MGTU 301 **Signature Assignment

My Utopia Job

Length: 2-4 double-spaced pages (excluding title and references pages)

Due: Week 8 by Thursday Midnight (Assignments folder)

Value: 240 Points

ILO: #5- Integrated Learning


The purpose of this paper is for students to take management theories presented in this class and the text and apply them to themselves. Students are to identify their own management strengths and to consider two to three of specific management tools offered in this class. Students need to then apply that information and design and explain what they feel would be their ideal work role and environment. This is going to be a personal paper that is backed up by the data from this class.

Based upon:

What you have learned about yourself and your management strengths;
Two to three of the most useful management techniques that have been offered in the text and in class discussions;
What you have learned about the business marketplace.

Using the above three criteria, design your ideal position. The purpose of this paper is for students to take management theories presented in this class and the text and apply them to themselves. Students are to identify their own particular management strengths and to consider two to three of specific management tools offered in this class. Students need to then apply that information and design and explain what they feel would be their ideal work role and environment. This is going to be a personal paper that is backed up by the data from this class.

This paper is to address the following questions:

What are the student’s strengths?
What management concept best fits with the student’s strengths?
How would the management concepts in this class be utilized to create the utopia job for the student?
Why would the proposed role and environment best fit the student’s strengths?
What would be two to three specific boundaries, authority, role and tasks that would be a part of the utopian job?
How does this job fit in with the four responsibilities of management: Planning, Organizing, Controlling and Leading?

Introduction (20%)

Is there a clear “Purpose Statement”?
Does the introduction explain what the paper is about – the main points of analysis?
Does it give a quick overview of the three to five points of analysis?

Analysis (60%)

Does the paper have three to five main points of analyzing how the organization did or did not evolve as explained in the text on how the chosen organization did or did not follow the theories presented?
Does each of the main points have a citation back to the text with a page number and a direct (short – 3 to 5 words) quote?

Conclusion (10%)

Is the conclusion a clear and concise recap of the analysis?
The conclusion can not bring in any new ideas!
Does the conclusion tie into the first two or three sentences in thought?

Process, Punctuation and Grammar (20%)

Are all of the words spelled correctly?
Are the correct words used?
Is the wording smooth to read?
Is proper grammar used?
Does the paper follow APA Guidelines?
Is the paper interesting?

(See rubric on following pages)









Connections to Experience or Among Disciplines


Synthesizes relationships among experiences outside of the formal classroom to deepen understanding of multiple fields of study and to broaden own points of view.


Synthesizes hypothetical examples, facts, or theories from more than one field of study or perspective in a clear easy to understand manner to deepen understanding of multiple fields of study and to broaden own points of view.


Analyzes examples of life experiences, drawn from a variety of contexts , to illuminate concepts/theories/

frameworks of fields of study.


Analyzes hypothetical examples, facts, or theories from more than one field of study or perspective in a clear easy to understand manner.


Applies life experiences and academic knowledge to infer differences, as well as similarities, and acknowledge perspectives other than own.


Describes hypothetical examples, facts, or theories from more than one field of study or perspective that is somewhat unclear or confusing.


Explains connections between life experiences and those academic texts and ideas perceived as similar and related to own interests.


Identifies hypothetical examples, facts, or theories from one field of study or perspective.




Synthesizes and applies skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation to explore complex issues and problem solve in an innovative way in a new situation.


Analyzes skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation to problem solve or make revisions in a new situation.


Applies skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation to contribute to the understanding of problems or issues in a new situation.


Explains skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation that can be used in a new situation.


Reflection and Self-Assessment


Synthesizes, envisions and designs a “future” self that builds on experiences and continued learning that occurs across multiple and diverse contexts.


Analyzes changes in own learning over time, including strengths and challenges, recognizing complex contextual factors that include, but not limited to working with ambiguity and risk, dealing with frustration and considering ethical frameworks with increasing self-awareness.


Apply strengths and challenges in learning experiences, recognizing contextual factors that include, but not limited to working with ambiguity and risk, dealing with frustration and considering ethical frameworks with increasing self-awareness.


Explains own learning experiences with general descriptors of strengths and challenges.


Comprehend and apply management concepts and theories.


Thoroughly applies management concepts and integrates management concepts in details and five personal examples.


Somewhat applies management concepts and integrates concepts in details and personal examples.


Somewhat applies management concepts and somewhat integrates management concepts with a few details or examples.


Does not explain or apply management concepts. Does not supply and personal examples.


Know current issues in organizations from a systems perspective.


Thoroughly applies systems perspective in personal applications details and gives examples for an ideal organization. Explains how this organizational structure would meet “utopia” standards.


Somewhat applies systems perspective in personal applications details and gives examples for an ideal organization. Somewhat explains how this organizational structure would meet “utopia” standards.


Somewhat applies systems theory in somewhat unclear words and examples. Does not give enough detail about the ideal or utopia organization.


Does not explain systems theory and does not give examples of what would be a utopia job. Does not give enough detail about the ideal or utopia organization.


Analyze management problems and opportunities and recommend solutions based upon knowledge of leadership, values and attitudes (both for self and others).


Thoroughly applies both opportunities and solutions for a specific situation. Clearly explains these opportunities for an organization as well as for self. Uses clear examples of leadership, values and attitudes.


Somewhat applies opportunities and solutions for a specific situation. With some detail explains these opportunities for an organization as well as for self. Uses somewhat clear examples of leadership, values and attitudes.


Somewhat applies either an opportunity or a solution for a somewhat unclear or very hypothetical situation. Uses somewhat clear examples of leadership, values and attitudes.


Does not explain an opportunity or a solution. Unclear or highly hypothetical situation. Uses unclear examples of leadership, values and attitudes.