My major is Media and Culture, and co-major in art management. I hope to work in the media field after graduated. I would like to go to the beach during my vacation. Please use these information in the assignment. Others you can feel free to imagine. Also, please strictly follow the rubric.

Double space, four pages at least.

Myth: I need to figure out my best possible life, make a plan and then execute it.

Reality: There are multiple great lives (and plans) within me, and I get to choose which one(s) to create.

One of the most powerful ways to design your life is to design your lives. I’m asking you to imagine and draft three different versions of your life. The idea is that if your mind starts with multiple ideas in parallel, it’s not prematurely committed to one path and stays more open and able to receive and conceive more novel innovations.

Try NOT to think of these plans as “Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C” – where A is the really good plan and B is the okay plan and C is the plan that you really hope you don’t get stuck with but that every plan is a great idea. Think of these plans as sketches of your imagination and allow you to discover possibilities.

Life One: That Thing You Do

Your first plan is centered on what you’ve already got in mind – either your current life expanded forward or that hot idea you’ve been nursing for some time. This is the idea you already have.

Life Two: That Thing You’d Do If Thing One Were Suddenly Gone

It happens. Some kinds of work come to an end. Just imagine that your life one idea is suddenly over and no longer an option. For example, what if robots take over the accounting profession? What if a particular art form is banned by the government and you are no longer able to pursue it or you will be thrown in jail? This is extreme of course – but what would you do then? This requires you to really use your imagination to believe that you have to make a living doing something other than doing That Thing You Do.

Life Three: That Wild + Crazy Thing You’d Do or The Life You’d Live if Money or Image Were No Object.

If you could make a decent living at it and you knew no one would laugh at you or think less of you for doing it – what would you do? If money and fear were off the table, what would you do? Imagining this alternative can be a very useful part of your life design exploration.

Your project should include:

A visual representation of each life and/or a graphical timeline. Include personal and non-career events as well, you are crafting a full and happy life. You should explore what that means to you.
A title for each option in the form of a headline describing the essence of this alternative.
At least three questions that this alternative is asking. A good designer asks questions to test assumptions and reveal new insights. In each potential timeline, you will investigate different possibilities and learn different things about yourself and the world. What kinds of things will you want to test and explore in each alternative version of your life?
Your plans should include: geography (where will you live?), the experiences you want to have, the learnings you want to gain, the potential impacts/results etc. Get as detailed as possible. Please keep in mind things other than career and money! Even though these things are important, there are other critical elements you want to pay attention to.
A reflection at the end which details how you employed each of the creativity mindsets we’ve discussed in class.

Some assignments and in-class activities you can include:


Find your Passion Framework

Good Time Journal Exercise + A.E.I.O.U. Deep Dive

*Note: The Good Time Journal Exercise worksheet is uploaded to Canvas under “files”. Feel free to print it out or make your own.

This project is not just about the final product, it’s also about the process. I want to see all of the work that went into how you created your alternative life plans. This is your opportunity to really great creative in terms of how you present your project. Please consider the assessment criteria for this course.


Project #1: Design Your Life Rubric

Project #1: Design Your Life Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDepthDoes the project have depth? Was the project detailed and comprehensive? Did it push beyond a surface level understanding of the content we’ve covered? Was it profound and interesting to read?

10.0 pts


9.0 pts


8.0 pts


7.0 pts


6.0 pts

Below Average

5.0 pts


4.0 pts

Very Poor

3.0 pts

Little Effort

2.0 pts

Very Little Effort

1.0 pts

Bare Minimum

0.0 pts

No Effort

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntrospectionDoes the project clearly demonstrate how the student is applying course content to this project and to their every life? Is the project personal? Did the student offer a reflection on the project as a whole?

10.0 pts


9.0 pts


8.0 pts


7.0 pts


6.0 pts

Below Average

5.0 pts


4.0 pts

Very Poor

3.0 pts

Little Effort

2.0 pts

Very Little Effort

1.0 pts

Bare Minimum

0.0 pts

No Effort

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRiskIs it clear that student made an effort to expand their comfort zone? Did they try a new medium or exercise risk within the content that was presented? Did the student clearly articulate the risks that were taken in a personal reflection or throughout the portfolio?

10.0 pts


9.0 pts


8.0 pts


7.0 pts


6.0 pts

Below Average

5.0 pts


4.0 pts

Very Poor

3.0 pts

Little Effort

2.0 pts

Very Little Effort

1.0 pts

Bare Minimum

0.0 pts

No Effort

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQualityIs the project free from all misspelled words and grammatical errors? Is it clear that the student was intent on producing high-quality work?

10.0 pts


No noticeable errors.

9.0 pts


8.0 pts


7.0 pts


6.0 pts

Below Average

5.0 pts


4.0 pts

Very Poor

3.0 pts

Little Effort

2.0 pts

Very Little Effort

1.0 pts

Bare Minimum

0.0 pts

No Effort

Multiple errors.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessionalismWas the project presented in a professional, cohesive way? Did the student submit work that is worthy to give a future employer or is it more fitting for a high school classroom?

10.0 pts


9.0 pts


8.0 pts


7.0 pts


6.0 pts

Below Average

5.0 pts


4.0 pts

Very Poor

3.0 pts

Little Effort

2.0 pts

Very Little Effort

1.0 pts

Bare Minimum

0.0 pts

No Effort

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTimelinessWas the work submitted in full before the deadline?

10.0 pts


Project was submitted before the deadline.

7.0 pts


Project was submitted a few minutes after the deadline.

5.0 pts


Project was submitted more than an hour after the deadline.

0.0 pts


Project was submitted past the deadline (more than 24 hours)

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreative MindsetsDid the student clearly demonstrate their understanding and application of the Creative Mindsets that were discussed in Module I. (i.e Curiosity, Play, Divergence, Ambiguity, Risk, Failure and Resilience)

10.0 pts


9.0 pts


8.0 pts


7.0 pts


6.0 pts

Below Average

5.0 pts


4.0 pts

Very Poor

3.0 pts

Little Effort

2.0 pts

Very Little Effort

1.0 pts

Bare Minimum

0.0 pts

No Effort

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompletenessWas the project comprehensive? Did it include all of the required components as outlined in the project brief including: a title, a visual representation of each life and/or timeline, three questions for each life and a reflection. Did the student attempt at least one of the suggested assignments and/or provide sufficient supporting evidence as to how their project was conceived?

10.0 pts


9.0 pts


8.0 pts


7.0 pts


6.0 pts

Below Average

5.0 pts


4.0 pts

Very Poor

3.0 pts

Little Effort

2.0 pts

Very Little Effort

1.0 pts

Bare Minimum

0.0 pts

No Effort

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEngagementWas the project engaging? Did it catch and keep my attention? Did it have the “wow factor”? Did it stand out from the bunch?

10.0 pts


9.0 pts


8.0 pts


7.0 pts


6.0 pts

Below Average

5.0 pts


4.0 pts

Very Poor

3.0 pts

Little Effort

2.0 pts

Very Little Effort

1.0 pts

Bare Minimum

0.0 pts

No Effort

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDivergence/OriginalityDid the student exercise divergence within the development of their ideas? Was the work original? Was each “life” different and unique?

10.0 pts


9.0 pts


8.0 pts


7.0 pts


6.0 pts

Below Average

5.0 pts


4.0 pts

Very Poor

3.0 pts

Little Effort

2.0 pts

Very Little Effort

1.0 pts

Bare Minimum

0.0 pts

No Effort

10.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0