Hi, I have 2 of my classmate posts. I need you to respond to each one separately. , one source at least for each one of them.

how good their posts or how bad.

to do is to choose one point of the post and explore it a little bit with one source support for each response. The paper should be APA style

question was:
Points of Distribution (POD) can be extremely beneficial in disaster situations. They can also create concerns during an operation in regards to transporting supplies, safety, security and finding an optimum site for establishing a POD.
Pick one area, either beneficial or detrimental; briefly explain how that would affect a disaster operation, and how you would improve upon the process.

is the first post from my



Beneficial Aspects of POD in Disaster Management
Point of distribution refers to a place where the public goes to pick emergence supplies following a disaster. It is crucial in areas which lack organizations to support the normal distribution of food, water or other supplies. The need for the POD, location, staffing, and the commodities to be distributed

the point of distribution are determined by the Local Emergency Management Agency. The Point of distribution should accommodate the Vehicles, Pedestrians, Mass transit traffic or a combination of all of the above. Due to its complexity, there are activities which can be done to enable smooth-running of the point of delivery and avoid instances of disasters. Therefore, it is beneficial in managing the disasters and prevents further occurrences of the disaster. It should be located in highly populated areas which are a condition to be considered when setting up a point of distribution. The traffic patterns should also be considered to enable

faster flow
of the goods to the people without restraining in busy traffics. It is beneficial as it allows for both small and heavy

to get in and out of the location efficiently.
Large POD allows for accommodation of many commodities and hence serves a very big population. Efficient means of distribution

for faster distribution of these commodities to the public. In most cases there

quantity rules set governing the point of distribution. That is a requirement for the personal vehicles to receive enough for a household of three. Most of these points have easy access to the emergency response with a clear entrance and exit in the site. These points have good equipment and personnel which are suitable for handling catastrophe related cases in the location. The staffing is very cheap and willing to serve the public as it consists of mainly volunteers who are easily managed under minimum concentration.
The media of contact

very crucial in a point of distribution as it strengthens the POD operations. The success of the POD is determined by meeting the demand of the public which is a beneficial process to the public and this is made possible by the clear planning. A good POD which has developed strategies and coordinated efforts will benefit the community in getting the lifesaving commodities very quickly and efficiently. The program takes into account the public needs, the capacity of the infrastructure and the resources available to make it very

and reliable. To administer a disaster, the POD has got a team of members who facilitate its efficient performance. With a Manager who is responsible for all activities in the POD; staffing, supply chain safety issues and then planning. After the manager, there is a very efficient loading

team which
is responsible for the loading activities and keeping the vehicle moving and in a good condition and then there is the support team which is responsible for resupplies of commodities, unloading the heavy commodities and also sustaining the staff operations by providing hospitality to them.
There is a public information officer who helps to create awareness to the public in the matters concerning the POD. He plays a very crucial

in giving the residents information and guidance on safety such as to inspect their areas daily, to put on proper cautions and to report immediately in cases of any incidences or injuries. It is beneficial as it is open to the public for twelve hours and provides for a break to the volunteers and provides a faster deliverance of its services with the support of the traffic officials. The manager is responsible for monitoring the burn rate to enable supply chain. It is capable to control a calamity to a sustainable point where the public can then take over. It has got set plans to send someone to show up in places of disaster and people need help after closing. It maintains goodwill with the residents.
Kunreuther, H., Ginsberg, R., Miller, L., Sagi, P., Slovic, P., Borkan, B., & Katz, N. (1978). Disaster insurance protection: Public policy lessons. New York: Wiley.
Laporte, R. B.,

, J. A., Blankenship, A. I., & Fontaine, S. A. (2003). U.S. Patent No. 6,621,975. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

This is the second post from FUNYIESS need to



Point of distribution refers to the area in which the community moves, and selects the emergency supplies after the disaster. This is important in areas where there are no organizations that support the general distribution of food, water or other materials. The need for distribution of POD, location, personnel, and equipment in the distribution area is determined by the Local Emergency Management Agency. The distribution point should include vehicles, pedestrians, travel missions, or a combination of all of the above. Because of its complexity, there are things that can be done to facilitate the smooth movement of the delivery point and avoid disasters. Therefore, it is beneficial to manage disaster risk and prevent ongoing disaster outbreaks. It should be located in more populated areas, which should be considered when distributing.
Points of distribution are useful for the emergency response in order to facilitate people in disasters. Logistics affirms the importance of POD’s. Effective distribution systems allow you to quickly distribute these items among the population. In most cases, there are a number of principles governing the distribution point. It is necessary for your vehicles to get enough of the three houses. Most of these points have easy access to responsiveness by entering and exiting the site. These positive tools and personnel are qualified to work with local disaster situations. Work is much cheaper and it is ready to serve the community, as it consists mainly of volunteers who are easily managed with less labor.
Certain factors are there which determine the location of the POD’s to be made. It’s made sure that the routes to POD’s are easily going to facilitate people. Nevertheless POD’s are much effective because of their importance that people get facilitated in their area. In my view POD’s are having many advantages.
Reference:Points of Distribution (PODS) – Hamilton County EMHSA. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.hamiltoncountyohioema.org/points-of-distribution-pods/
Kunreuther, H., Ginsberg, R., Miller, L., Sagi, P., Slovic, P., Borkan, B., & Katz, N. (1978). Disaster insurance protection: Public policy lessons. New York: Wiley.