Assignment 2: LASA: Final Analysis and Future Thoughts
This assignment is a summative work related to your exploration and initial application of foundational counseling skills. You are to provide an analysis and critique of where you sense you are in your development. Likewise, you are to reflect on your progress and identify specific areas where you would like to focus as you progress through your program.
Preparation Prior to Practice Session

Note: You, or your partner, will receive an e-mail about a shared Zoom account. Check your student issued email in the regular and junk mail areas.
Your instructor will assign you to work with a fellow student for this exercise.
Schedule a practice session with your assigned classmate.
Remember, you will likely be both a client and counselor for this assignment, so plan accordingly.
The practice client should respond and interact naturally with authentic answers.
Prepare to record the practice session, so you can see and hear yourself and review the effectiveness of your interventions.
Prepare to take notes during the session. This will help you formulate your summary towards the end of the session.

Part I: Conduct a Counseling Session
Conduct a minimum 30-minute taped practice counseling session integrating the foundational counseling skills to the best of your ability. Make sure to include a Mental Status Exam (MSE) and a risk assessment in the beginning.
Part II: Transcribe the Session
For this practice counseling session, complete a comprehensive transcript using the Final Transcript Template. In the transcript, analyze the following:

Which specific skill or skills were used each time you (the counselor) spoke?
Rate your skills on a scale of 1–5 (1 = ineffective, 5 = highly effective) by evaluating the effectiveness of your interventions.
For each of your interjections (as a counselor), provide a specific alternative for your own response (assuming you could re-do the session). Consider the client’s developmental stage, diversity characteristics, and empirically supported interventions in your revised responses.
Classify the skills(s) that were implemented in the last column.

Part III: Write a Reflection Paper
In regard to the practice session, write a reflection paper in 3–5 pages (not including the title page and reference pages). Address the following in the paper:

Articulate how you conceptualize the client and her or his problems and potential solutions.
Critique the effectiveness of your mental status exam and risk assessment noting appropriate refinements.
Determine what cultural and ethical issues were observed in the session and how you adjusted to accommodate them.
Identify any personal connecting thoughts, experiences, or other potential counter-transference issues you may have had at the time.
Articulate your plan for the next session with this client, were you to have one.
Explain how goals were established and how they were achieved.
Discuss how termination of the session was addressed.
Discuss the use of client feedback. As part of that you will ask your client to rate the session using the Bordin (1979) conceptualization mentioned above (see above). Please discuss your experience of client feedback.

Tasks (the way the counselor went about working with me) rated on a scale of 0 (did not fit well for me) to 10 (fit like it was customized for me)
Goals (what we discussed) rated on a scale of 0 (did not talk about what I wanted to talk about) to 10 (talked about what I wanted to talk about)
Emotional bonds (therapeutic relationship) rated on a scale of 0 (did not feel understood or listened to) to 10 (felt fully heard and understood)

Your final product will be in a word document and be approximately 3-5 pages in length (and the Final Transcript template) and utilize 2-3 scholarly sources in your research. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Portfolio Requirement:
As a student in the CMHC program, you are required to create a portfolio documenting both your academic work and professional activities completed during the program. This assignment is a summative work related to your exploration and initial application of foundational counseling skills. You are to provide an analysis and critique of your skill development. Note: please add the practice session video link into the Part II transcription.
Submission Details:

By the due date assigned, save your document as M7_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc and submit it to the Submissions Areaalong with the completed Final Transcript Template.

Assignment Components
Maximum Points

Transcript Completion: Complete the Transcript Analysis Form in its entirety.
The Transcript Analysis Form in completely filled out documenting the full counseling session. It is clear and detailed.


Skill Identification: Identify which specific skill (s) was used each time you spoke and rate them regarding the effectiveness of your interventions.
All specific counseling skill(s) are identified correctly. A rating is given regarding one’s effectiveness for each intervention.


Divergent Thinking: For each of your interjections as a counselor, provide a specific alternative for your own response if you could have re-done the session. Consider the client’s developmental stage, diversity characteristics and empirically supported interventions in your revised responses.
Many clear and accurate specific alternatives are given regarding how one could have re-stated his/her response. Consideration of the client’s developmental stage, diversity characteristics and research literature apaparent in the revised response.


Case Conceptualization: Articulate how you conceptualize the client and her or his problem and potential solutions. Include any cultural and ethical issues observed and how you will address them.
A clear and logical conceptualization is articulated and supported by aspects of the session. Cultural and ethical issues observed are included. Scholarly resources are utilized in support.


MSE and Risk Assessment: Critique the effectiveness of your mental status exam and risk assessment noting appropriate refinements.
Critiqued the effectiveness of the mental status exam and risk assessment noting strengths and weaknesse as well as appropriate refinements to address the weaknesses identified.


Counter-transference: Include any personal connecting thoughts, experiences, and/or other potential counter-transference related issues you may have had at the time.
Many relevant personal connecting thoughts, experiences, and/or other potential counter-transference related issues experienced are comprehensively provided. Examples are included.


Plan Articulation: Articulate your plan for the next session with this client, were you to have one. Explain how goals were established and how they were achieved and include how termination of the session was addressed.
A clear plan for future sessions based upon the conceptualization and goals is provided. The reflection piece clearly and logically explained how goals were established and how they were achieved for the client. The reflection also includes how termination of the session was addressed. Examples are included. Scholarly resources are utilized in support.


Model Reflection: Discuss the use of client feedback including a reflection on Bordin’s model: Tasks, Goals, and Emotional Bonds.
The paper provided clear results form client feedback and specific measures for the tasks, goals and emotional bonds of the therapueitc relationship based on Bordin’s model.


Model Reflection: Discuss the use of client feedback including a reflection on Bordin’s model: Tasks, Goals, and Emotional Bonds.
The paper provided clear results form client feedback and specific measures for the tasks, goals and emotional bonds of the therapueitc relationship based on Bordin’s model.


Academic Writing

Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e. APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in appropriate and accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use of scholarly sources aligns with specified assignment requirements.

