1.Original post (3 paragraphs with citations( (I work in CCU/ICU)
2. Reply to Peer 1 & 2 (2 paragraphs each with citation) (Reply to Nora and Julio
Each person has his or her own personal history; that is, his or her collected experiences. Everything you have ever seen, heard, felt, learned, or experienced has lead to the development of this personal history. Factors that affect this history include your gender, race, age, ethnicity, culture, education, native language, and religion, to name a few. Collectively, these factors create the sum total of who you are as a person. Bias occurs when a person has a tendency towards a particular perspective or ideology (i.e. your personal history); after all, you see the world through your own eyes. To some extent, every person has a natural bias. However, if or when your personal bias interferes with your ability to be unprejudiced or objective – especially in your nursing practice – your biases can become problematic. In this discussion, you will have the opportunity to determine how strong your biases are.
In the professional nursing practice, nurses must provide unbiased care, even in situations where the person/s being treated have different backgrounds (language, religion, culture, ethnicity, etc.) than you. The first step in overcoming and minimizing personal biases is to recognize them. In this discussion, you will assess your personal biases. Answer the questions honestly and to the best of your ability, noting that there are no right or wrong answers.
Complete the General Awareness and Attitudes Scale
. The General Awareness and Attitudes Scale is adapted from the Cultural Awareness Scale by Catterson, Cookston, Martinez, & Rew (1998). Answer the question as honestly as possible. There are no right or wrong answers.
Once you complete and score the General Awareness and Attitudes Scale, answer the following questions:

What does the scale say about you?
How strong are your biases?
NOTE: Do NOT post your individual scores. This discussion is not about how you score, but about personal discovery. In other words, the focus of this discussion is about what you learn about yourself. You also do NOT need to share your score with your academic coach.
How can you address these personal biases in your professional nursing practice?

Your original post should consist of complete sentences and should be at least two complete paragraphs but no more than three paragraphs.APA format. cite atleast 2 sources within the last 5 week
Reply to posts by two of your peers with reflective questions, substantive comments, or relevant personal experiences.
Nora Polcover
Discussion 3

My answers to this scale are all on very low numbers. I have grown up in New York City, surrounded by people of other ethnic backgrounds from my own, eating their food, playing with their children, attending holiday events and hearing many languages. I believe that culture can certainly influence someone’s beliefs, but that individuals may have different ideas. I try not to judge how I think a patient is going to respond until I actually speak to them myself, but I also try to approach in a respectful way. For example, I always tell a patient before I make any kind of physical contact with them, whether that is to do vital signs or insert an IV. We get many different types of patients in my hospital in Brooklyn. People really only treated differently if they are rude, if I’m being honest. I will acknowledge that there is a bit of bias for me when it comes to alcoholic patients. I don’t feel uncomfortable or pre-judge someone based on what I perceive their culture to be before even speaking to them. I am not without bias, it’s just that cultural bias is not the bias that I hold when it comes specifically to patient care. I work in the ER. I want to preface my thoughts with that. When I approach a patient, I try to imagine that they are here because they have a problem for which they are nervous and looking for an expert to help them with. A physician once told me to imagine it like I am taking my car into the mechanic. Personally, I don’t know much about cars. I’m hoping the mechanic will take a look at my car, find the problem and fix it so that I can go on about my life safely. This is how he said to think about people coming into the ER. Some of them have more knowledge about their body and conditions than others, but the fact of the matter is that they have a problem and they are coming in for help. Whenever I find myself getting annoyed with a chief complaint, I try to think about it that way. I also think that thinking about a patient in this way instead of looking at what culture you perceive them to be can help curtail bias. Look at everyone on the same level until you actually speak to them.
Julio Ramirez
discussion 3

I believe that everyone has some of degree or potential to become bias at any given situation. As the instructor explained, our upbringing determines a great part of who we are and how we conduct ourselves in society. Ross (2014) states that bias can be unconscious, part of who we, and direct our daily lives; the question, Ross affirms, is which ones are our bias?.
The scale states that I have minimal bias behavior or at least I can take control of my opinion or way of thinking when I care for my patients. Although, as human that I am, I can be judgmental, however, I do not let it show in front of my patients. I try to provide the same amount of care, providing patient dignity, and being respectful. At the same time, I do set limits and I do explain how the care plan is going to be dictated. I am a psychiatric nurse and I have patients with chronic/acute mental illness, substance abuse patients, patients who abuse the system trying to avoid legal consequences, suicidal/homicidal patients, and even convicted criminals so I do believe I have a thick skin. On top of their mental health I also deal with their medical issues when present.
I believe my background has a lot to do on the person I am today. I am Peruvian and my upbringing was quite normal for a kid from the third world country. I walked to school, I only have 2 pair of shoes, limited clothing, we would lose water and electricity at different times of the year so rationing was a must; however, my parents taught me well, they inserted in me a good set of values, equality, and fairness. I constantly saw my parents helping the less fortunate and even providing them with food in our home.
Many situations can spark our bias such as long hours, feeling burnt out, repetitive annoying situations, accumulated stress at home, etc. reminding myself why I chose this profession and who I am works bringing me back to a neutral position allowing me to perform my job in an unbiased manner. I do run and ride a lot which is important for selfcare; people that constantly exercise perform better at their job (general knowledge).
Ross, H. (2014). How unconscious bias affects everything you do. Retrieved from: https://www.fastcompany.com/3037359/how-unconsciou