in biracial youth using Poston’s Biracial Identity Model. He highlights the sociocultural issues that arise specifically in biracial youth including difficulties with gender confusion, self-hatred, alcohol and other drug abuse, suicide, delinquency, alienation, and denial of self and racial self-identity. Furthermore, he explains that other models of identity development have limitation when it comes to biracial individuals thus unable to fully address the unique characteristics of biracial people. Herring brings up the Biracial Identity Development Model by Poston that, although is based on a scant amount of research, seeks to address the inherent weakness of the other models towards biracial people.

The five-stage model includes: 1) Personal Identity – personal identity factors like self-esteem and feelings of self-worth makes up the identity of biracial children who are not yet fully developed 2) Choice of Group Categorization – youth at this age is forced to choose usually one of their ethnic group. Different factors (status, social support, personal) play a role in the individual’s identity choice but a multiethnic identity choice is unusual for the cognitive development of this age group 3) Enmeshment/Denial – confusion and guilt for having to choose one identity and may experience alienation during their choice, but they still tend to choose one despite being uncomfortable with the choice 4) Appreciation – individuals begin to appreciate their multiple identity and begin to learn their racial-ethnic-cultural heritages, but still tend to identify with one group 5) Integration – at this stage, biracial youth develop a solid, integrated identity and feel whole.

Theories; what is their main argument? How do they relate to mixed race?

Poston’s Biracial Identity Development Model

Poston’s model focuses on the unique experiences of biracial people that other models of racial identity development do not reflect. Based on counseling psychology, this model offers a different approach from the usual minority identity development models. Despite, addressing the unique aspects of being biracial, this model doesn’t have much research backing and is far from perfect. Poston’s model divides the development in five stages: Personal Identity, Choice of Group Categorization, Enmeshment/Denial, Appreciation, and Integration.

Park’s Marginal Man Theory

A concept developed by Robert Ezra Park and Everett Stonequist that explains how the biracial identity is a marginal experience where biracial people belong in two cultures/worlds but none at the same time. Multiracial individuals show different psychological and social characteristics compared to monoracial individuals from living in two or more cultures with different racial traditions and unequal power. The main limitation of this model is that it doesn’t discuss factors like racism or racial hierarchy that can marginally affect biracial people. Additionally, it doesn’t address other aspects of marginality like conflict between parental racial groups or absence of influence from one racial identity.

Problem, equivalent, variant, ecological approach

Problem – This theory explains that being multiracial in a racially-divided world is, in and of itself, a problematic social position. It shows the rejection, isolation, and stigma that multiracial people experience from both dominant and minority groups

Equivalent – This theory explains that a mixed-race person (black and white) will have the equivalence of a black monoracial person through the one-drop rule.

Variant – This theory focuses on the “healthy goal” of integrating two racial identities to develop a stable personal identity and positive racial identity while also learning to develop a positive self-concept and sense of competence.

Ecological – Multiracial individuals may refuse and deny their racial identity and forgo labels and identify as something that is more general (e.g. human).