This paper requires a minimum of 4 relevant resources.
Jail Hosts Father-daughter Dance for Incarcerated Inmates (Associated Press, 2017)
Many little girls dream of dancing with their dads.One prison has developed a program to reunite inmates with their daughters in an evening of glitz and glamour.On July 15th incarcerated dads at the prison dressed up in suits and ties danced with their daughters who wore fancy dresses to the sixth annual father-daughter dance.“It started out as simply a dance in prison, which was great, but our goal is to return folks to the community different than they were when they came in,” said the facility’s internal programs director Sarah Smith. Smith said the goal is to help inmates have better lives outside prison by encouraging them to bond with their families.
Most incarcerated fathers are eligible to attend the dance if they show progress in programs offered inside the prison. If their behavior and participation in the programs is good, the fathers must also attend a 30-hour parenting course before the dance. In addition to the father-daughter dance, Smith said the prison also offers a basketball event, where inmates can play basketball with their sons, and there is a back-to-school cookout for the entire family.
[The above information is from a news story – it is not a relevant resource.It is provided to help you understand the question for this argumentative paper].
The question for this paper……..Is a fun program that brings a child into the prison harmful because it makes prison life seem normal in the eyes and mind of a child?….OR….is it a helpful program that benefits the child by allowing the child to have contact with their incarcerated parent?

You must use research – not emotion – to argue that it harms the child….OR…. it is helpful and it benefits the child.YOU CANNOT BE NEUTRAL.

The focus of your argument must be about the CHILD.

The APPROVED resources for this argumentative paper include relevant empirical (scientific) Journal articles (2013-present) and/or relevant law/statutes, legal case/legislation/Court decisions.

No less than 2 pages – no more than 3 (reference page is not counted in the 2 – 3 pages required).
In text citations required / reference citations required
Relevant research required…..2013 – present
Focus on a logical analysis (reasonableness of an answer) and use evidence to support your argument.
The argumentative paper guideline is also posted in the AP #1 resource folder along with the PowerPoint concerning writing the paper and using research (from Week 1).

APA rules of writing require Times New Roman size 12 font.Double space between all text lines.This assignment guide is double spaced and uses Times New Roman size 12 font.APA rules of writing require 2 (two) spaces between sentences.Do not create a title page. Use a header to identify the assignment and your name.
Start with a paragraph (thesis statement) stating the problem (a paragraph has at minimum 3 sentences (usually more BUT at least 3).This tells the reader you understand the topic and issue.Your AP should have several paragraphs.Indent the first line of every paragraph.Paragraphs provide structure and order to your essay.A paragraph is a collection of related sentences dealing with a single idea.The basic rule of thumb with paragraphing is to keep one idea to one paragraph.If you begin to transition into a new idea, it belongs in a new paragraph.
Refer to the supporting empirical research, and/or law, legal case or legislation that is consistent with your thesis statement and reinforces your position.The research facts establish your grasp of the problem and gives authority to your argument.Write in a technical form….no emotion, no fluff, no filler (BS)…this is not a paper of how you “feel”, it is a statement of fact that supports your argument.Focus on the logical arguments and stay on point throughout the paper.
The conclusion summarizes your argument based on your perception of the problem and concludes with why your argument is important and should be influential.The conclusion does not introduce any new concepts that were not addressed in your essay.Your conclusion should effectively answer this questionWhy was your analysis and argument of the topic important?Do not simply repeat things from your paper.Show how the points you made and the empirical research, law, legal cases and/or legislation you used fit together to create an interesting original essay that emphasizes your perspective on the topic.
The research you use for your argument must be empirical (scientific) and/or law, legal cases and legislation.
*********Do not use debateapedia, wikipedia or any web site ending in pedia, definitions from dictionaries, webmed, an encyclopedia, newspapers, CNN, MSNBC, news stations, online magazines, Dr. OZ, Dr. Phil, blogs, Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Oprah, Nancy Grace or any of the other broadcasters in popular or social media, or websites that are just general information. Use Google Scholar or OhioLink to search for empirical journal articles if needed. If you cannot find a publication date and the name of the author it is unlikely to be an empirical research source.Do not cut and paste anything from any website.This assignment is for you to use critical thinking skills and to have a voice in presenting your unique perspective on a topic.))))))

No less than 2 pages and no more than 3 pages of evidence supporting your argument.
Times New Roman 12 pt. font, double spaced.TWO (2) spaces after every sentence.
You must include a reference page (page 4).The reference page does not count as one of your 3 pages of your argument.All references cited in APA style.
Use research / legal cases / legislation / court decisions to support your argument.
Relevant research is within a short time frame….2013 – present date
Use a header to identify the assignment – the header will automatically generate on each page of the assignment.(Header under the “insert tab” on your tool bar).Header example – AP # 1 – John Jones

APA REFERENCE FORMATTING – Every resource used must have an in-text citation to identify the information AND must have a reference entry on your reference page.

When citing an author in text the name and date should be at the end of a sentence (Jones, 2017).
After reading the experiment conducted by Jones (2017), I concluded that studying helps my grade.
IN YOUR LIST OF REFERENCES…..list resources alphabetically.Every reference must have either a doi or a web address.
Article From an Online Empirical Resource with DOI Assigned
Jones, D.(2017).Strategies for effective studying.Journal of Education, 41(11/12), 1245-1283. doi:10.1108/03090560710821161
Author, A.(date).Title of article.Title of Journal, volume number(issue number), page numbers. doi:10.1108/03090560710821161
Article From an Online Empirical Resource with no DOI Assigned – Online scholarly journal articles without a DOI require a URL (web address).
Jones, D. (2017). Strategies for effective studying. Journal of Education, 41(11/12), 1245-1283. Retrieved from
Author, A. A.(Date of publication).Title of article.Title of Journal, volume number(issue). Retrieved from
Estelle v. Gamble (1976)
Estelle v. Gamble, 429 U.S. 97 (1976)
If there is a resource posted by your Professor without any identifiers as to the source…..cite it as an in-class handout.An in-class handout is cited only within the body of your paper…NOT on the reference page.In-class handout citation =(Alex, 2019).