per the student guide:

Writing Activity 4: Final Draft

Due Week 9 and worth 300 points

Instructions: Your final draft should reflect the work you have done to develop your ideas, identify counter perspectives, gather credible research, and draft your essay. You will use feedback from your instructor to review, revise, and edit your rough draft to ensure that you submit your best work.

To ensure your final draft is different from your rough draft, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Revision

Using your instructor’s feedback as a guide, remove content that does not support your points, and add content where you need more support or where your rough draft was incomplete. Refine all of your content to improve clarity, idea development, flow, and the overall persuasiveness of your communication. Chapters 8 and 9 of your Webtext will provide guidance to help you ensure you submit your best work.

Step 2: Editing

After you finish your content, review your paper to make sure your sentences are clear and error free. Pay attention to grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and formatting. You do not want to distract your audience or negatively impact your credibility with small mistakes. Chapter 9 will provide you with guidance to help you avoid these mistakes.

Step 3: Feedback Reflection

Remember to include your feedback reflection after the reference page. Follow the steps below:

1. List the feedback you received on writing activity three

2. Explain how you used feedback from writing activity three to write activity four

3. Discuss how the feedback on writing activity three will help you with future writing.


Grading for this assignment will be based on the following rubric:

Points: 300

Final Written Assignment: Persuasive Essay



Below 60% F

Meets Minimum Expectations

60-69% D


70-79% C


80-89% B


90-100% A

1. Effectiveness of Persuasion

Weight: 30%

The student is not persuasive or is inappropriately persuasive, does not use a balanced approach, and only applies one appeal: logic, credibility, or emotion.

The student attempts to be persuasive and use a balanced approach, but only applies one or two appeals to logic, credibility, and emotion to persuade the audience.

The student is somewhat persuasive, uses a somewhat balanced approach, and applies logic, credibility, and emotion to persuade the audience.

The student is persuasive, uses a balanced approach, and applies logic, credibility, and emotion to effectively persuade the audience.

The student is highly persuasive, uses a well-balanced approach, and uses strong application of logic, credibility, and emotion to effectively persuade the audience.

2. Clarity of Ideas

Weight: 25%

The student does not explain or incompletely explains ideas. Ideas may not build logically from one point to the next. Communication is not clear, straightforward, and/or easy to understand.
Ideas do not flow smoothly from one to the next.

The student ineffectively explains ideas and ideas ineffectively build logically from one point to the next. Communication is not completely clear, straightforward, and/or easy to understand.
Ideas may not flow smoothly from one to the next.

The student partially explains ideas and ideas somewhat build logically from one point to the next. Communication is somewhat clear, straightforward, and easy to understand.
Ideas flow somewhat smoothly from one to the next.

The student mostly explains ideas and ideas mostly build logically from one point to the next. Communication is mostly clear, straightforward, and easy to understand.
For the most part, ideas flow smoothly from one to the next.

The student fully explains ideas and ideas fully build logically from one point to the next. Communication is completely clear, straightforward, and easy to understand.
Ideas flow smoothly from one to the next.

3. Organization and Structure

Weight: 15%

The essay is unorganized. It may be missing three or more of the following: an introduction, thesis statement, background information, body paragraphs, counter perspective(s), and conclusion. Body paragraphs are not structured to meet the specific needs of the audience, purpose, and content.

The essay is mostly unorganized. It may be missing two of the following: an introduction, thesis statement, background information, body paragraphs, counter perspective(s), and conclusion. Body paragraphs are ineffectively structured to meet the specific needs of the audience, purpose, and content.

The essay is somewhat organized. It may be missing one of the following: an introduction, thesis statement, background information, body paragraphs, counter perspective(s), and conclusion. Body paragraphs are partially structured to meet the specific needs of the audience, purpose, and content.

The essay is mostly organized. It has an introduction, thesis statement, background information, body paragraphs, counter perspective(s), and conclusion. Body paragraphs are mostly structured to meet the specific needs of the audience, purpose, and content.

The essay is well organized. It has an easily identifiable introduction, thesis statement, background information, body paragraphs, counter perspective(s), and conclusion. Body paragraphs are effectively structured to meet the specific needs of the audience, purpose, and content.

4. In-Text Citations and Source List

Weight: 15%

Did not appropriately use in-text citations throughout the essay. No source list.

Does not meet the required number of references; all or most references are poor-quality choices. Most citations are missing or have been used improperly in the essay and source list.

Does not meet the required number of references or there are some poor-quality reference choices. Some in-text citations and source list items are improperly placed, missing, or not formatted.

Meets the required number of references; most references are high-quality choices. In-text citations and source list are mostly correctly formatted.

Meets or exceeds number of required references; all references are high-quality choices. In-text citations and source list are correctly formatted.

5. Grammar, Mechanics, Punctuation, and SWS Formatting

Weight: 5%

There are numerous mechanics, grammar, and punctuation errors. The paper contains numerous formatting errors: it may not be double-spaced; font may be incorrect; margins may not be one-inch on all sides, and there may not be a cover page. It includes none or only one of the following: page numbers or indented paragraphs.

There are many mechanics, grammar, and punctuation errors. The paper includes two of the following elements: is double-spaced; font is correct; margins are one-inch on all sides, and there is a cover page. It only includes one of the following elements: page numbers or indented paragraphs.

There are some mechanics, grammar, and punctuation errors that distract the reader. The paper is double-spaced; font is correct; margins are one-inch on all sides, and there is a cover page. It includes both of the following elements: page numbers and indented paragraphs.

There are minimal mechanics, grammar, and punctuation errors. The paper is double-spaced; font is correct; margins are one-inch on all sides, and there is a cover page. It includes both of the following elements:
page numbers and indented paragraphs.

There are no or few mechanics, grammar, and punctuation errors. The paper is double-spaced; font is correct; margins are one-inch on all sides, and there is a cover page. It includes both of the following elements: page numbers and indented paragraphs.

6. Feedback Reflection

Weight: 10%

The student is not reflective, does not make connections, and does not include future strategies to continue improving writing.

The student may not be reflective, may not make connections, and/or may not include future strategies to continue improving writing.

The student is somewhat reflective, makes some connections, and includes some future strategies to continue improving writing.

The student is reflective, makes connections, and includes future strategies to continue improving writing.

The student is highly reflective, makes insightful connections, and includes future strategies to continue improving writing.

The topic that I chose was The benefits of having a therapy dog with some people. I started the paper based on some of the templates that were included in previous weeks so it has been started (somewhat).

Needs to be double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins. Reference page is SWS style (references need to be numbered)