HRM 530Discussion 1
“Employee Development” Please respond to the following:

Propose three ways that a mentor and a new employee orientation can assist employees with their career development.

Evaluate the following criteria, in order of importance to you, in regard to the workplace: material wealth, success, career satisfaction, and work-life. Determine whether or not you believe there is a way to balance them. Provide two suggestions on how this could be done. Support your position.

Discussion 2
“HR Certifications” Please respond to the following:

Go to the Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) Website and review the information regarding HR certifications. You can also go to the HR Certification Institute’s Website and review information regarding HR certifications. Next, examine the benefits of obtaining a Professional in Human Resources (PHR) certification and / or a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) certification. Rate the importance of these certifications in regard to an HR employee’s career.
Examine some of the causes and symptoms of employee burnout. Propose steps that management can take to reduce the possibility of employee burnout. Support your response with recognized authorities in the field.

Discussion 3
“Compensation and Government Regulations” Please respond to the following:

Compare job-based pay with skill-based pay and provide an example of each. Determine which pay you would prefer. Support your decision.

Determine how government regulations affect compensation and if the regulations are needed. Support your position with examples.

Discussion 4
“Compensation and Packages” Please respond to the following:

Examine the common elements of compensation packages. Determine which two elements you believe to be the most motivational to an employee and to you. Support your position.

Compare team and individual bonuses and incentives. Determine which type of bonuses and incentives you would prefer. Support your position with examples.

Discussion 5
“Labor Unions” Please respond to the following:

Go to the United States Department of Labor and read the section titled “Employment Rights: Who has Them and Who Enforces Them”. Next, evaluate the intended effectiveness of The Americans with Disabilities Act and The Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Determine how these laws affect human resource (HR) management. Speculate what the impact of the Act will be in 10 years. Support your position.
Use the Internet to research the role of unions in the United States compared to three other countries. Next, examine how the role of unions in other countries differs from the role of unions in the United States. Provide examples of three countries and how unions operate in those countries in regard to HR management.

Discussion 6
“Company reorganization and the Future of HR” Please respond to the following:

Provide an example of a company that has done a total “turnaround”. Determine if the turnaround has been effective and improved its profitability.
Examine changes and developments that are currently taking place in the field of HR management. Predict two changes and developments that are likely to occur in this field in the next 10 years.

HRM 517
Discussion 1

TQM Planning

Imagine your company is being considered for subcontracting the management of a project because of your firm’s excellent human resource and quality management skills. However, you find that you must first convince the contracting company that your company is worthy of the position. Recommend a plan that centers on total quality management (TQM) that highlights your firm’s experience with TQM and human resources.

Discussion 2

Time Management Techniques

Watch the video titled “More Management Techniques from The One Minute Manager” (6 min 28 s), shown below. From the video, give your opinion on the three (3) approaches discussed in the video (goal setting, praise, and reprimand). Assess how these are or are not applicable to a team setting, and whether this is still pertinent in today’s workforce given that the video is nearly three (3) decades old.

Title: Management Techniques from “The One Minute Manager” Date: Sep 6, 1982 Duration: 00:06:28

Discussion 3

Using Balance Scorecard to Measure Project Effectiveness

You are a project manager for a large electronics retailer (e.g., Best Buy) who will be implementing a new time keeping system to track hourly and salary employees’ time and attendance. You have been asked to develop a balance scorecard that can be used to manage the effectiveness of this project. Select an area (e.g., financial, customer, business, and learning) that you will focus on from a balance scorecard viewpoint and explain how you will measure the effectiveness of the project.

HRM 522
Discussion 1
“Ethics and the Global Economy” Please respond to the following:

From the case study, examine HR’s role in ensuring that organizations comply with the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the United Kingdom Bribery Act. Determine what you believe to be HR’s biggest challenge in ensuring compliance with the FCPA and U.K. Bribery Act and suggest one (1) action that HR departments can take to address this challenge.
Examine two (2) of the major HR ethical issues multinational corporations face when operating globally. Recommend two (2) preventative actions that HR departments can take in order to lessen the occurrence of these ethical issues. Provide a rationale for your response.

Discussion 2
“Leadership and Ethics” Please respond to the following:

Use the Internet to research someone you believe to be an ethical leader of a company. Focus on his or her actions of ethical leadership that support your viewpoint. Next, define what you believe constitutes ethical leadership. Provide two (2) examples of the selected leader’s actions that fit your definition of ethical leadership.
Evaluate the leadership of a leader in your organization, or prior organization, in terms of the seven (7) habits of ethical leaders. Determine one (1) area in which this leader could improve upon, and suggest one (1) action that this leader could take in order to do so. Note: Please do not identify workplaces or leaders by name.

Discussion 3
“Environmental Awareness and Organizational Sustainability” Please respond to the following:

Use the Internet to research one (1) environmentally aware organization and its actions. Next, examine the selected organization’s relationship between sustainability, ethical decision making, and social responsibility. Provide one (1) example of this organization demonstrating environmental awareness.
Determine the major effects that an organization’s environmental awareness has on its sustainability. Recommend one (1) approach that HR can take to use an organization’s environmental awareness in order to attract and retain top talent.

HRM 565
Discussion 1
“Career Development, Technology and Management Development” Please respond to the following:

Reflect on the usefulness of a portfolio to provide evidence of accomplishments to pursue career goals. Determine if this approach may be more effective than others.
Describe methods you can use to develop the global perspective of your managers besides sending them to another country to develop their global competency and understanding.

Discussion 2
“Organizational Development Theories and Teamwork” Please respond to the following:

Research an organizational development theory you would use to effect change in a large, multinational company that is experiencing significant growth. Be sure to identify the theory and highlight the points of the theory and why you think it is effective.
Watch the video below titled “Team Building” (3 min 14 s).

Next, discuss how team-building interventions could be conducted for virtual work teams. Identify unique challenges that would need to be addressed using this approach to performance improvement.

Discussion 3
“Managing Diversity and Diversity Training” Please respond to the following:

Select two (2) effective practices you might use as the Chief Diversity Officer of your organization and discuss how you would use them to improve diverse relationships.
Discuss the integration of diversity training into the primary HR strategies of an organization. Indicate whether diversity training supports particular HR strategies or is a separate and distinct strategy itself.