I did the part 1 part of the assignment this week, and part two is on the same lesson plan I created/ I will not be able to sent it until Friday, It is a science and nutrition lesson plan using the standard provide. it is attached below for your viewing. When I send it could you take a look and let me what you think.
it will just be for the areas of the lesson plan in red

Good Morning Chriss200, I got an A on the Science Unuit Lesson Plan, For week two, I am required to provide an Instructional Strategy and Summary Of Instruction And Activities For The Lesson. I will attach the lesson plan and the instruction strategy with activities from the lesson I purchased fro teacherspateachers.com. THe professor gaave me the following critiques
rubric requirements for 100% and my scoring for the previous week.
1. Science Unit Plan includes a proficient and thorough summary and rationale as to how lesson can skillfully overlap to successfully include multiple areas of science in one lesson.Professors REsponse:Overall your unit sounds like it makes sense. I wish that your initial descriptions of each lesson focused in a little more on the science but overall they are okay.
2. Science Unit Plan includes specific state-specific, grade-level standards that comprehensively and creatively teach and assess multiple science content areas. Learning objectives are directly aligned to state standards and lesson, with sufficiently appropriate academic language and vocabulary. Professor response was:ur objectives definitely meet the requirements. They are observable and measurable and they are pretty clear. You might want to narrow your standards down a bit so that they clearly are aligned with your objectives. I think you have a few in your listings that don’t really seem to apply to what you’re actually trying to do.
3. Reflection includes a comprehensive and well-researched summary on the planning process of a unit plan with the successful inclusion of multiple content areas of science in one lesson. Applications to future practice are insightful and clearly reflect growth and development as a professional. Professors Comments: Your reflection includes all the required information and is pretty well written and organized.

4, Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors. Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and content-related language. Sentence structures are varied and engaging.. Professors commentsL No comment
5. All format elements are correct.
There are only two responses for this week that only need to be copied from the lesson plan
Going to send all of this to you in an assignment for week two due on Wednesday let me know when you are ready. All you have to do is apply the lesson plan to the presepective areas Topic 2 in RED

Here is what I state I would use as instructional strategies:
The classroom environment promoting my teaching style is Inquiry-Based-Learning/Group Investigation. In the Inquiry-based-learning small group setting, the responsibility of the instructor changes to supporting the students’ capacity to investigate and understand scientific events/occurrences. Inquiry-based-learning encourages student responsibility and the pursuit of knowledge. Learners ask the science-related questions, to best interpret/challenge their findings and present the results. Group Investigation lessons place students at the center of the activities. The Group Investigation model encourages cooperative group investigation for problem-solving. Students collaboratively delve into strategies with their peers to inquire, solve, and generate a better understanding of scientific problems-solving (Cox-Peterson, Melber & Patchen, 2012). It impossible for me to say any one particular method that would be better than another; there is no single “best” mode for teaching. There are no one-size-fits-all instructional approaches that work for everyone. Each student learns differently, and thus we need to ensure that we grasp as many instructional modes as possible for science instruction. Culturally relevant instruction advocates integrating multiple strategies to promote a comfortable and motivating environment for all students, regardless of their learning style, native language, or academic achievement (Cox-Peterson et al., 2012).
Presented In a weekly collaborative planning session for rigor and relevance training, I was introduced to the Question Formulation Technique (QFT. QFT is easy to use as an evidence-based strategy that teaches learners how to ask questions while promoting student-centered learning to increase learner engagement and cultivate “ownership” in an academically stimulating environment. QFT develops growth, learner buy-in, and comfortability while participating, causing learners to pursue their curiosity in the content. As part of the strategy, students critically think about generating questions, and rigorously work in refining and prioritizing their questions for problem-solving as the lesson or unit progresses. It is a giant step away from the instructor saying “here are the questions I want you to answer.” My role now becomes one of a supportive monitor instead of a facilitator. The facilitator role is now transferred to a member of each small group and becomes student-led. When working in groups, students can interact and experiment with new skills while easily making individual predictions and collaboratively sharing observations (Cox-Peterson et al., 2012).
Modeling/Guided instruction for QFT, directs students in formulating their question. I like my requirements of learners creating two closed-end questions and four to five open-end questions to open the mind to self-directed critical-thinking. To academically challenge themselves in problem-solving here is flexibility in the small group selection process. I may select the different groupings for small groups or grant the choice to the learners to choose their groups. In these small group, each member has a designated responsibility along with a facilitator who directs the organizational flow/functions of the group. The positions are rotated each week within the groups until all members experience the various roles. Once each member gains the required responsibility the groups are exchanged out to form new groups, with new ideas, with a new team member, and further adjustments is an adaptive process for the development of social/soft skills. Within the real world, life presents challenges when working with different individuals. Hence problem-solving abilities must come into play with peers to collectively seek solutions. QFT in the Science environment is a relevant, rigorous process that pushes learners to produce, improve, and strategize on how to use questions in transformative ways to prioritize and collaboratively pique their curiosity.
I love promoting lesson plans that have the learners at the center of the activities, formulating and sharing opinions in grouped settings. Collaboration in this form drives peers to question, solve and generate self-discovering knowledge and more readily retained. It removes the old mundane teaching format of lecturing and spoon-feeding the learners Face-to-Face maximizes success for learners within small group settings which promotes social interaction, respect and support, sharing of information, and peer motivation in a Science environment with a community effort that develops a process of “doing” science (Ford, 2008).
Ford, M. J. (2008). Disciplinary authority and accountability in scientific practice and learning. Science Education, 92 (3), 404–423.
Peterson, A. C., Melber, L. M., & Patchen, T. (2012). Teaching Science to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Elementary Students (First ed.). Retrieved March 16, 2019, from http://gcumedia.com/digital-resources/pearson/2011/teaching-science-to-culturally-and-linguistically-diverse-elementary-students_ebook_1e.php