Directions P1
This assignment involves finding and entering data requested into the MicroSoft Word Document.
Part I: Open a new Microsoft Word Document and save it with the name format “LastName.FirstName.CS1300.LP01” to your drive or cloud of choice. Create a table with 5 columns titled, “Occupation” , “Salary” , “Hourly”, and “SD Salary” and “SD Hourly”. Change the entire document font to “Georgia” and size “11”; the columns may be auto-sized. The Occupation column will be a text column; all other columns are dollar amounts (two decimal places).
Part II: This part of the assignment is where you locate the data to enter into your document. You will need to access the following two websites: 1) Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) 2) South Dakota Labor Statistics
It is highly recommended that you print a blank page of your document to write down your data and then enter it into the Word document later. On the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) web page, use the “A-Z Guide” to search for 5 occupations associated with your program (for example, Medical Assistant, Accountant, Manager) or your field of study (for example, in the health care field, you might pick physician, nurse, medical assistant, lab technologist, certified nurse’s aide). Find the Median earnings for each of those occupations, both as an annual salary and as an hourly wage.
After you have collected all of this data, access the SD Labor Statistics website and locate the same data for South Dakota as well. Using the South Dakota Occupational Employment Statistics web page, locate the major occupational group in SD – clicking a link will scroll the page to the occupational group. You can then search the group for specific occupations and identify the Mean hourly wage and the annual mean wage. You should have one line of information. Enter all of this data into your MicroSoft Word Document. Repeat this process for each of your occupations.
Last, enter this data into the appropriate columns in your MicroSoft Word Document. You may use the attached LP01 Assignment Example Template to complete this assignment.
Submit this assignment to the dropbox “LP01 Assignment: Microsoft Word Documents and Wages.” You can navigate to this dropbox by clicking the “next” arrow at the top right of your screen. This assignment is worth 50 points and will be graded according to the scoring guide below.
There are two parts to this assignment. The first half of this assignment is graded on satisfying the Microsoft Word document or software portion of the assignment. The other half is finding and entering the data requested into the Microsoft Word document.
Part I: Open the Microsoft Word Document you created for the “LP01 Assignment” and use the SAVE AS feature to save a new copy of this document named LastName.FirstName.CS1300.LP02. You may want to change your view to “landscape” to fit all of your columns in one view (Go to Page Layout – Orientation – Landscape). Add five (5) new columns to the right of the existing columns (Right Click on the table in the “SD Hourly” Column – Select Insert – Insert Columns to the Right – do this 5 times): “Sioux Falls CoL”; City 1 COL; “City 2 COL”; “Comparison City 1”; and Comparison City 2” (format: currency; no decimal points) (note: you’ll change these labels when you collect your data in part two).
Part II: This part of the assignment is where you locate the data to enter into your Word Document. You will need to access the following two websites: 1) Sperling’s Best Places: (COL); and 2) CNN’s Cost of Living Calculator (COMP) AND you will need the MEDIAN SALARY data from LP01 (if you do not have this data, use $40,000 for your comparison salary amount). Using the COL website, you are going to find the cost of living data for Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and two other locations of your choice. First, click on the link above. This should take you directly to the page for Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Find the number listed for the overall cost of living comparison; you should see a number of “95” for that piece of data. Collect this data so you can enter it into your Microsoft Word Document.
Learning Plan 02: Plagiarism and APA
2. Explore the various forms of plagiarism. Knowledge and skills leading to mastery of this competency: a. Differentiate original writing from support via summaries, paraphrases, ideas, structures, and quotes b. Describe the consequences of plagiarism. c. Identify the correct location for a citation. d. Write simple citations and references in APA style.
Learning Plan 02 examines the various forms of plagiarism. You will gain an understanding of properly citing sources when borrowing material as well as how to paraphrase and summarize effectively.
Learning Activities
Week 2
WATCH this tutorial on PLAGIARISM. Plagiarism can result in negative academic consequences and can deter your credibility for life. This is a serious offense even when committed unintentionally. As you watch this tutorial, think about how you can prevent yourself from having your work questioned.
GO to your Student Portal and read the Student Handbook for NAU’s policy on Academic Integrity. Define the following forms of academic dishonesty: cheating, plagiarism, fabrication and falsification, multiple submission and complicity in academic dishonesty. What surprised you about learning these various forms of academic dishonesty?
WATCH this NBC Learn video clip, “Cut and Paste: Internet Plagiarism” that discusses a common issue with Internet researching.
Learning Plan 03: Identifying Audience and Purpose
1. Explore the writing process. Knowledge and skills leading to mastery of this competency: a. Analyze prewriting strategies. b. Write effective sentences. c. Demonstrate an understanding of Standard English. d. Compare and contrast writing process models.
3. Utilize critical reading and thinking skills. Knowledge and skills leading to mastery of this competency: a. Describe critical reading. b. Use critical thinking skills. c. Analyze articles or essays for the following: the topic, the thesis statement, topic sentences, transitions, support for the thesis, the audience and the purpose. d. Summarize readings using critical thinking skills. e. Differentiate gathering and presenting information.
Learning Plan 3 continues to explore writing techniques with an emphasis on identifying the purpose of writing and audience awareness. You will also apply critical thinking skills as you assess a variety of composed pieces.
Learning Activities
Often times, the hardest part of starting the writing process is finding a topic. Check out this great resource called Credo in the Online Library. There is an interactive Mind Map that you can type a topic in and it will help generate more specific ideas. This might help narrow down a more focused topic or even help generate main ideas to support your topic.
To access Credo, go to the NAU Online Library and click on “Find Books” on the top and select “eBooks” from the dropdown menu. Then, click on “Go to Credo…” To start your search, click on “Mind Map”, type in your term, and click “Search Now.”