I chose the Latin Culture
You are required to create a cultural informative speech delivery outline for your second speech. This speech is an assessment of the skills and abilities that you acquired from the Understanding Human Communication textbook (chapters 3 and 11—13) and the lectures. You are required to research cultural values and to explain the cultural values through analysis. You must pick a culture or co-culture that is different and distinct from your culture. Use information obtained in the course textbook and research to analyze three of the following cultural values:
? High-Low context
? Individualism-Collectivism
? High-Low Power Distance
? Masculinity-Femininity
? Competitive and Cooperative
? Talk-Silence
? Uncertainty Avoidance
Additionally, you must identify how the cultural values are displayed or practiced within the culture through verbal and nonverbal means. Research is required for this speech and you must locate at least two different sources from the CCBC Library and a total of four sources to integrate into your speech. You cannot use Wikipedia, About.com or E-how. If you decide to use sources from the Internet, remember to evaluate your sources. You should consider using CCBC’s Research Guide: Countries and Cultures. Navigate to the CCBC Library at http://libraryguides.ccbcmd.edu/countries
Format: You must have four sections of your outline (Introduction, Body, Conclusion and Bibliography) and each section must have the appropriate heading. This outline must be in full sentence format. The Introduction and Conclusion must have capital letters next to each of the elements in the section. Each element must be on a separate line. The main points in the body of the outline must have Roman numerals and the supporting details must have uppercase letters. The supporting details and sub-supporting details must be Arabic numbers and lowercase letters. You can review the sample outlines in the Learning Module Two – Public Speaking Tools folder. Just remember that you have to adjust your outline to this assignment. Nonverbal behavior: Indicate nonverbal signals throughout your outline. Introduction: You must have the following elements in the introduction. First, attention getter/grabber, second: credibility, third: thesis and last: preview. Each element must be separate and have an uppercase letter next to it. Please see the example below: Example: Introduction A. Believe it or not, chocolate is good for us to eat! (Look at audience and smile!) B. Not only am I a chocolate lover, I am a professional baker and I specialized in chocolate deserts C. There are many benefits of eating chocolate D. Today, I’ll explain the health benefits and psychological benefits of eating chocolate. Body: You can only use one organization pattern to organize your main points and your main points must be parallel. You must have between two to five main points that are subdivided. Each main point should have at minimum two supporting points and at maximum five supporting points. You must consistently separate all points (main, supporting, sub-supporting, etc.) by using the appropriate Roman numerals, Arabic numbers, uppercase letters and lowercase letters. All supporting points and sub-supporting points must be indented appropriately. All transitions, internal summaries or reviews and signpost must be in either brackets or parenthesis. (If you use material or information from another source, please do not forget to cite your source.) Conclusion: You must have the following elements in your conclusion. First, review the preview, then write the memorable thought and last include thank you. Again, all elements must be separate and have an uppercase letter next to it. Please see the example below: Example: Conclusion A. You should now know the health and psychological benefits of eating chocolate. B. A quote from Michael Levine in Brenner’s text The Emperors of Chocolate: Inside the Secret World of Hershey and Mars, “Chemically speaking, chocolate really is the world’s perfect food.” (Walk to center of room and smile!) C. Thank you Bibliography Brenner, Joel. The Emperors of Chocolate: Inside the Secret World of Hershey and Mars. New York, NY: Broadway Books. 2000. Print. Citation: You must use MLA 8 citation style for the bibliography. However, you should integrate your citations within the other sections of your outline. Remember, if you cite a source within the introduction, body or conclusion it must appear on your bibliography page. If you have sources on your bibliography page, then they must appear in either the introduction, body or conclusion.

Next- Powerpoint slideshow from the outline above

Overview You are required to create a slide presentation that accommodates your oral delivery. You should review the section on Using Visual Aids in Chapter 13 in the Understanding Human Communication textbook. You can also review articles and video clips about slide presentations in Learning Module Two. The slide presentation cannot replace you as the speaker, however, it supports your main points in the speech. Slide presentations appeal to our visual senses and help us understand and remember material. For example, if you were giving a speech on psoriasis, a skin disorder, then it would be help to show pictures of psoriasis and perhaps a brief bullet list of the contributors of psoriasis. Can you tell me what should go on each slide from beginning to end? Yes. First, you should have between 3-5 slides. The first slide is the cover. Think of your cover slide like a cover for a book or a magazine. On the cover slide you should put a title that corresponds with your speech and your name at minimum. You can also add a picture if you want. The inside slides should represent your main points. The last slide is either the bibliography or works cited for the slide presentation or you can type “Thank You”. What can I put on my slides? You can use pictures, pie charts, bar charts, line charts, word charts, bullet lists, diagrams and drawings. Make sure that your charts and/or diagrams are easy to read from a distance. Where can I locate pictures? You can use Pixabay (www.pixabay.com) or Google Images. Can I put more than one picture on a slide? Yes, if it helps support the point that you are discussing. Be careful and try not to overcrowd the slide. Can I add a video or sound? Yes, you can add a video or sound if they support what you are talking about. For example, a student once gave a speech on classical music and after she explained each musical piece, she played a 30 second sound clip. So, make sure to keep your video clip or sound clip less than one minute, so that it does not distract from your speech. Or if you are going to use a sound clip for background noise, make sure that you are speaking loud enough that you can be heard over the background noise. For example, a student gave a speech about a natural disaster and on one slide in the background the student had a low siren play. As you create your visual aid, keep your audience in mind. Don’t bore them or waste your time typing a lot of text on your slide. Look for graphics or pictures to replace the wording. Do I have to place my works cited or bibliography on the slide? It depends. Did you put a quote from someone on the slide? Did you use someone else’s chart on your slide? Anything that you place on your slide that belongs to someone else and requires attribution (citation), then you must add a works cited or bibliography. You also have to cite on slide either by using parenthetical citation or a caption. What should I not put on slides? You should not put paragraphs on your slides. You should not put any part of your introduction on the slide or any part of your conclusion on the slide